Decatur High School
750 E. Eagle Summit Dr. Decatur, TX 76234
(940) 393-7200 --- Fax (940) 626-4520
Course Breakdown and Grading Procedures
I. Course Grade: Your grade will be derived each grading period from the following:
a. Daily Work------50%
b. Quizzes/Exams------50%
For each semester, course work counts 80% of your total course average and the semester final examination counts 20%. Your final grade for the course will be an average of the two grading periods.
Daily Work (50%) Quizzes/Exams (50%)
Vocabulario (1X) Repasos (2X)
Tareas (1X) Pruebas (2X)
Dictados (1X) Exámenes (3X)
Temas (1X)
Cultura/Literatura (1X)
II. Daily Work: Daily work consists primarily of text homework that has been reviewed and corrected in class. For daily work, a check system will be employed and is demonstrated below: (completion grade)
+ = above average = 100
= average = 75
= below average = 50
= unacceptable = 0
In this course, it is imperative that all homework assignments be completed on the specified due dates as noted on the classroom board always denoted in red. An excused absence is the only reason for an alternative due date. It is a life skill to be punctual with assignments; therefore, when I do assign homework I expect it be finished to the best of your ability and turned in on time. I do not frequently assign homework, but with any work submitted, I will always follow the high school’s late work policy without variations. NO exceptions.
III. Revisions
A. Temas: A strong proficiency in writing is major goal of Spanish AP and CLEP examinations. There will be a series of brief compositions to be completed for this course. If you wish, after I have corrected and returned the papers, you may rewrite the composition making all necessary corrections. You will receive a 10 point bonus added to the original score. This revision is always due the next class day after the assignment is returned to students.
B. Dictados: There will be audio listening comprehension and dictation assignments assigned periodically. Since these assignments will always involve either a CD or Sra. Boedeker reading the dictation, these must be completed before or after school by appointment within one week of the assignment. For a correctly corrected revision, you will receive a 10-point bonus added to the original score.
C. Repasos: At the end of each unit, there will be a Review/Repaso. The students who receive a 90 or higher on this review will receive a 10 point bonus to be added to their major exam over the respective unit. The review assignment is graded as a quiz. (Prueba/ 2X)
IV. Tutorials: Tutoring for this class is available before or after school Monday-Thursday by appointment in A109. I am very flexible with scheduling of tutorials and I am generally available to help you! There is no excuse for failure. Failure is a product of a lack of effort or a bad attitude.
V. Retesting Policy: Those students who receive less than a 70 on any Prueba or Examen will have the opportunity to retake them in order to demonstrate an appropriate degree of mastery. Upon receiving the score of 69 or less, the student must schedule two appointments with Sra. Boedeker. The first appointment will be for a tutorial over the material assessed. The student should bring specific questions or problems to this meeting as well as the original quiz or test. The second appointment will be a time to retest over the material. A retest will not be administered without a tutorial session. Students will be able to retake the Prueba or Examen before or after school by appointment in A109 within one week of receiving the grade. No exceptions.
VI. Make up Work
A. No daily assignment will receive full credit if it is turned in late except for an excused absence. Failure to turn in a homework or makeup work when due will result in deductions. The current late work policy of the high school will be followed without variation.
B. Quizzes/Pruebas, Exams/Exámenes, Dictations/Dictados missed due to an excused absence must be made up before or after school by appointment in A109. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what assignments are missing and need to be made up. With the student’s computer this is a quick and easy process because of Skyward. It is also their responsibility to arrange for alternative transportation before or after school if necessary.
C. It is the student’s responsibility to regularly check Skyward, Gaggle e-mail, and Sra. Boedeker’s teacher page to keep updated on the direction of the class. When a student misses class it is also his or her responsibility to meet with the teacher before or after class or school so that finding out about makeup work will not be disruptive or delaying to the class. If there were any handouts or worksheets, you will find these materials in the appropriate class/period file in the tan metal divider next the classroom door with your name on the appropriate papers. Even if there is no paper in the divider for you, do not mistakenly assume you missed nothing and we must have had a free day in my class. There is no such thing. You need to check your grade and see if there was an online assignment and meet with me outside of class time.
VII. Online Logins
A. Any website we use as a resource will always be a FREE membership. For many sites we use (,, etc), no login is necessary. For this class you will be required to create an account on to use for vocabulary review. You are responsible to record your login name and password (recommend on the “Stickies” app on your Mac) so that you will always be able to access your account. It is equally important you have continued access to your Skyward account and I would advise you to record your Skyward login on a sticky note on your Mac as well. As a precaution against lost logins, I will record each student’s username and password for Quizlet so that if you forget, I can help you regain access quickly and easily.
B. All Quizlet account need registered using your Gaggle email address so the account may be confirmed at school. All usernames must follow the format below:
VIII. Portfolio
Since I do not require students to carry a text or workbook daily, our primary source for class materials will be our laptops and the class portfolio. The portfolio is required for all students and will be graded once each six weeks. The grade will be weighted as an exam grade (3X). The portfolio serves as an organizational tool in which you can easily refer to course materials aiding you in effective study and preparation for class. In addition, it will help to teach you the life skill of organization. The portfolio will be a hard-backed binder divided into the following sections:
A. Title Page (Name/Course/Period/Teacher) This may be either on the front of the binder or hole punched as the first page.
B. Class Information- (1. Cover Letter 2. SIGNED Discipline Plan 3. Course Breakdown and Grading Procedures)
C. Class Notes (*Insert a small spiral notebook here or plenty of loose leaf)
D. Divided Sections: (*use notebook dividers, label in SPANISH)
1. Vocabulario (Vocab Sheets)
2. Handouts & T-Charts
3. Tareas (Homework and Daily Work)
4. Dictados, Diálogos y Temas (Audios, Dictations, Dialogues and Writing themes)
5. Proyectos y Rúbricas (Projects & Rubrics)
6. Cultura/Literatura (Culture/ Literature)
7. Repasos (Reviews)
8. Pruebas y Exámenes (Quizzes & Tests)