Board of Director’s Meeting

March 15, 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 P. M. at the home of Kaye Odom, 15920 Fieldstone Dr, It was attended by Johnny Ritch, Mary Ritch, Kaye Odom, Larry Lee, Wayne Marsh, Jane Miner and guest, Andy Cranfield, N.C. Forestery Service, Sgt. Paul Lemonnds, Stallings Police Department and Debbie Talbert, Fairfield resident.

Kaye Odom introduced Andy Cranfield, who gave an overview of the Firewise program.

He indicated that in his basic analysis that Fairfield rated moderate to high end on the scale for possible fire danger. He indicated that working together we could relieve this danger and make Fairfield a firewise community. He, along with Capt. Johnny Blyth from the Hemby Bridge Fire Department will be in Fairfield, Tuesday, March 22 at 10:00 A.M. to conduct a breakdown on causes, terrain and problem areas. They will develop an assessment plan. There is grant money available, 80% state, 20% sweat equity, Federal stimulus money 100%. We could be eligible for either or both. He said we should hear back from him in 2 to 4 weeks. He then left the meeting.

Johnny introduced Sgt. Paul Lemmonds who gave an overview of how the Stallings Police Dept. cooperated with residents in keepings their community safe. He said if there were suspicious cars, people or if there was a problem to call 911. He encouraged using community web sites and e mail list to notify residents of any problems. He then left the meeting.

Minutes were approved.


February 2011 checking account balance: $22,001.03

January income 7,297.15

January expenses 9,458.68

Jan income/ -(2,161.53)

Liens will be filed on: Ralph and Samatha Jones – 7200 Lake Dr.

Annette Meckola 7104 Lake Dr.

Doug Smith - 6693 Stoney Ridge Rd

Kelley and Jason Profitt - 7108 Edgefield Dr.

Joseph Pelligrin6909 Holly Ct.

Several people have called to set up a payment plan. At the first default of a payment plan, a lien will be filed.


Mary Ritch reported that the new portable toilet had been delivered to the park.

Kaye Odom reported that the pool needs to be resurfaced. Aquatech has submitted a

bid to repair and plaster the pool $27,170 The toilets need to be replace. Lowder

submitted a bid to replace toilets $1,000. The table at the pool need to be replaced

The concrete ones are cracked and broken. New furniture cost $2,364.00

Jane Miner made motion to accept Aquatech bid; Lowder bid; and purchase furniture.

Wayne Marsh seconded (See attached bids)

Discussion: Kaye Odom explained our options relating to getting the pool ready for the

2011 pool season.

Aquatech recommended that the pool be resurfaced due to the finish being completely

gone and painting was not an option if we wanted to continue the pool operation.

Resurfacing with plaster has a life expectancy of 10-12 years. Resurfacing with epoxy

is uncertain. They have managed a pool with epoxy for 4 years and it is holding up.

. Aquatech submitted a quote using the epoxy and doing the necessary

repairs with all prep work and repair of the pool deck area $14,575.00. Aquatech also

submitted a quote to do minimum repairs and clean up $4,915.00. A resident submitted

a quote for painting the pool house, guard shack, chemical bldg, pump house and all the benches for$4,800.00 and Fairfield would buy the paint.

The toilets continued to run last year and stayed out of order most of the summer. The

low volume toilets will cost less in the long run because they don’t use as much water

and will not run all the time.

The pool furniture is very old and cracked and broken.

Motion passed 5-0



RECREATION COMMITTEE: Kite Flying in the park March 19th, 2011


April 30th work day at the pool

No further business, the next board of directors meeting will be April 21st at the home of

Johnny Ritch, 15708 Fairfield Dr. at 7:00 P.M.

Motion made to adjourn..seconded…..10:17 P.M.

Respectfully submitted, Mary Ritch, Secretary