École Irvine Elementary PAC Meeting Agenda

November 18, 2015


Board Members: Cristin Wilson (Chair), Tara Tait (co-chair), Sinead Joy (co-secretary), Rachel Loffler (co-secretary), Jenn Darling (Treasurer)

Present: Colleen Morel, Loreen Dahl, Jennifer Godin, Colleen Harper, Leanne Macgregor, Lisa Smith, Camille Gooderham Campbell, Michelle Hawley, Jen Darling, Laurie Birnie (principal), Roy Reinmuth, Tracey Carslake, Brenda Hynes

Time / Item / Named
2 minutes / Welcome / Cristin Wilson
5 minutes / Old business and approval of last meeting’s minutes
Minute approved / Cristin Wilson
10 minutes
5 minutes / Budget Presentation –updates
Tara has prepared a budget for Sept/Oct
Recent expenditures
·  $2100 issued from the gaming fund for teacher incentives
·  $745 went to the sports equipment
·  Balance on gaming account RBC $5364.45
·  CIBC $11038.67 (not included is the Lunch a Munch for October
·  Voting – new treasurer
o  Jenn Darling –motioned to accept the post
·  All previous accounting to reviewed with new treasurer as DPAC / Tara Tait
20 minutes / Principal’s Report – dates and events, updates, parking information/changes from the city
·  Thanks to all parents for a great start to the year. All members of staff are open to new opportunities and Ms. Birnie will keep parents aware of all changes.
·  Technology – class room smart boards are used regularly.
·  SET BC – Solo 6 technology is being used by two teachers successfully and may be expanded to
·  De-commissioning of the Tech lab happened last year and as a result, school staff are evaluating how they use technology on a daily basis. This year there will be more flexibility. Teachers can book blocks of time rather than a set schedule and therefore enrich the learning of the children re: research, writing, enquiry based learning.
·  Technology should be something that is used to enhance the students learning, so perhaps in the future, students will be able to bring a device to school. (Teachers will spend time teaching Internet Safety.)
·  If and when students bring their own devices to school, students without devices will be supported and supplied with devices.
·  This will assist with students who need technology to support their everyday learning and will lessen the stigma of being different.
·  At some point the PAC could support the purchase of new devices.
·  Current situation – 16 wireless hubs put in due to cinder blocks which should provide the capability for wireless in all classes. The closing of the lab resulted in 60 new to school ‘mobile’ laptops/computers. The District has moved from a PLN network to NGN approximately three weeks ago, which should improve the access but some gaps still remain in access. The School’s IT consultant came to update the computers, and yet there are still issues. So Stephen Whiffin (Associate Director of Instruction for Learning and Information Technologies) is aware of the issues and is working with his IT technicians to solve the problem of connectivity.
·  PAC – Ms. Birnie is asking for PAC input regarding the choice of the photography company for next year’s photos. LIFETOUCH and CREATIVE PACKS have both been put forth. School photos, class photos and yearbook. Proposal: Survey to be sent out by IPAC.
·  Thanks to the PAC for sponsoring –Rock the Arts Super Showdown presented by Art Starts.
·  Class reviews – School based team (EAL teachers, Student services teachers, Gifted teachers, Principal) have met with all classes to review the needs of each class.
·  Curriculum dates – dates for Pro-d can be discussed after the dates set by the District for Teacher Curriculum Pro-d.
·  Parking issues – city has approached the school to see if there is enough signage. Some suggestions include sidewalks, signage on Robin Place to indicate NO Parking. Proposal: an open forum with the City invited.
·  Wooden crossing signs – haven’t been used as the old locks only had one key. The old locks will be changed so that the signs can be secured.
·  Green waste – Currently the school recycles compost (Green waste bin), paper (Blue recycling bin) and some classes are doing the ‘soft plastics and foil’. It has been noted that the soft plastic and foil waste is often left out and is being scattered in the cage. Proposal: Ms. Birnie is to look into upgrading the current system where students collect this waste and how it is stored outside. The Green waste bin that is collected by the city is cleaned monthly. Once the bins were placed on the wrong side of the road for collection, this has now been rectified
·  Updates on previous questions:
Work order for holes: Ms Birnie will follow up with this
Ball equipment: Ms Birnie will discuss with staff regarding a school
yard sweep to collect balls possibly combined with the litter critter programme.
Raining day board games: Ms Birnie to follow up to see if this is
happening as appears has not been happening on recent rainy days
Communication: Parents missed the reminder regarding the
donation for the poppies. / Ms. Birnie
45 minutes / Standing Items
A.  Hot lunch/ treat days / munch a lunch
Can still order during the year. Since last meeting more orders have been received. Next treat day is Dec 9th crispy cream donuts.
Very focused on the new curriculum, not a huge change for people to worry about. Looking more at outcomes and competency “renewal of the curriculum “Questions can go to the DPAC via Tara. The DPAC also happy to come to a PAC meeting and the DPAC is also looking for feedback from parents
C.  Km Club
Results are still posted in the cage. Money will be going towards medals for the spring 2016 and freezies for the spring and autumn 2016.
Tonya has been using her own cool box for some time now and has requested hers be replaced and she will donate the old one to the PAC. Voted that 2 cool boxes will be purchased in the spring one for Tonya and one for the PAC, with Tonya’s donated box the PAC will have 2 for km club and any other events.
D.  CPF Kerrie Turners name has been forwarded as plan from last meeting.
E.  Book Club (for grade 4 and 5)
A wonderful interest with 50 children signed up., 2 groups running due to increased numbers this year. The 1st group has completed the 1st book.
Discussion surrounding supporting the demand on the programme with just 1 volunteer:
? does the district/local library have a programme to reduce work load
? can the librarian assist, Is a teacher interested? or another parent volunteer?
The two smaller groups work better for getting through the book and completing the trivia part.
It was strongly felt that there should not be a cap put on the number of students signing up so as to support the interest in reading
To support the programme with 2 groups another set of 10 books is needed. This will complete the ongoing rotation of books for the programme. The PAC will pay for these books once one has been selected, looking for a female author as well as small scale prizes for the trivia.
F.  Staff Appreciation events to be discussed in Dec/Jan
G.  Sports Equipment
Questions regarding the replenishing of the balls in the future. The Inventory and check is not always happening, see some suggestions from principal’s report. Also discussed asking soccer teams to donate with coaching balls that are used.
H.  Movie Nights Coming up on the 27th Nov 2015, info needs to go out, unsure on the film title. (Inside Out)
I.  Twitter/Facebook Not always Irvine school families posting on twitter just with the way the connections are made to other sites. The winners of the volunteer spots are now being posted on Facebook.
J.  Green report
K.  Volunteer monthly draw Now on face book
L.  Santa’s breakfast
Waiting for information to come out. Not yet been requests for donations for baskets in raffle usually go out to local companies.
M.  Seismic upgrades
No decision if school is to be replaced or upgraded. In the event of an earthquake it is a vulnerable building. It is supported that the school needs to be re-evaluated. Also the impact of the larger district size that the size of the school is not equitable. A feasibility study need to happen which has 2 components.
1. Drilling investigation which has been in process and nearly finished
2. Project development report more of an engineer report which gives more detail regards an upgrade versus a rebuild.
Tara is discussing with Devon Ross as decisions made at a ministry level. Irvine has been bumped previously to other local schools. If any other parent is interested in this topic please contact Tara. There is more info www2gov.bc.ca seismic mitigation program progress report.
N.  Fund raising/ donation letter to families
Received $4300 so far with more contributions still coming in. / A.  Jenn Godin/Lisa Ploss
B.  Jason Lapenskie
C.  Tonya Pankratz
D.  Kerrie Turner
E.  Camille Gooderham Campbell
F.  Tracy Harford
G.  Tonya Pankratz
H.  Michelle Tack
I.  Brenda Hynes/Lisa Ploss
J.  Tonya Pankratz
K.  Tracey Carslake
L.  Carol Spence/Brenda Hynes
M.  Tara Tait
N.  Cristin Wilson
10 minutes / New Items
A.  Playground Fundraising
Not heard back from Ms Birnie as to the life expectancy of the playground, money from the gaming fund can be held for 3 years. Possibly ask to hold half the money next year when applying for the gaming fund money.
Still the option of looking at corporate funded playground / A.  Cristin Wilson
5 minutes / Additional Items
A.  Parent Education sessions (new curriculum)?
At present there was no interest from the floor for someone to come in a talk about the new curriculum.
The lice survey had come back 47% no 53% yes. There was interest but the vote was in favour of not continuing to proceed due to it not being cost effective for $300 for a 50/50 split.
B.  Calendar of school events updated
As of the meeting there are concert dates no tickets available yet.
C.  Field trip education fund
Discussion around supporting field trips. The cost of the bus can sometimes limit the outside field trips. The PAC felt it was important to be able to offer all students the opportunity to go on an outside of school field trip. The PAC has always given $100 for field trips. The PAC voted in favour on giving each division another $100 if a bus is used.
D.  “friends to friends puppet show
This show has been to each class in the past. Its focus is on increasing awareness and education on autism. Could well be a good resource during anti bullying week. This will be brought forward to Ms Birnie as a suggestion in the near future. / A.  Open to discussion
B.  Tara Tait
Next meeting - January 20th, 2015
Meeting adjourned