Fair Oaks Soccer Club
Executive Board Meeting
Minutes for December 11, 2013
Board Members Present
Gil Castanon, John Castro, Jason Keith, Jeff Klein, Marcy Johnson, Jeff Patsey, Steve Stephen, Janine Thomas
Guests: Brian Allen, Darryl Gould, Chris Haustein, Billy Lambeth, Dean Moore, Jay Myers, Norman Pigg, Alan Thomas
The meeting was called to order by Jeff Klein at 6:18 PM.
Public Comment
Treasurer’s Report
Ed Fuchs was not present, no report submitted.
Registrar’s Report
Marcy Johnson reported that there were no changes in player numbers since last month.
Tournament Director’s Report
Mike Marcus was not present, no report submitted.
Referee Coordinator’s Report
Paul Etemad was not present, no report submitted.
Field Coordinator’s Report
John Castro reported that Recreational permits at Phoenix Field are valid through December. John will ask FORPD to remove the goals to prevent them from being stolen.
For the Competitive side: how to improve the fields at Carnegie? John discussed this topic with Corey Auernig and John Morrow. Seeding Field 3 is suggested, but John Morrow is booked through December, so it was considered to wait until March to reseed. It’s best to fertilize the fields 4 times per year, but the school district controls the watering schedule and it is intermittent. John Morrow recommends slit seeding; broadcast seeding is only approximately 60% effective. Spring soccer leagues and Carnegie’s use of Fields 1, 2 and 3 during their spring track season make it a challenge to keep people off the fields.
Discussion continued, and it was decided that the seeding could take place during Christmas break, recruiting parents to help with the task.
Field Scheduler’s Report
Jeff Patsey reported that practices at Carnegie will end December 12, and the lights will be removed. Jeff has only had two teams inquire about field usage for spring league.
Equipment Manager’s Report
Jason Keith reported that the lights at Carnegie will be returned on December 12. On Fields 4 and 5, the goals are permanently anchored, but people are find other ways to try to remove them (swinging on them). Jason will look at additional parts to help anchor the goals even more securely.
Recreational Program Manager’s Report
Mike Battistessa wasnot present, no report submitted.
Micro Soccer Coordinator’s Report
Scott Smith was not present, no report submitted.
Competitive Program Manager’s Report
Steve Stephen contacted current Competitive coaches and asked them to submit applications if they wish to be considered for the upcoming season.
Tryout dates (at Carnegie):
U9-U11 - February 1 &2, February 8 & 9
U12-U14 - February 22 & 23, March 1 & 2
U15-U19 - May 17 & 18, May 24 & 25
Boys - 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Girls - 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
There was extensive discussion about working to keep Fair Oaks perceived in the soccer community as a strong contender in the competitive program market. If we can advertise and proactively educate the community that FOSC offers a true competitive program (often at a better financial value) along with a solid recreational program, we will be successful. Jeff Klein recommended strategizing how to brand our club at the January board meeting. Alan Thomas suggested that our website could be improved with coach profiles/bios, team successes, and more appealing content.
Director of Coaching’s Report
Kip Holmes was not present, no report submitted.
Assistant Club Manager’s Report
Jeff Kleinhad distributed a draft of the updated bylaws at the November board meeting. Only one board member offered changes to Jeff, but the changes didn’t affect content or context (items were only changed to improve grammar, spelling, and consistency). Jeff incorporated the suggestions.
Discussion ensued regarding adding an item in the bylaws that prevents a board member from serving on the board of two competing clubs (i.e. FOSC and ARFC) as it might be perceived as a conflict of interest. Jeff Klein reminded us that modifications to the bylaws may take place with 20 days’ notice at a regular board meeting; the issue was tabled.
Motion by Steve Stephen to adopt the updated bylaws as presented. Seconded by Jeff Patsey. All in favor, motion passed.
Communications/Website Coordinator’s Report
Kim Garcia was not present, no report submitted. Steve Stephen forwarded Competitive tryout dates to Kim and she should be adding the information to the website.
Uniform Coordinator’s Report
Gil Castanon wrapped up the season, and will contact Soccer Pro to get exact inventory numbers for financial reporting purposes. Gil was dissatisfied with the quality of the club’s Competitiveprogram Adidas uniform and was looking into a partnership with Under Armor. However, he concluded that doing so might jeopardize the club’s relationship with Soccer Pro and opted not to.
Manager’s Report
Amber Coppedge was not present, no report submitted.
Old Business
Jeff Klein will work to distribute the Parent Survey in the next week or two.
iSoccer was discussed at previous board meetings as a coaches’ tool, but was never incorporated club-wide to all coaches.
New Business
Candidates on the ballot for the executive board positions for the upcoming season:
Club Manager - OPEN
Assistant Club Manager - OPEN
Treasurer - Ed Fuchs
Secretary - OPEN
Competitive Program Manager – Steve Stephen (2 year term, he will serve for one more year)
Recreational Program Manager – Scott Smith. Due to Scott Smith’s absence from the last two board meetings and no other communication between him and board members, it couldn’t be confirmed that Scott is willing to serve in this role. His name will be removed from the ballot for the time being;the position is now OPEN.
Coaching Manager – Kip Holmes
Field Manager – John Castro
Referee Coordinator – OPEN
For executive board positions with no contest (one candidate running), the individuals on the slate are accepted as the elected board members.
Non-elected positions serving at the pleasure of the Club Manager:
Registrar – Julie Hubbard-Morsy
Micro (U6) Coordinator - OPEN
Field Scheduler – Jeff Patsey
Tournament Director – OPEN
Website/Communications – Kim Garcia
Equipment Manager – Jason Keith
Uniform Coordinator – Gil Castanon
Referee Scheduler - OPEN
Motion by Steve Stephen to table the election until the January board meeting. Jason Keith seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Once Jeff Klein uploads the club bylaws containing the job descriptions to the club website, Marcy Johnson will email the club membership with the updated ballot and solicit candidates. Candidates will have one week to submit their names for consideration, and the new slate of candidates will be emailed to the club membership at that time. Candidates will be asked to make a brief presentation about their qualifications at the January board meeting, where the election will take place.
Good of the Game
Jeff Patsey’s (former Competitive and now Recreational) team played District Cup – won 1, tied 1, and a Recreational player scored the sole goal in the final game, making it a 1-0 win. Championship game is on Sunday, December 15.
The next board meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 6:30 PM at a location to be determined.
Minutes of FOSC December Board Meeting of December 11, 2013
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