Psychometric Specialists
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Significant Factors Report (Sample , A - 13/02/2017)
The following primary scales are significant in this profile:
Score: Very high
Synonyms: Assertive, independent, aggressive, competitive, boastful, conceited. This indicates a strong person who relies mainly on his own abilities and strengths. He tends to prefer to take the lead in most situations which may result in conflict with others as he will be a tend to ignore their input and rely on his own ideas. A strong tendency to confront situations and people will characterises a person with a very high score and he will always externalise feelings of hostility and become overtly aggressive quite easily. Associated with this is a tendency to be unconventional and rebellious which leads to him being a poor performer at tasks which are essentially conventional and staid. At this level, it is possible that arrogance may be used as a veneer to masks feelings of personal inferiority or inadequacy.
Score: Very high
Synonyms: Adventurous, thick-skinned, socially bold, impulsive. He will show a high degree of social adequacy, confidence and will under-react in stressful situations. Characteristically, such individuals appear fearless and will seek out fearful situations which they find exhilarating and exciting. As he largely lacks social inhibition, he may appear to have a need to be the centre of attention and may make a successful athlete or actor who will bask in public adulation. He is not affected by stage fright or nervousness and has the ability to seemingly effortlessly maintain homeostasis. He may appear to be aiming for seemingly unattainable goals and will be bored by the conventional or mundane. Clinically, such a high score is related to rejection of societal norms and a consequent tendency towards sociopathy.
Tough Minded
Score: Above average
Synonyms: Unsentimental, cynical, logical, rejects illusions. This individual will tend to form impressions of the world based on objective analysis and value that which is practical and possible rather than that which is abstract or aesthetic. He will tend to say things the way they are (if he has anything to say at all) an ensure that it is entirely free of emotional content. In short, he will deny that emotions are of any importance and may appear very cynical although he may refer to this as a realistic outlook on life. He will rarely show his own weaknesses and may even keep problems hidden until they become intolerable. Unless he finds relationship partners who are specifically capable of dealing with his apparent lack of open emotionality, he will be rather a loner. This trait may be associated with problematic personal relationships as he will tend to disregard the emotional needs in other people around him most of the time. Yet, he may take responsibility for many things and be somewhat self-reliant and capable of rather objective decisions.
Score: High
Synonyms: Unsuspecting, pliant, tolerant, permissive, conciliatory. Tending to identify with other people rather easily, he will usually like them and be able to share in their lives whether in times of joy or sorrow. He will, conversely, tend to be liked by others as his relative absence of rigid boundaries will be sensed as comfortable. Furthermore, he will probably have little interest in competition and gaining status and thus allow others to get fairly close to him. He will show a tendency to accept other as they are and will not enjoy having to correct them even if this is appropriate. Lastly, he will try to forget any difficulties which arise rather than making an issue of them.
Score: Above average
Synonyms: Down to earth, conventional, dependable, earnest. Tending to be rather bound by external realities, he will tend to assess the practicality of an idea before applying it. He will tend to be most comfortable working with definite, practical topics or in occupations where imponderables are kept to a minimum. Secondly, he will tend to have a good memory for details. Lastly, he will have difficulty forming information into theories or rules. Thus, he will probably show a preference for practical or action-orientated occupations rather than those involving working with abstract concepts or ideas. Yet, he will be rather alert to his environment and make consistently good judgements based on his observations.
Score: Very high
Synonyms: Unpretentious, genuine, socially clumsy, content. He has little use for social pretension and will tend to present himself the way he is without considering the possibility of rather presenting something more acceptable to a situation. However, he is honest and direct about how he feels about himself and others often to the point of being tactlessness. This may indicate a lack of social sophistication or only minimal concern for established rules and standards and yet he will be spontaneous and natural with others and blindly trust human nature. This has been interpreted in one of two main ways. In the first he is seen as genuine and sincere while, in the other, he is seen as inept and foolish. This depends on the observer's framework and the context in which the observation takes place.
Score: Very high
Synonyms: Self-confident, resilient, complacent, vigorous. He has a fundamental trust in his own ability and a positive self-esteem although, at this level, this may not be based in reality and may be indicative of a false sense of well-being verging on smugness. He will, nonetheless, come across as self-satisfied and confident in a wide variety of situations. Clinically, this points to the existence of a well developed defence system which keeps guilt at bay very effectively.
Score: Extreme
Synonyms: Experimenting, liberal, radical, analytical. He will strongly resist conformity and conservative value structures and readily support changes and departures from the old and accepted. He may have a strong rebellious streak and behave in unorthodox ways, easily rejecting tradition, convention and above all conformity. He may resist criticism of his own actions and dislike being controlled by others although he need not want to be dominant over them. This characteristic is often the cause of serious work problems as, strongly resenting authority, he may be viewed as insubordinate and a radical trouble maker. Clinically, it is the conflict with authorities which most frequently causes trouble here.
Score: Very high
Synonyms: Relaxed, tranquil, torpid, unfrustrated, laid-back. He is temperamentally carefree and light-hearted, tending to be tranquil and relaxed even during trying times. He will usually sleep well, remain in good health and come over as calm and usually have a calming effect on others. However, at this low level, he may lack vigour and drive and appear very "laid-back", lacking ambition and a need to achieve. Leading from this, he may be difficult to motivate and get moving which can be very frustrating in situations where deadlines are critical. It is not uncommon to find that this score has a clinical association with fatigue and weariness and thus, a withdrawal from the world into a super-calm state.
High Leadership
This person exhibits traits which point towards their ability to perform as a leader in a range of environments. The leadership secondary is a composite score influenced mainly by Dominance, Conformity, Boldness and Self-Discipline which indicates that such a person will be assertive and self-assured. The style of leadership is determined by the degree of practicality and sensitivity they exhibit. Impact: Moderate
The major participant primary scales are:
Enthusiastic : Average
Undependable : Average
Adventurous : Very high
Confident : Very high
Self-controlled : Average
The following career information is predicted from these results.
Occupational characteristics ideal for this person:
Venturous - Influential Preference (Enterprising)
Occupations which involve the use of persuasive skills and influencing others are included here. These jobs often include the requirement for on-the-spot decision making and the ability to dominate others. Typically managers, military officers, aviators and sales personnel fall within this category.
Summary Points
The Motivation Distortion score is elevated and this profile may be contaminated by the respondent attempting to present an exaggerated picture of his self-perceived good points. While the scales have been corrected to offset this distortion, this should be examined in an interview to assess its significance. It may also be elevated as a result of the respondent spending too much time on individual items rather than responding with their first choice of answer.
Managing Director: C.H. Blake BA Hons (Psych) UCT Arebt (UK)
PR No: 0600180 HPCSA No: PMT0069035