Faculty Technology Advisory Board

Meeting notes – October 20, 2011

In attendance: Lori Temple, Patti Shock, Jean Whitney, Sangil Yoon, Sue Witt, Darcy Del Bosque, Marcus Rothenberger, Helga Watkins

1. Course management system: Timeframes for upgrade

·  OIT is working with the CMSCC to develop a timeframe for a major upgrade of the course management system.

·  Hotel and Nursing will be asked to serve as pilot groups for implementation of the new product.

·  Members reviewed a draft matrix of timeframes for the activities for six major areas of the transition: communication, hardware, software, conversion, training/support, and pilot program.

·  OIT and Blackboard will collaborate in a deep dive to firm up dates for the project.

·  The last major CMS transition in 2006 highlighted the need for improving communication of the “why” for the change. Plans to address this: initial communication to announce the transition, website, detailed communication plan.

·  Discussion:

Ø Pilot groups would use the new product in Fall 2012 or Spring 2013

Ø Let faculty know what they should start working on now before the new product is launched

Ø All courses identified by faculty as pertinent will be converted

Ø Determine whether or not certain components of courses can be flagged as not needed when the course is converted to the new system (e.g., an out-of-date exam)

Ø Separate training/communications for faculty new to the use of a CMS

Ø Create a class in the new product as orientation to the new product

Ø Have training in a computer lab (course conversion class as an open session)

Ø Concern with browser issues continuing with new product

·  What the first communication piece should include:

Ø Isolate what is going to save time by using the new product

Ø Make clear there will help for the conversion (will have a sandbox as a pre-pilot, using OIT staff member’s class), that content will not disappear

Ø Explain this is a gradual conversion over time

Ø Suggest early on that this is a good time to review which courses and materials should be converted (present system will remain up so that courses may be transitioned by semester)

Ø Include benefits of new features on the website (will be posted as a chart of comparisons)

Ø Do not be too technical

Ø Emphasize this follows the natural course of technological evolution

2. Clickers event planning

·  Session 1: Pedagogy of using clickers

·  Session 2: How to use clickers

·  Schedule both before Thanksgiving or wait until two weeks into Spring 2012

·  Carl Braunlich and others with clicker experience at UNLV will be asked to facilitate.

3. Course management system: Issue of purged students/draft policy

·  A faculty member expressed concern after students were purged from the system for non-payment of tuition and their access to the CMS was denied. Once students were re-instated, the instructor had to spend considerable time getting students up to date in the course. This situation unfairly burdens faculty who use the CMS heavily in courses. The draft policy stipulates that access to the CMS would not be denied if a student is purged.

·  Enrollment Services is considering moving the purge date up earlier in the semester (first week of classes) so students could be added to a class. This would make the need for a policy moot.

·  FTAB suggestion: The day before the last day to register for classes should be cut off date for purge.

·  Consensus: FTAB supports the suggested policy (not dropping students in the CMS for non-payment), if such a policy is needed.