6:00 P.M Closed Session

7:00 P.M. Regular Session



Mr. Dan Kassner Karen Treml, Supt./Sp. Ed. Dir.. List available

Ms. Robin Kinn Mark Dax , Prin. in the School

Mr. Tom Stangel Kacy Rohr, Prin./Curr. Dir. District Office

Mr. Brian Vogeltanz Jason Karnopp, Bldgs/Grounds Dir.

Mr. John Pagel Kim Dax, Bus. & Human Serv. Dir.

Mr. Paul Jirtle Tracy Ledvina, Prin.

Mr. Dennis Shimanek

President Brian Vogeltanz called the Regular School Board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Meeting notices were posted according to WI State Statutes 19.84(1)(b). A Quorum was verified as seven Board members were in attendance.

Robin Kinn motioned, Dennis Shimanek seconded, to adjourn to Closed Session per WI State Statutes 19.85(1)(c) to discuss personnel issues. The motion carried 7-0 on a roll call vote.

At 7:00 p.m the meeting resumed to open session. John Pagel motioned to approve the agenda as organized, Paul Jirtle seconded that motion. Motion passed unanimously.

There were no comments for Public Forum, or concerns for the Board.

The first major topic on the agenda was the presentation of School Improvement Plans by the principals of each school. Elementary School Principal Tracy Ledvina presented first, her focus being economically disadvantaged. She provided an explanation of her goals which were set reflective of data collected. Next Middle School Principal Kacy Rohr presented her goals and improvement plan, her focus being to increase proficiency percentages in students with disabilities. High School Principal Mark Dax then presented his plan with his area of focus being increasing proficiencies in students with disabilities as well.

Next Superintendent Karen Treml presented the second reading of the updated Neola Policies. Tom Stangel motioned to approve the second reading of policies as presented, Dennis Shimanek seconded the motion which then passed unanimously.

The next major topic on the agenda was the Amended CESA contract. Superintendent Treml explained the changes to the original contract, Dennis Shimanek motioned to approve the amended CESA contract as presented. John Pagel seconded the motion when then passed on a 7-0 roll call vote.

A discussion was then held on School Board Member attendance at the WASB conference.

Superintendent Treml then proposed changing the date of the February Board Meeting to February 24th. A motion was made by Robin Kinn to approve the change of date, the motion was seconded by Paul Jirtle and passed unanimously.

Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Jason Karnopp spoke to the Board next proposing the creation of a full time cleaning position. Dennis Shimanek motioned to approve the position, Tom Stangel seconded the motion which then passed 7-0 on a roll call vote.

The last major topic of discussion was led by Superintendent Treml. She proposed changing Tammy Swanson’s position title from Assistant Food Service Director to Acting Food Service Director. A motion was made by John Pagel to approved the designation, the motion was seconded by Robin Kinn and passed unanimously.




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Next President Vogeltanz read the Consent Agenda Items as follows:

1. Minutes of October 23, 2017

2. Payment of the bills in the amount of $1,455,150.93

3. Resignation of Middle School Play Director by Larissa Coursin and Stacy Graf

4. New hires of Katie Charles as Middle School 8th Grade Girls basketball Coach, Amanda Kudick and Kiley Heim

as Girls JV Basketball Coach, and Amy Henning as Stage Crew Director.

Dennis Shimanek made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items, seconded by Robin Kinn. The motion carried 7-0 on a roll call vote.

Dennis Shimanek then motioned to approve Logan Kassner as Boys Freshman Basketball Coach, Robin Kinn seconded the motion. It passed 6-0 with Dan Kassner abstaining.

Superintendent Treml presented her report to the Board next. She began by providing a recap on the recent open house held to showcase the District. Karen applauded the involvement of the staff the night of the wonderful event.

Next Mrs. Treml revealed that the school report cards would be released the following day. An update on the progress of the Future Planning Strategy was then provided. The first round of community meetings will be held on June 12th and 13th, 2018

Lastly Superintendent Treml provided a facilities update including a report on the cameras, the furniture and contingency projects that are underway.

Business and Human Services Director Kim Dax provided her update next. She provided a report on all funds along with her general update.

Following Mrs. Dax, Buildings and Grounds Director Jason Karnopp presented the Board with a facilities update. Mr. Karnopp reported on the numerous projects he and his team are engaged in as well as projected future developments for upcoming months.

Last on the agenda was the Principals report. Mr. Dax, Mrs. Rohr and Mrs. Ledvina spoke on current curriculum mapping, summaries of school activities and provided a general update for the Board.

President Vogeltanz read important upcoming dates to the Board, Dan Kassner read 3 correspondence sent to the Board. Robin Kinn motioned to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Tom Stangel and passed unanimously at 7:57 pm.

Administrative Assistant

Cara Delebreau