FACULTY ofArts and Sciences
Course Title / Molecular GeneticsDepartment / Biology
Division in the Dept. / Common
Code / Term / Level / Type / Language / Credit hours/week
Lecture / Lab / Credit / ECTS Credit
BIY501 / I (Fall) / Msc / Opt. / Turkish / 3 / 0 / 3 / 13
Course Prerequisites / None
Name of Instructors / Assoc.Prof. Celal Ülger
Instructor Information / Adnan Menderes Üniversity, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biology 09100 AYDIN
256 2128498/2226
Course Objective and brief Description / The aim of this introduction course of molecular genetics is to teach general molecular structure and functions of nuclear material, recent findings in molecular genetics. To be able to understand molecular structure of genetic material.To be able to understand importance of gene mutations, recombination, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic gene organization.
Textbook and Supplementary readings
1 / Klug W.S. and Cumings M.R.,(Ed. Öner C.)(2001) Genetik Kavramlar, Palme Yayıncılık, ISBN-0-13-081626-4
Week / Lecture topics / Practice/Lab/Field1 / History of DNA
2 / Structure of DNA
3 / DNA Replication.
4 / RNA Structure and types.
5 / Transcription
6 / RNA Processing
7 / Protein synthesis (Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic)
8 / Control of Gene expression
9 / Mechanisms of Gene Transfer: Transformation, Conjugation, Transduction
10 / Recombination
11 / Mobile genetic elements
12 / Mutations and repair mechanism
13 / Gene manuplation
14 / Final Exam
Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.
Course Title / BryophytaDepartment / Biology
Division in the Dept. / Common
Code / Term / Level / Type / Language / Credit hours/week
Lecture / Lab / Credit / ECTS Credit
Biy 503 / 1 Fall / MSc / Elective / Turkish / 2 / 2 / 3 / 15
Course Prerequisites / None
Name of Instructors / Associate Professor Dr. Adnan Erdağ
Instructor Information / Phone: +90-256-212 84 98 / 2213
Course Objective and brief Description / To teach main features of bryophytes as the most primitive plant group in terms of their biological, ecological and evolutionary specialties.
Textbook and Supplementary readings
1 / SMITH, A.J.E., 1990. The Liverworts of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
2 / RICHARDSON, DHS., 1981. The Biology of Mosses. Oxford, London, Edinburgh: Blackwell Sci. Publ.
3 / SMITH, A.J.E., 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. (Second Edition) Cambridge Univ. Press.
Week / Lecture topics / Practice/Lab/Field1 / Introduction to bryology / Basic structures of bryophytes
2 / Collecting and preserving of bryophytes / Herbarium techniques
3 / Life cycles of bryophytes and reproduction / Observation of different phase in life cycles
4 / Bryophyte morphology and anatomy / Cross sections, basic anatomical and morphological features
5 / Diversity of bryophytes: Hornworts / Observations on selected species of bryophytes
6 / Diversity of bryophytes: Liverworts / Observations on selected species of bryophytes
7 / Diversity of bryophytes: Mosses / Observations on selected species of bryophytes
8 / Mid Exam
9 / Ecology of bryophytes / Life strategies, importance and role of bryophytes
10 / Bryophyte distribution on earth / Local distribution patterns to observe main distributional features
11 / Bryophytes in use / Observations on some important species in use
12 / Relationships with other organisms / Searching different organisms in bryophyte communities
13 / Evolution of bryophytes / Hydroids and leptoids, sporophytes and gametophytes in evolution, observing protection of egg in bryophytes
14 / Final Exam
Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.
Course Title / The Amphibians of TurkeyDepartment / Biology
Division in the Dept. / Common
Code / Term / Level / Type / Language / Credit hours/week
Lecture / Lab / Credit / ECTSCredit
BİY 505 / 1 Fall / MSc / Elective / Turkish / 2 / 2 / 3 / 15
Course Prerequisites / None
Name of Instructors / Prof. Dr. Kurtuluş OLGUN
Instructor Information /
Course Objective and brief Description / The aim of the course is to get the students acquainted with the biologies, systematics, morphologies and ecologies of the amphibians of Turkey
Textbook and Supplementary readings
1 / Türkiye Herpetofaunası (Kurbağa ve Sürüngenler), Baran, İ. ve M. K. Atatür, Çevre Bakanlığı yayını, Ankara, 975 – 7347 – 37 - X, 214 pp, 1998
2 / Türkiye Amfibileri, Başoğlu, M., Özeti, N. ve İ. Yılmaz, Ege Üniv. Fen Fak. Kitaplar Serisi, İzmir, No: 151, 1996.
Week / Lecture Topics1 / Systematic position of the amphibians and their characteristics / Introduction to the key for identification
2 / Divergence of Amphibians in orders and their geographic distributions / Examination of urodeles species inhabited in Turkey
3 / Systematic positions of the Turkish species / Examination of urodeles species inhabited in Turkey
4 / Introduction to urodeles (Urodela) their morphological, ecological and biological properties / Examination of urodeles species inhabited in Turkey
5 / Introduction to urodeles (Urodela) their morphological, ecological and biological properties / Examination of anuran species inhabited in Turkey
6 / Comparison of three Triturus species inhabited in Turkey in terms of their ranges, biotopes and life cycles / Examination of anuran species inhabited in Turkey
7 / Introduction to anuran (Anura) species, their morphological, ecological and biological properties / Examination of anuran species inhabited in Turkey
8 / Mid Exam
9 / Introduction to anuran (Anura) species, their morphological, ecological and biological properties / Methods for collecting and preserving amphibians
10 / Introduction to anuran (Anura) species, their morphological, ecological and biological properties / Collecting the amphibian samples from the nature
11 / Geographic distributions of the species and their localities in Turkey / Preparing the samples as scientific specimens
12 / Doing the collection of amphibians and the methods of keeping alive / Collecting the amphibian samples from the nature
13 / Present status of amphibian species in Turkey and related studies / Preparing the samples as scientific specimens
14 / Final exam
Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.
Course Title / Principles of Taxonomic ZoologyDepartment / Biology
Division in the Dept. / Common
Code / Term / Level / Type / Language / Credit hours/week
Lecture / Lab / Credit / ECTS Credit
BİY 507 / 1 Fall / MSc / Elective / Turkish / 3 / 0 / 3 / 13
Course Prerequisites / None
Name of Instructors / Prof. Dr. Kurtuluş OLGUN
Instructor Information /
Course Objective and brief Description / The aim of the course is to get the students acquainted with the systematic principles of animals.
Textbook and Supplementary readings
1 / Taksonomi ilkeleri, I. Baskı, Önder, F., Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 530, İzmir, 1998.
2 / Taksonomik Zoolojinin Prensip ve Metotları, I. Baskı, Yılmaz, İ., Oran Yayıncılık, İzmir, 1997.
Week / Lecture Topics1 / The history of taxonomy and its relationship with other biological sciences
2 / Works of Taxonomists and the problems met
3 / Taxonomical categories
4 / Species and subspecies concepts
5 / Taxonomical characteristics
6 / Variations and their importance
7 / Statistics in taxonomy
8 / Mid Exam
9 / Methods and techniques in taxonomy
10 / Taxonomical studies, publications and their sorts
11 / Principles of International Zoological Nomenclature
12 / Ethic in taxonomic zoology
13 / Pronunciation of scientific names
14 / Final exam
Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.
Course Title / PorotozoologyDepartment / Biology
Division in the Dept. / Zoology
Code / Term / Level / Type / Language / Credit hours/week
Lecture / Lab / Credit / ECTS Credit
BİY 509 / Fall / MS / Opt. / Turkish / 2 / 2 / 3 / 15
Course Prerequisites / Arthropoda or Entomoloji
Name of Instructors / Assos. Prof. Selcuk HAZIR
Instructor Information / Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Biology, AYDIN.
Course Objective and brief Description / Detailed information about group Protozoa
Textbook and Supplementary readings
1 / Parasitic Protozoa
2 / The Pathogenic enteric protozoa
3 / Invertebrates
4 / Biology of the Invertebrates
Week / Lecture topics / Practice/Lab/Field1 / General characterization of Protozoa
2 / Taxonomy of Protozoa
3 / Zoomastigina
4 / Rhizopoda
5 / Apicomplexa
6 / Microsporidia
7 / Haplosporidia
8 / Mid Term
9 / Ciliophora
10 / Reproduction of Protozoa
11 / Entomopathogen Protozoa
12 / Protozoa in biological control
13 / Protozoa in human diseases
14 / Final Exam
Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.
Course Title / Taxonomy of Mosses (Bryopsida) 1Department / Biology
Division in the Dept. / Common
Code / Term / Level / Type / Language / Credit hours/week
Lecture / Lab / Credit / ECTS Credit
Biy 511 / Fall / MSc / Elective / Turkish / 2 / 2 / 3 / 15
Course Prerequisites / None
Name of Instructors / Prof.Dr. Adnan Erdağ
Instructor Information / Phone: +90-256-212 84 98 / 2213
Course Objective and brief Description / To develop good understanding of acrocarpic mosses in terms of their taxonomy, diversity, identification, systematics and taxonomy.
Textbook and Supplementary readings
1 / SMITH, A.J.E., 2004. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. (Second Edition) Cambridge Univ. Press.
2 / SMITH, A.J.E., 1990. The Liverworts of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
3 / PEDROTTI, C.C. 2001. Flora Dei Muschi D’Italia. Medicina-Scienze.
4 / HEYN, C.C., HERRNSTADT, I., BISCHLER H. ve JOVET-AST, S. 2004. The Bryophyte Flora of Israel and Adjacent Regions. The Israel Academy of Scıences and Humanıtıes.
5 / ZANDER R.H. 1993. Genera of The Pottiaceae: Mosses of Harsh Enviroments. Bullettin of the Buffalo Society of naturel Sciences Vol. 32
Week / Lecture topics / Practice/Lab/Field1 / Orthotropic mosses introduction / Basic features of acrocarpic mosses
2 / Sphagnopsida, Andreaeopsida / Observing Sphagnum and Andreaea
3 / Polytrichopsida: Polytrichales, Buxbaumiales / Observing Polytrichum and Buxbaumia
4 / Bryopsida: Diphysciales, Archidiales / Observing Diphyscium and Archidium
5 / Bryopsida: Dicranales / Observing Pleuridium, Ditrichum, Oncophorus, Dicranum, Fissidens
6 / Bryopsida: Pottiales / Observing Eucladium, Weissia, Tortella, Barbula, Didymodon
7 / Bryopsida: Pottiales / Observing Stegonia, Aloina Crossidium, Ptrygoneurum, Phascum, Acaulon
8 / Mid Exam
9 / Bryopsida: Pottiales / Observing Tortula, Syntrichia, Cinclidotus, Ephemerum
10 / Bryopsida: Grimmiales / Observing Schistidium, Grimmia, Racomitrium
11 / Bryopsida: Seligeriales, Timmiales, Encalyptales, Funariales / Typical representatives of given orders
12 / Bryopsida: Bryales / Observing Bryum, Pohlia, Mnium, Plagiomnium, Aulocomnium, Bartramia, Philonotis
13 / Bryopsida: Orthotrichales, Hedwigiales / ObservingOrthotrichum, Zygodon, Ulota, Hedwigia
14 / Final Exam
Course assessment will be weighted 40% for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.
Course Title / The effects of pestcides on living systemsDepartment / Biology
Division in the Dept. / Common
Code / Term / Level / Type / Language / Credit hours/week
Lecture / Lab / Credit / ECTS Credit
BIO 513 / I-Fall / MSc / Elective / Turkish / 2 / 2 / 3 / 15
Course Prerequisites / -
Name of Instructors / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serdar KOCA
Instructor Information / Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Biology Department. AYDIN
Course Objective and brief Description / To give information about pestcides and theri effects on environment, living organisms. To observe effects of some pestcides on onion, grasshopers and Drosophila under light microscopy by treatment of different ways.
Textbook and Supplementary readings
1 / Vural, N., 1984. Toksikoloji. Ank. Univ. Pharm. Fac.Pub. No:56
2 / Öztürk , S., 1990. Tarım İlaçları. Hassas Pub. ve Rek.
3 / Öncüer, C., 2004. Tarımsal Zararlılarla Savaş Yönt. ve İlaçları. ADU Pub. No: 19
Week / Lecture topics / Practice/Lab/Field1 / Agricultural pests and contestation to them / The rules shoul be obeyed in laboratory during treatment of pestcides
2 / Description and classification of pestcides / Preparation of onions for treatment, choosing pestcide and its dose
3 / Description and classification of pestcides (continue) widely used formulations and properties. / The treatment of pestcides in a chosen duration and dose, fixation of roots.
4 / Lethal dose of pestcides, tolerance of pestcides and poisinity of pestcides
5 / Phytotoxicity of pestcides and the ways of entrance to animals / Investigation of other doses and durations under light microscopy
6 / Effect mechanisms of pestcides, the effects to human and environment / Investigation of other doses and durations under light microscopy (continue)
7 / Effect mechanisms of pestcides, the effects to human and environment (continue) / Tretment of grasshopers with a determined pestcide dose and duration and fixation of testes of grasshopers.
8 / Exam / Staining of grasshoper testis and observation under light microscopy.
9 / The mutagenic effects of pestcşdes on living organisms, genes and chromosomes / Staining of grasshoper testis and observation under light microscopy (continue).
10 / The mutagenic effects of pestcşdes on living organisms, genes and chromosomes (continue) / Staining of grasshoper testis and observation under light microscopy
11 / The mutagenic effects of pestcşdes on living organisms and genes / Treatment of pestcide to virgin Drosophilas.
12 / The mutagenic effects of pestcşdes on living organisms and genes (continue) / The observation and counting of Drosophilas
13 / General Assessment / Continue countin Drosophilas and estimation of results
14 / Final Exam
Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.
Course Title / Venomous Animals and Their VenomsDepartment / Biology
Division in the Dept. / Common
Code / Term / Level / Type / Language / Credit hours/week
Lecture / Lab / Credit / ECTS Credit
BİY 515 / 1 Fall / MSc / Elective / Turkish / 3 / 0 / 3 / 13
Course Prerequisites / None
Name of Instructors / Prof. Dr. Kurtuluş OLGUN
Instructor Information /
Course Objective and brief Description / The aim of this course is to get the students acquainted with the venomous animals, especially snakes and their venoms
Textbook and Supplementary readings
1 / Venomous Animals and Their Toxins, Habermehl, G. G., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1981
2 / Venomous Snakes: ecology, evolution and snakebite, Thorpe, R. S., W. Wüster and A. Malhotra, ISBN: 0198549865, Oxford, The Zoological Society of London, 1997
3 / Türkiye Herpetofaunası (Kurbağa ve Sürüngenler), Baran, İ. ve M. K. Atatür, Çevre Bakanlığı yayını, Ankara, 975 – 7347 – 37 - X, 214 pp, 1998
Week / Lecture Topics1 / Introduction to venomous invertebrates in animal kingdom
2 / Introduction to venomous invertebrates in animal kingdom
3 / Introduction to venomous vertebrates in animal kingdom
4 / Introduction to venomous vertebrates in animal kingdom
5 / Their defense mechanisms
6 / Physical and chemical characteristics of their venoms
7 / Degrees of their effectiveness and principles of first aid
8 / Exam
9 / Introduction to the venomous snake species inhabited in Turkey
10 / Introduction to the venomous snake species inhabited in Turkey
11 / Physical and chemical characteristics of their venoms and their effectiveness
12 / Precautions against snake bites and the first aid
13 / Snake venoms as medicine
14 / Final exam
Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.
Course Title / Microbiological Counting MethodsDepartment / Biology
Division in the Dept. / Biology
Code / Term / Level / Type / Language / Credit hours/week
Lecture / Lab / Credit / ECTS Credit
BIO 517 / Fall / MsC / Obligatory / Turkish / 2 / 2 / 3 / 15
Course Prerequisites / None
Name of Instructors / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil BIYIK
Instructor Information / Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Science and Art Biology Department 09010 Aytepe AYDIN
Course Objective and brief Description / This course is designed for Msc student who needs to learn basic counting methods in microbiology. Our aim is to teach the students theoric and practical basis of microbiological counting. To be able to understand the importance of microorganisms and their number in various environment.To be able to get laboratory practice for sampling, culturing and counting microorganisms To be able to understand some distinguishing features of microorganism groups.
Textbook and Supplementary readings
1 / Mikrobiyolojide Sayım Yöntemleri, Velittin GÜRGÜN, A.Kadir HALKMAN, Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği, yayın no:7, San Matbaası, Ankara, 1988
Week / Lecture topics / Practice/Lab/Field1 / General knowledge about microbes, Cultural counting techniques
2 / Dilutions, colony count and evaluation, EMS method, Microscobic counting techniques
3 / Countings with special slides, spore counting in light microscope, electron microscope methods
4 / Counting methods with standarts
5 / Turbidity measurements
6 / MacFarland scale, Metabolically counting
7 / Methylen blue reduction test
8 / Midterm exam
9 / Reductase test
10 / Other counting methods
11 / Sampling for analyses
12 / Microbiological media and sterilization
13 / İndicator microorganisms
14 / Final Exam
Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.
Course Title / Plant cell and tissue cultureDepartment / Biology
Division in the Dept. / Common
Code / Term / Level / Type / Language / Credit hours/week
Lecture / Lab / Credit / ECTS Credit
BIY 519 / I ( Fall) / MSc / elective / Turkish / 2 / 2 / 3 / 15
Course Prerequisites
Name of Instructors / Assistant Prof.Dr. Bengi Erdağ
Instructor Information / Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Science & literature, Department of Biology 09010 KEPEZ AYDIN
Course Objective and brief Description / Inthis lecture, informations about cell and tissue culture techniques will be given explaining cell and tissue culture techniques as alternative propagation procedures by their applications and problems with possible solutions will be presented.
Textbook and Supplementary readings
1 / Babaoğlu, M., Gürel, E., Özcan, S. (2001).Plant Biotechnology. I Tissue culture and its applications. ISBN: 975-6652-03-9
2 / Gamborg, O.L. and G. C. Phillips. (1995). Plant cell, tissue and organ culture. Fundamental methods
3 / Stafford, A. and Warren G. Plant cell and tissue culture.
Week / Lecture topics / Practice/Lab/Field1 / A perspective on plant cell and tissue culture / Lab equipments
2 / Basic techniques I / Sterilisation
3 / Basic techniques II / Sterilisation
4 / Organogenesis / Preparation of stock solutions
5 / Micropropagation / Procedures for Nutrient medium preparation II
6 / Embryo culture / Procedures for Nutrient medium preparation I
7 / Somatic embryogenesis / Preparation of explant materials
8 / Mid exam
9 / Meristem culture / Callus induction
10 / Secondary product synthesis by plant tissue culture / Induction of organogenesis
11 / Somaclonal variations / Induction of somatic embryogenesis
12 / Protoplast culture / Rooting experiment of seedlings obtained in vitro
13 / Haploid plant production / Acclimatization
14 / Final Exam
Course assessment will be weighted 40 % for one quiz and 60 % for the final exam. Depending on instructor’s preference, assessment may be by written or/and oral examination, homework, lab assay, projects, group presentation, or a combination of these.