General Session Minutes

October 18, 2013

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Friday, October 18, 2013

The Maryland Board of Occupational Therapy (OT) Practice (Board)

Location: Spring Grove Hospital Center

55 Wade Avenue – Bland Bryant Building, 4th Floor

Conference Room

Chairperson: Dr. Christine Moghimi, ScD., MAS, OTR/L

10:00 a.m.



Dr. Christine Moghimi, ScD., OTR/L, ChairpersonDonna Ashman, Executive Director

Kamala Stevenson, MS, OTR/L, Vice ChairpersonGrant Gerber, Board Counsel

Mr. Kshepakaran, M.Ed., OTR/L, CAPS, FAOTAMarilyn Pinkney, Licensing Coordinator

Iyna Adams, OTR/L, CPAM

Vanessa Hughes, COTA/L

Meenakshi Gupta, Consumer Member

A. Cassaundra Brown, Consumer Member


Kristen Neville, Regulations Coordinator for Boards & Commission

  1. Dr. Moghimi called the General Session meeting to order at 10:20 a.m.

Dr. Moghimi read the following statement: Except in instances when the Board of Occupational Therapy expressly invites public testimony, questions, comments, or other forms of public participation is otherwise authorized by law, no member of the public attending an open session may participate in the session.

  1. Ms. Gupta motioned to approve the General Session agenda, October 18, 2013. Mr. Kshepakaran 2nd the motion. The Board voted unanimously.
  2. Ms. Hughes motioned to approve the General Session Minutes, September 18, 2013. Ms. Adams 2nd the motion. The Board voted unanimously.


  1. Dr. Moghimi informed the Board that Mr. Gerber would join the Board later in the meeting.
  1. Ms. Ashman received an email regarding the National Background check from Mr. Gerber and informed the Board that the Physical Therapy Examiners and the Chiropractic Board is submitting a proposal and requesting if the Occupational Therapy Board would be interested in joining in on the proposal. The Board has posed a question for later in the Board meeting to Mr. Gerber.

REPORTS continued …

  1. Ms. Hughes and Mr. Kshepakaran informed the Board that the continuing education reviews are business as usual with no current issues at hand.
  1. The Board had discussion on an inquiry regarding direct supervision. Ms. Ashman will provide a response to the inquiry.

4a. The Board reviewed the draft response and had discussion on an inquiry from the last

Board meeting. The draft response was amended and the Board directed Ms. Ashman to

forward the final response to the inquiry.

4b. Ms. Ashman distributed information regarding a secure legal tool for electronic

signatures (DocuSign). Ms. Ashman inquired if the Board would consider using this tool

for licensure documents within the Board office. The Board said they would consider it,

and to obtain more information for discussion.

4c. Ms. Ashman informed the Board that the Legislative Audit is still ongoing.

4d. Ms. Ashman confirmed that Ms. Hughes and Ms. Brown will be attending the New

Board Orientation being held on November 8, 2013 at the UMBC Technology Campus.

The Board members will be given the location and directions after the Board meeting.


  1. Ms. Ashman informed the Board of the Naturopaths group would be kept on the agenda. There is no new information to communicate at this time.
  1. Ms. Ashman informed the Board of the Kinesiotherapy group update would be shared later in the Board meeting.
  1. Ms. Adams summarized the MOTA Conference. Ms. Hughes informed the Board of an inquiry received during the conference from Rondalyn Whitney. Ms. Ashman will follow up with this inquiry. Ms. Ashman will provide an update to the Board after speaking with licensee. Ms. Hughes agreed to take the lead on the next MOTA Conference and the next new appointee to the Board will be the co-presenter of the conference. Ms. Adams, Ms. Hughes, Mr. Kshepakaran and Dr. Moghimi and Ms. Brown attended the MOTA Conference.
  1. Ms. Stevenson will be attending the NBCOT Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio on November 8 – 9, 2013.
  1. Ms. Ashman informed the Board that the Maryland Board Workshop will be kept on the agenda to determine the agenda items and dates in 2014.
  1. Ms. Ashman informed the Board that the AOTA Conference registration does not open until December 2013 and that all Board members are eligible to attend. The Board office will assist with the registration.
  1. Ms. Kristen Neville, Legislative Coordinator for Boards and Commission confirmed the registration for Ms. Hughes and Ms. Brown to attend the New Board Member Orientation. Ms. Neville informed the Board members to follow the UMBC Technology Center policy for inclement weather.
  1. Ms. Neville will inform the Board of the next Kinesiotherapy workgroup meeting. Ms. Neville also confirmed there is nothing to report at this time.
  1. Ms. Neville informed the Board that the Naturopaths workgoup is putting in a proposed bill with the Physicians Board. Ms. Neville will keep the Board apprised of this proposed bill.
  1. Ms. Neville reported to the Board a draft is pending of the child abuse reporter training and when it becomes available that she would advise the Board.
  1. Ms. Neville reported to the Board that a representative from Office of HealthCare Quality (OHCQ) would coordinate with the Board to attend a Board meeting to make a presentation.
  1. Mr. Gerber responded to the question of Physical Therapy Examiners and Chiropractic Board having their own proposal. Ms. Neville pointed out that the both boards are planning this joint legislation. The Board agreed not to be included in this joint legislation. The Board will keep apprised of this going forward.
  1. Mr. Gerber informed the Board that a new retention schedule regarding destroying discipline documents could be developed. Mr. Gerber will provide a sample of a developing policy. Mr. Gerber informed the Board that the approval decision would made by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
  1. Ms. Ashman revisited the document signing for electronic signatures, (DocuSign), with Mr. Gerber. Mr. Gerber will check with other Boards and provide a response to the Board’s inquiry at the next scheduled Board meeting.


1.Ms. Adams ratified the applicants for October for 24 occupational therapists and 10 occupational therapy assistants for a total of 34. Mr. Kshepakaran motioned to approve the applicants for licensure. Ms. Stevenson 2nd the motion. The Board voted unanimously in favor.

Rebecca Haworth / Occupational Therapist
Yael Kanner / Occupational Therapist

Sherri Keller

/ Occupational Therapist
Katy Kobel / Occupational Therapist
Rachael Angstadt / Occupational Therapist
Lauren Burdulis / Occupational Therapist
Erin Pease / Occupational Therapist
Javonna George / Occupational Therapist
Ashley Lauren Hebbel / Occupational Therapist
Jonathan Lozoskie / Occupational Therapist
Jessica Stanley / Occupational Therapist
Elaine Fein – Reinstatement / Occupational Therapist
Andrea Vuchenich / Occupational Therapist
Sarah Fullerton / Occupational Therapist
Amanda Silverman / Occupational Therapist
Robin Few / Occupational Therapist
Kathryn Dietrich / Occupational Therapist
Rebecca Coale / Occupational Therapist
Rebecca Bliss / Occupational Therapist
Fanny Mandelberger / Occupational Therapist
Kristen Shelton / Occupational Therapist
Janice Lin / Occupational Therapist
Amy Orlando / Occupational Therapist
Mabel Nana Asarewa Barnes / Occupational Therapist
Total OT’s 24
Ella Hambric / Occupational Therapy Assistant

Dameca Swinson

/ Occupational Therapy Assistant

Amar Thomas

/ Occupational Therapy Assistant

Kristie Annen-Kirby

/ Occupational Therapy Assistant

Judy Garcia De Cubias

/ Occupational Therapy Assistant

Delrie Thomas

/ Occupational Therapy Assistant

Jennerra Smalls

/ Occupational Therapy Assistant

Jolena Pitts – Reinstatement

/ Occupational Therapy Assistant

Kathryn Beam

/ Occupational Therapy Assistant

Lori Stokes

/ Occupational Therapy Assistant

Total OTA’s 10

/ Occupational Therapy Assistant


1. There were no announcements from the Board.


Pursuant to the Maryland Government Article, Section 10-508(a)(13), Annotated Code of Maryland, Dr. Moghimi adjourned the General Session meeting at 11:26 a.m.

Submitted by:

Marilyn Pinkney

Marilyn Pinkney, Licensing Coordinator

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