Approved Minutes SEC Meeting
3 November 2011
IEEE, Piscataway, NJ
David Law
Amin Karim
Yatin Trivedi
Rich Painter
Bruce Harding
Malcolm Thaden
Steve Mills
Don Heirman
Howard Wolfman
Jennifer McClain
Rona Gertz
Susan Tatiner
Samantha Bradley
Terry DeCourcelle
Michael Trager (DIN—German Institute for Standardization)
Moira Paterson
Jeff Handle (Standards Coordinator for Region 5)
Agenda v3.0
- Call to Order (Law)
- Introductions/Roll Call
- Approval of draft agenda (Law)
- Approval of draft minutes from 23 August 2011 (Law)
- Ad-hoc updates
- Standards Education in India (Trivedi)
- Global Standards Search (Law)
- Capstone Design Conference (Karim)
- Draft Panel Session Proposal
- IEEE-Microsoft Partnering Pilot for Sub-Saharan Africa (Law)
- University Outreach Presentation (Tatiner)
- Draft Business Plan
- Proposal for IEEE-CNIS Collaboration
- IEEE-Wiley book proposal form
- IEEE Presentation for ICES
- Standards Education eZine update (Trivedi)
- Speakers Bureau Update (Tatiner) **added 2 November
- Review of Speaking/Workshop Opportunities Spreadsheet (Law) **added 28 October
- Review of 2011 SEC Goals (Law)
- Discussion of 2012 SEC Goals (Law)
- Student Application Papers (Law)
- SEC tracking spreadsheet for new grant applications
- SEC tracking spreadsheet for Final Student Application Papers
- Review of Action Items (Law/McClain)
- New Business
- Next teleconference: Tuesday, 20 December 2011, 11:00 AM ET to 1:00 PM
- Adjourn
- David called meeting to order at 9:30 AM ET.
- All attendees introduced themselves.
- Rich Painter moved to approve the agenda. Yatin Trivedi seconded the motion. Motion to approve the agenda was approved by unanimous consent.
- Don Heirman motioned to approve minutes from 23 August 2011. Yatin Trivedi seconded the motion. Motion to approve 23 August 2011 Minutes was approved by unanimous consent.
- Yatin provided an update on the Standards Education in India Ad-hoc activities
- Group is engaging with Harish Mysor, IEEE staff , in Bangalore. Harish is helping to pursue several opportunities. Two in particular are:
- IIIT with Prof Das. Want to have a workshop on standards and standards education. They want to bring in someone local to engage with Prof Das.
- DTU: Professor Sharma, Vice Chancellor, is very interested in working with us and hosting events/workshops at DTU. Satish Argarwal is working with Professor Sharma to help move our proposal forward.
- The India SIG is also interested in participating in standards education opportunities.
- David provided an update on Global Standards Search new initiative project. David explained background for the standards search. An RFP for the standards search part of the project went out to three distributors. IHS, SAI Global, Tech Street.
- David presented the SAI Global RFP response and the Tech Street response. Asked the SEC for an endorsement to choose Tech Street as the vendor for the standards search component. There were no objections to choosing Tech Street.
- Group agreed that we need to be able to review the agreement with Tech Street in case it’s not working the way we’d like it to. Incorporate that we need to be able to review the work on ongoing basis.
- Suggestions for content:
- Make sure that our eLearning offerings come up in a search.
- Include short courses that are offered for practitioners.
- Include a way for people to submit courses for our consideration to add to the database.
- DIN may have some content. Jennifer to follow up with Michael at DIN.
- Group discussed changes to the name “Global Standards Search”
- It was agreed to change the name to: TryStandards with subtitle Global Standards Education and Standards Search.
- Amin provided an update on the planning for a standards education panel session at the 2012 Capstone Design Conference in May 2012. See attached proposal. Planning is moving forward and our proposal will go to the planning committee for their consideration before the end of Dec. Waiting for confirmation from a couple more speakers, including someone from Boeing.
- David provided update on the IEEE-Microsoft Partnership Pilot Student Application Paper Grants.
- Agreement is in place. We need to put up the web page for the joint program and PR needs to begin. Microsoft will draft a press release for review by SEC and then we will push it out.
- Susan reviewed the slides detailing the particulars from the University Outreach Business Plan.
- Susan requested a motion for the SEC to endorse the recommendations put forward in the University Outreach Business Plan. Yatin made the motion and it was seconded by Amin. Motion was approved by unanimous consent.
- Group had some suggestions:
- We should include PDH’s or CEU’s if applicable in addition to the Certificates of completion.
- Suggested trying to add a Standards chapter in a book. Can we work with Wiley for new book proposals to add ancillary material or new chapter on standards?
- Engineers Week is in February. Student Branches are active at that time.
- From Jeff Handle: promote through the Student Activities Coordinators. Through the regions.
- Yatin provided an update on the Standards Education eZine.
- David volunteered to set up an automated subscribe feature.
- Ning sent an email asking whether CESI can translate the eZine into Chinese. Group agreed that this would be okay. Jennifer and Susan to set up call with Ning to discuss some of the details.
- Yatin reported that the 2nd issue will come out in January. Theme is Smart Grid. George Arnold has agreed to contribute an article. Issue will also include a list of smart grid labs.
- Future issues will focus on certain other technology areas and geographic areas such as China or India. Now is a good time to begin thinking about the China issue. Will invite Ning to participate in the planning.
- Suggestions included adding information in each issue from different geographic areas of the world.
- Find someone to write an article explaining the structure of standards organization and activities in their country.
- For example, in China, what’s the relationship between CESI, CNIS, etc.
- Ask for submissions from industry.
- Invite someone from the ministry of education, whoever looks out for the standardization education in their particular country.
- May start to include book reviews. We will need to be careful not to appear to endorse any book or product.
- Need to be able to archive the past issues and make sure they are always accessible.
- Should link each article to the Global Standards Search database.
- Susan gave an update on the Standards Speakers Bureau activities in 2011. See presentation for details.
- Completed 5 events this year at:
- DeVry University, NJ
- University of Chicago
- Region 10 Congress
- Africon
- Advanced Energy Conference
- Pending Engagements for 2011
- AOC Conference: Association of Old Crows Conference
- Sonoma State University
- Upcoming opportunity for Speaker to INDICON in December 2011. Susan asked for a motion to approve Satish Aggarwal as speaker.
- Motion to approve made by Yatin. Seconded by Don Heirman. Motion was approved by unanimous consent.
- Susan explained a bit about the “Mentor Site” that would have all the SEC’s Standards Education presentations.
- Will demo at first SEC meeting in 2012.
- David asked that we add a Speakers Bureau page to the main site.
- Group discussed upcoming speaking or workshop opportunities.
- Amin will lead ASEE 23-26 June 2013 research and planning. Jennifer add to spreadsheet.
- Jennifer reported that the ANSI CoE is starting to plan for standards/consensus simulation workshop during World Standards Day in Washington, DC, in October 2012. Jennifer has asked to join their ad-hoc planning committee and will report back.
- The SA BoG is going to Japan in June and Standards Board will be in China in June.
- Susan mentioned that there has been strong interest in education from organizations in Japan and she will do some investigating and get back to us with some details.
- Opportunities spreadsheet was updated.
- Review of Student Application Grants. Group discussed all new submissions and made the following recommendations:
- Application #84: Yes to approve.
- Application #85: Yes to approve. Ask when they are going to submit the final paper.
- Communicate to students that: SEC noted some issues with English language clarity, and encourages students to seek assistance from faculty mentor before submitting the final student application paper to ensure clarity of submission.
- Application #86: Yes to approve.
- Communicate that: Students must demonstrate in the final student application paper understanding of the networking standards listed in the Abstract and explain the final choice of network standards applied, and how they were applied.
- Application #87: Yes to approve.
- Communicate to students that “SEC requests also that students consider including additional content in the final paper with respect to any networking standards used by the device.”
- Application #88: Yes to approve.
- Communicate that “Students should demonstrate in the final student application paper understanding of the RFID or network standards listed in the Abstract and explain the final choice of RFID or network standards applied, and how they were applied.”
- Application #89: Yes to approve.
- Communicate to students David’s comment: “It would be good if the final paper can cover the detail of the choices made between the two wireless standards based on the criteria defined in the abstract.”
- Application #90: Yes to approve.
- Communicate that “Students should demonstrate in the final student application paper understanding of the standards listed in the Abstract and explain the final choice of standards applied, and how they were applied.”
- Application #91: Yes to approve. No comments.
- Application #92: Yes to approve. No comments.
- Application #93: Yes to approve. No comments.
- Per Yatin’s comment regarding applications #91 through #93, can we follow up with the faculty advisor to ask whether they can write an article for the eZine? What is he thinking about, what was the thinking in having the students apply for the grant, etc. If the final papers are good we can publish them in the eZine. Action: Jennifer to follow up.
- Application #94: Yes to approve.
- Communicate to students that they must submit an updated final student application paper based on the lessons learned in implementing the prototype.
- Application #95: Yes to approve. No comments.
- Application #96: Yes to approve. No comments.
- We still need to work on the language on the application and faculty information since we do not always receive a final paper or they are very, very late. Suggestions included adding language for the Advisor saying:
- They agree to complete the final paper review and to submit a final evaluation using the IEEE’s Faculty Evaluation Form to the SEC by the COMMITED DATE ON THE APPLICATION.
- SEC members could agree to follow up on the overdue papers .
- Review of Final Student Application Papers:
- Final Paper #26: Accept.
- Final Paper #34: Accept.
- Group reviewed spreadsheet with open action items and updates were made to the spreadsheet.
- Group review the 2011 SEC Goals.
- Should continue #1 into 2012 (Refine definition of “Standards Education” for each audience.)
- #2 Done. (Develop and publish eZine.)
- #3 Ongoing. (Standards in the curricula)
- Rich explained that IEEE has responsibility for program criteria in many different areas.
- Standards in the curriculum is in the General Criteria, was taken out of the Program Criteria.
- If we want to raise more prominence for this we need to figure out how to get it into the Program criteria. If we can come up with some suggested text to try to work it into the program criteria, we can go back to the committees, at least on the IEEE side, and make some suggestions.
- Action: Rich and Jennifer: initiate conference call with the ad-hoc to work on new suggested language.
- #4 Done. (University Outreach business plan)
- #5 Ongoing (hold seminar/workshops aimed at students and educators). We did this in Chicago. Will hold another in early 2012.
- #6 Ongoing (hold seminars/workshops aimed at practitioners).
- The CAG has been involved in workshops to practitioners, India in January, September in London, Paris, South Korea (KSA), speakers bureau participants have been aimed at practitioners.
- #7 (Develop region-based standards education strategies.)
- Ad-hoc chose DTU and IBM partnership for sponsoring student papers. The DTU proposal will move forward. IBM opportunity hasn’t worked out yet, but maybe in the future.
- Another opportunity is with the India SIG, who are looking at standards-needs regionally for India.
- Not sure about the opportunities in Singapore.
- #8 Ongoing (develop low-cost, high-value mechanisms for delivering standards content.)
- eZine is one good example
- #9 Ongoing (continue to provide student grants and develop recommendations for program’s future.)
- #10: Global Standards Search Portal is targeted to be done by the end of the year.
- Group discussed possible 2012 goals. Jennifer captured items discussed on draft 2012 SEC goals document. 2012 SEC will review next year.
- Under new business, Susan announced that the IEC-IEEE Paper Challenge has been launched.
- Next teleconference is on Tuesday, 20 December 2011, at 11:00 AM ET to 1:00 PM.
- Meeting was adjourned at 2:54 PM ET.
Summary of Action Items:
1) Jennifer: Follow with with Michael Trager from DIN on whether they have content for the GSSP.
2) Jennifer and Susan: Follow up with Ning on CESI’s request to translate the eZine.
3) Susan: Demonstrate the Mentor site for the Standards Education presentations in early 2012.
4) Jennifer and Susan: Add a Speakers Bureau page to the main site.
5) Jennifer: Report back on the ANSI CoE’s plan for standards/consensus simulation workshop during World Standards Day in Washington, DC, in October 2012.
6) Jennifer: Notify all students of SEC’s decisions on new applications and final student papers.
7) Rich and Jennifer: initiate conference call with the ad-hoc to work on new suggested language.