Faculty of Physics
The Final State Exam questions in specialization of Physics
for the 2014/2015 academic year
On the subject of "Mechanics"
- Kinematics, motion in one dimension.Displacement, velocity, and acceleration.Two-Dimensional Motion withConstant Acceleration
- Kinematics of Rotational Motion.Instantaneous axis of rotation.
- 3.Newton’s First Law . Inertia. Galileo and the Concept of Inertia.
- Newton’s Second and Third Law
- The center of mass. Movement of the center of mass.
- Conservation of Impulse
- The motion of body with variable mass. Meserski equation.
- Potential and Kinetic Energy. Conservation of Energy
- Elastic and inelastic collations of ball
- Moment of inertia. Rotational kinematic equations.fr al
- 3.Moments of Inertia of Homogeneous Rigid Objects with Different Geometries
- Calculation of Moments of Inertia
- Rotational Kinetic Energy
- Force and Impulse .Conservation of impulse
- Work.Definition of Work. Power
- Newton’s law of universal gravitation. Kepler’s Laws.
- Gravitational potential energy. The escape speed.
- Calculation of the non-inertial system rectilinear motion. The force of inertia.
- Elastic force. The relationship between force and deformation. Huk law.
- The equation of continuity for fluids.Bernoulli’s equation.
- Simple harmonic motion.The simple pendulum.Physical Pendulum
- Collection of oscillations that occur in a straight line.
- Damped OscillationsGraph of position versus time for a damped
- Forced Oscillations.The resonance frequency of the system
On the subject of "Molecular phisics"
- The main formula of molecular kinetic theory
- Barometric formula. Boltzmann distribution
- The determination of molecules velocity as experimentally Shtern, Lammert-Eldredge experiments
- The distribution of molecule`s velocity due to their value. Maxwell distribution
- Work in thermodynamics, amount of heat and internal energy
- The first law of thermodynamics and application on different processes
- Heat capasity. Heat capacity under constant presure and volume (Cp and Cv)
- The internal energy of ideal gas, heat capacity, Mayer formula
- The equal distribution of energy according to degree of freedom
- 2.Adiabatic process. Adiabat formula
- 3.The work which is done by ideal gas in different processes
- 4. Carnot cucle and its efficiency
- 5. Clausius inequality
- 6. Entropy. The changing of entropy in rwersible and unrwersible processes
- 7. Entropy and thermodinamic probability. Boltzmann formula
- The III law of termodynamics. Nernts theorem.
- Van-der-Waals isoterms. Crytical state
- 2.The internal energy of real gas
- Surface tension in liquids
- The free way of molecules. The length of free way. Average number of collisions
- Transport phenomenas
- Thermal conductivity in gases. Steady thermal conductivity
- Diffusion process in gases. Stationary diffusion.
- Internal friction of gases. Viscosity
On the subject of "Optics"
- Photometric Quantities and Units
- Electromagnetic Nature of Light. The Energy of Electromagnetic Waves. Poynting Vector
- Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves. Phase and Group velocity
- Fermat’s Principle, the Law of Refraction and the Law of Reflection According to Fermat’s Principle
- Total Internal Refraction and Its Application
- Coherence. Interference of Light Waves
- The Width of the Interference Stripe and Its Calculation
- Interference through a Parallel-coupled Board
- Interference through a Board of Varying Thickness
- Diffraction of Light. Huygens-Fresnel Principle. Calculation of the total Amplitude
- Diffraction of Parallel rays. Fraunhofer Single Slit Diffraction
- Double and More Slit Diffraction. Diffraction Pattern
- Refraction of Light through Spherical Surfaces
- Lens. Thin Lens Formula
- Doublerefraction. Ordinary and Extraordinary Rays
- Linearly Polarized Light. Malus’s Law
- Circular and Elliptically Polarized Light
- Dispersion of Light. The Electron Theory of Dispersion of Light
- Optical Activity. The Elementary Theory of the Rotation of Polarization Plane
- Emission and Absorption Ability of Bodies. Kirchhoff’s Law
- Laws of Thermal Radiation
- Plank’s Formula of Thermal Radiation
- Photoeffect . Laws of Photoeffect
- Optical Quantum Generators (lasers) and Their Working Principles
On the subject of “Electromagnetics”
- Propeties of Electric Charges. Coulomb’s Law.
- Electric field strength. Gauss’s Law. Poison equation.
- Potential Difference. Electric Potential. Relation between electric Field strength and potential.
- Definition of Capacitance. Capacitors. Combination of capacitors.
- Direct current. Ohm’s law for a homogeneus and inhomogeneous circuit sections.
- Power of a current. Joule-Lenz law.
- The Lorentz force.
- The Biot-Savart Law
- Energy of chrged conductor.
- Energy of an electric field.
- The law’s of electrolysis - Faraday’s Law.
- Electric current in gases. Semi-self sustained and self sustained conduction.
- Polarization of Dielectrics.
- Work function. Contact potential difference.
- The phenomenon of Electromagnetic induction. Magnetic flux. Inductance of a loop.
- Faradey’s Law of Induction. Self induction.
- Resistors. Inductors and capacitors in an Alternating Current circuits.
- Ohms’s law for an Alternating current circuits
- Classical theory of electrical conductance of metals. Ohm’s and Joule-Lenz Law.
- The kinds of emission of electrons. Termionic emission.
- The Wave Equation for Electromagnetic Waves.
- Current loop in a magnetic field.
- Magnetic field of a moving charge.
- Maxwell’s equation.
On subject of «Atomic physics» and « Nucler physics»
- Photoeffect.
- Hydrogen atom in Bohr theory.
- Binding energy of nuclei. Weizsäcker formula.
- Magnetic momentum of the atom. Larmor theorem.
- Fundamental interactions.
- Wave-particle duality. De Broglie hypothesis, group and phase velocities
- Parity.
- Radioactivity. Radioactivity decaylaws.
- α-decay.
- Quantization of the circular orbits.
- Nuclear potential. Exchange nuclear forces.
- Vectorial addition of the moments. (jj) and (LS) connections.
- Quantum numbers. Selection rule for the quantum numbers.
- Liquid model.
- Normal Zeeman effect (the classical theory)
- - conversion
- The shell model.
- Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
- Schrödinger equation, standard conditions for the wave function
- Nuclear reaction and conservation laws.
- Pauli exclusion principle, Mendeleev periodic system
- The classification of the elementary particles.
- Hund's rule for ground state
- Spin and magnetic momentum of electron.
Dean of faculty prof. Ramazanov M.A.
Chairman of the Methodical Council prof. Mammadov M.Sh.
Head of Department prof. Qasimova R.J.
Head of Department prof. E.A.Masimov
Head of Department prof. M.M. Panahov