Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Residential Summer School
2nd, 3rd and 4th July 2014
Student information and application form
Dear student,
Thank you for your interest in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Residential Summer School held at De Montfort University. This event is free of charge and is a fantastic environment for you to experience life studying, socialising and living as an undergraduate. As a participant you will be able to enhance your understanding of higher education by taking part in a series of mini university assignments, utilising our learning resources, library and accessing our teaching excellence. As you begin to think seriously about your future after school/college this can be instrumental in helping you to decide about key areas for consideration, including what course to study, if you want to move away from home and what you want to gain from your university experience. It can also be used to demonstrate a commitment to a subject area/course and continued education when writing your personal statement.
Places on the residential are limited and each year we receive more applications than we have places for. It is therefore vital that you fill out this application form very carefully and include as much information as possible in order to stand the best chance of being offered a place. If you would like to apply you should fill out the application form at the back of this pack and return to the address on the front of the form by Monday 26th May. The most important part of the form is the statement of interest section, which is your opportunity to demonstrate your passion and enthusiasm for your chosen subject and a little bit about your experiences to date. Think carefully about what to write as the more detail you can give us, the more chance we have of assessing your suitability for a place. In the event that this event is oversubscribed we will make a decision based on the strength of the application. Successful students will be notified of their place and sent a welcome pack that will outline what to bring, the full itinerary, where to meet, maps etc.
This is a truly worthwhile experience and one that will be of great benefit to you in your future studies. We wish you every success with your application and thank you for taking the time to apply.
Kirsty Wilkinson
Outreach Officer
Overview of Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Residential Summer School
The faculty residential summer schools are split into sections, each designed to emulate a different area of undergraduate life. Day one will begin at 1pm with a familiarisation session, you will meet students from other schools that are also taking part in the scheme and be split into small working groups (each group will be assigned a Student Ambassador to help answer any questions and help you to orientate yourselves). Together you will spend some time exploring the campus and your new surroundings including the students union, library and sports centre.
Day one will finish at approximately 4.30, at which point you will move into your halls of residence. Each student will be assigned their own bedroom but will share facilities with their flat mates. We will provide you with all the ingredients and equipment that you will need to create the ultimate pizza (along with a selection of other goodies and treats). After some free time we will then move to our students union where we will host a quiz, music and other entertainment.
After the workshops on day two we will take you to our brand new leisure centre for some fun, team building activities. Following this students will prepare their own evening meal before settling down with pop corn and sweets for a movie night.
After breakfast on day three you will complete working on your projects from the previous two days and prepare to present back your findings. After lunch we will have a short presentation looking at the next steps with your university applications before a mini celebration reviewing the event. We will be aiming to finish by 2.30pm
This residential summer school is ideal for anyone wishing to study courses based in Science including Biology, Chemistry, Biomedical Science, Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Science, Forensic Science and Medical Science at university.
Personal Details
First Name: ……………………………………………………………………………......
Surname: …………………………………………………………………………...... …......
Date of Birth: ………………………………………...... ……… Gender: Male/Female
Home Address:
…………………………………………………...... ………………………………………......
…………………………………………………...... ………………………………………......
Postcode: ……………………………………...... ………………………………………......
Email Address: ……………………...... …………………………………………………......
Mobile Phone Number: ………………...... ……………………………………………......
Home Telephone Number:…………………...... ……………………………………......
School Details
Name of School: …………………………...... …………………………………………...
Year of Study: ………………………………………...... …………………………………...
Subjects studied currently (e.g. A Level, BTEC, IB):
Subject / Predicted GradeStatement of Interest
Please use this section to tell us more about yourself and why you think you should be awarded a place on the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Residential Summer School. If you would like more space, please attach a separate sheet of paper to your application form.
Code of Behaviour
We would like all students to benefit from the visit and to enjoy the experience. For this to be achieved, you will be expected to show responsible behaviour throughout your stay, as well as respect for the rights of other students, undergraduate helpers and De Montfort University staff.
To ensure the maximum benefit and enjoyment for all, and for health and safety reasons, the following rules will be in operation for the duration of the residential visit. As a requirement of attending the Summer Residential both you and your parent/guardian should sign this form and return it with your application
Rules and regulations
- Alcohol must not be brought onto the summer school site or consumed during the summer residential. The no-alcohol policy will apply to staff and undergraduate helpers as well as to summer residential participants.
- The purchase or use of drugs or any illegal substances is strictly forbidden.
- Intimate sexual relationships are forbidden.
- Smoking is only allowed for students 18 or over, in certain designated areas (which will be indicated on the first day of the Summer Residential).
- Students are expected to attend all timetabled activities (unless there is a valid reason for absence, such as illness).
- Students are not allowed to leave the campus without permission from appropriate University staff.
- Students are expected to follow any emergency procedure, such as a fire drill, as directed by University staff.
- There will be separate male and female accommodation. Males and females are expected to keep to their own accommodation areas.
- Students are expected to be in their rooms at specified times (which will be indicated on the first day).
- Students should not involve themselves in dangerous activities that will cause injury to themselves, other students or staff.
- The University hopes to achieve an atmosphere of mutual respect and friendly co-operation. No-one should engage in abusive or anti-social behaviour towards other students or staff.
Additional rules relating to specific activities
Throughout the Summer Residential, additional rules relating to specific activities will be explained to you. It is expected that you will follow them for your own health and safety, and that of other students and staff.
Serious incidents of misbehaviour
It is expected that the Summer Residential will be free from serious misconduct. However, in the event of serious incidents of misbehaviour, such as fighting, racial abuse or the use of illegal substances, the student(s) concerned will not be allowed to continue on the Summer Residential and will be sent home. In this circumstance the responsibility of getting home from the De Montfort Campus will be the responsibility of the student’s parent’s/guardian’s.
Code of Behaviour
DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY THE STUDENT:I have read the information presented in this Code of Behaviour and agree to follow the rules and regulations listed in it.
I also agree to follow any additional rules and regulations explained to me during the course of the Summer Residential.
I understand that I will not be allowed to continue on the Summer Residential course in the event of serious misbehaviour on my part.
FULL NAME (printed): ______DATE: ______
DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN:I have read and understood the information presented in this Code of Behaviour.
I understand that, in the event of serious misbehaviour on the part of my son/daughter/ward, he/she will not be allowed to continue on the Summer Residential. In this circumstance, I understand that I will be responsible for transporting my son/daughter/ward home.
FULL NAME (printed): ______DATE: ______
US BY 26th MAY
Emergency Contact & Medical Information