Winter 2016

Concurrent Disorders PROGRAM

Faculty of Community and Urban Studies

Field Placement Manual


Neil McMahon M.S.W., R.S.W.

Associate Dean

Telephone: (905) 575-2018


Kelly McCormick R.S.W., M.S.W., B.S.W.

Academic & Field Placement Co-ordinator

(905)575-1212 Ext. 3617

Kalles B.S.W., R.S.W., M. Ed.

Faculty Seminar Instructor

(905) 575-1212 Ext. 4658

Anita O’Keeffe

Field Placement Specialist

(905)575-1212 Ext. 3573

Concurrent Disorders General Phone Numbers

(905) 575-1212 Ext. 2149


Theresa Merwin, Ext. 3558

Tracey Richardson (SSA) Ext. 2345

Reny Malley Ext. 4169

Kim Beaul Ext. 3026


Acknowledgements...... 4

Program Dates...... 6

General Program Information...... 7

Introduction...... 8

Relationship Between Classroom and Field...... 9

Program Learning Outcomes...... 10

Program of Studies...... 11

Concurrent Disorders Program Expectations...... 12

Field Placement Objectives and Goals...... 13

Promotion Policy...... 14

Student Goals and Learning Plans...... 15

Student Code of Conduct...... 16

Roles and Responsibilities...... 17

The Student...... 18

Seminar/Weekly Activity Records…………………………………………………………………………………………..19

The Agency...... 20

The Supervisor...... 21

The Faculty Seminar Instructor...... 22

Evaluation...... 23

Grading...... 24

Incomplete Grades...... 25

Setting up the Field Placement...... 26

The Student...... 27

The Agency...... 28

Supports Available...... 29

Faculty Seminar Instructor...... 30

Seminar...... 30

Placement Visits...... 31

Field Placement Specialist...... 31

Procedure for Progressive Discipline...... 32

Students with Disabilities...... 33

Safety...... 34

Police Clearance...... 35

Medical Clearance...... 35

Personal Safety...... 36

Insurance...... 37

Accident Reporting Procedure...... 38

Protocol for Exposure to Blood Borne Diseases...... 39

Bed Bug Protocol for Field Placement Settings...... 40

Additional Policies and Procedures...... 42

Absences...... 43

Student...... 43

Field Placement...... 43

Seminar...... 44

Agency/Supervisor...... 44

College Closure...... 44

Hours: Standard and Exceptions to these in Field Placement...... 45

Conflict of Interest...... 46

Appendices...... 47

Field Placement Goal Plan...... 48

Field Placement Confirmation and Information Form...... 50

Field Placement Agreement…………………….………………………………………………………………..51

Field Placement Activity Record...... 52



Those of us who teach in the School of Human Services, Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology, would like to take this opportunity to thank our community partners for the opportunities provided to our students in their professional development though field placements.

Field placements allow our students the opportunity to practice and apply the learning they receive in the classroom. Field placements “bring the classroom learning to life.” The Concurrent Disorders faculty acknowledge the very important role that our field placements play in training and preparing our students. Therefore, we would like to recognize the commitment, energy and work that field placement supervisors demonstrate. Your contribution to the students is invaluable in their personal and professional journeys.

The Concurrent Disorders Program at Mohawk College provides support both to our students and agencies to ensure that students have the best learning opportunity and that agencies will also benefit from the experience. We challenge our students to use their field placement experience to stretch themselves and to learn as much as possible about themselves, their agency and those they serve.

“Practice and teaching go hand in hand. One cannot teach what is not practiced; one cannot practice what cannot be taught” (Horejsi, C. & Garthwait, C. 2002, p.15).

Program Dates




Semester Begins / Monday January 11,2016

Classes begin

/ Tuesday,January 12, 2016
Family Day College is Closed / Monday February 15, 2016
Winter Break / Monday February 29-Friday March 4, 2016
Field Placement start date / Monday,March 7, 2016
Good Friday College is closed / Friday March 25, 2016
Last Field Placement Seminar / MondayApril 11, 2016
Field Placement end date / Friday, April 22, 2016
Submission of Evaluation / Monday, April 18, 2016

General Program Information


The field practicum is a vital component of our Concurrent Disorders Program at Mohawk College. Mohawk College Concurrent Disorders students are required to complete one field placement in the second 7 weeks of their second semester, following the successful completion of coursework.

Fieldwork in a human service organization provides an opportunity for students to integrate theory with practice. Through experiential teaching and learning, the student develops the ability to apply knowledge to practice situations, to develop competence in practice skills, to consistently model best practices, to enhance their personal and professional strengths and capacities, and to work effectively within the community/service system.

This manual is intended to provide basic information and guidance to field placement supervisors, and students. This information will be supplemented by the Faculty Seminar Instructorthroughout the duration of the placement in the agency.


The Concurrent Disorders Program uses a block field placement format, which offers many advantages. One of these is maximal concentration of time in the field for client engagement. In addition, their course work will be completed prior to starting the placement and the placement serves both as the opportunity to practice what has been learned as well as a culmination of classroom learning. The student should apply knowledge acquired from the classroom to the field placement agency. It is important that the student is able to demonstrate the ability to apply concepts and skills learned in the classroom to specific agency situations. The supervisor should encourage this learning and expect that the student will be able to put into practice those concepts taught in the classroom. The student should expect that in addition to putting concepts taught in the classroom into practice, they will be asked to discuss this learning both with their supervisor and in their Field Placement Seminar. A copy of the Program of Studies can be found elsewhere in this manual.


Students are expected to develop competency in the areas noted below. These goals represent minimum performance standards in order to graduate with a diploma from the Concurrent Disorders Program. It is anticipated that students will acquire knowledge and experience relevant to some of these goals while participating in field practicum. It is not expected that the student will be exposed to all areas of practice required during a single field placement, however classroom curriculum and field experience augment and support each other. As a result of the interaction between the two, it is anticipated that students will acquire this broad base of knowledge and skills.


On successful completion of the program, learners will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

1)Demonstrate the ability to identify clients who have concurrent mental health and addiction disorders.

2)Formulate an integrated, customized plan for treatment of concurrent disorders, in collaboration with the client and other professionals, based on a non-biased, client-centred philosophy.

3)Demonstrate knowledge of the pharmacological agents used to treat mental health issues, their effects, side effects, and interactions with other substances (ie. alcohol, illegal substances) that may affect the client’s well-being.

4)Monitor client outcomes to determine success of treatment or need for additional interventions.

5)Initiate strategies, based on available research, trends, to promote client advocacy and community education in regard to concurrent disorders.

6)Integrate relevant policies, best practices and legislation into the scope of practice as it relates to the concurrent disorders field.

7)Establish a plan for professional development in regard to the field of concurrent disorders.

8)Perform ongoing self-assessment and utilize self-care strategies to enhance professional competence.

9)Assist those persons involved in the daily life of an individual with mental health and/or alcohol and /or drug problems in understanding their own related difficulties and developing self-care strategies.

10)Demonstrate effective communication with client, family and internal/external professionals based on a recognized case management model.

11)Demonstrate competencies regarding the application of safety practices and critical incident management.



Semester 1

COUN 10003 / Develop of Counselling Skills / 4
HLTH 10152 / Fostering Healthy Lifestyles / 2
HLTH 10153 / Pharmacology for Concurrent Disorders / 3
HMNS 10050 / Concurrent Disorders / 4
HMNS 10094 / Concurrent Disorders, Issues & Ethics / 3
SAFE 10085 /
Critical Incident & Safety Management
/ 3

Semester 2

COMM 10131 / Research, Reports & Proposals / 3
CRED 10081 / Field Placement Seminar / 2
HMNS 10052 / CD Treatment and Models / 5
HMNS 10053 / Supporting Families Living with CD / 2
HMNS 10054 / Relapse Prevention & Harm Reduction / 3
CRED 10088 / Field Placement Preparation / 2
WORK 10113 / Field Placement / 28

Concurrent Disorders

Program Expectations



  1. The student is expected to gain knowledge and an understanding of the role, duties and responsibilities of agency personnel.
  2. The field placement should assist the student to recognize his/her suitability for this type of work. This includes being comfortable with clients and interacting with agency staff and professionals from other disciplines.
  3. The student is expected to show increasing self-awareness and a willingness to experience personal change. This should be observable in behaviour and attitudes.
  4. The student is expected to demonstrate an increased level of knowledge, adaptability, professionalism, and interpersonal skills through interactions with clients and other workers.
  1. The student is expected to develop the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the practical situation.
  2. The student shall show attitudes and behaviour consistent with professional expectations.
  3. The student is expected to maintain professional helping relationships which adhere to legal and best practice standards.
  4. The student is expected to assess the needs and resources of individuals and families, and assist them to achieve their goals and meet their needs.
  5. The student is expected to implement effective plans of treatment.
  6. The student is expected to provide appropriate access to resources in order to assist individuals, families, groups and the community.


AC700 - POLICY TITLE: Program Promotion and Graduation
Mohawk College is committed to a consistent, equitable and transparent process that facilitates students’ progression through their chosen Program of Studies to graduation. College policies and procedures related to progression and promotion have been developed in accordance with the Mohawk commitment to excellence and the requirements of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
Pass Level
Effective Fall 2009, a minimum passing grade of 50% applies for all courses offered at the College.
Advancement from One Semester to the Next
Promotion with Good Standing:
Students will be allowed to progress from one semester to the next with attainment of a minimum Weighted GPA greater than or equal to 60% (semester promotion grade) with no failures. Course registration is subject to course prerequisites.
Promotion with Advice:
This situation applies to students who achieve a Weighted GPA greater than or equal to 50%, with no more than one failure. Provided that prerequisites are met, students in this situation may continue into the next term, but are strongly encouraged to seek academic advice from a Program Coordinator, Student Success Advisor and/or Counselor to help them enhance their academic performance. Students need to recognize that one failure has the potential to compromise progression from one semester to the next, and successive occurrences may prohibit the student from achieving graduation status within the timelines prescribed by the POS.
Students in this category who have identified with Disability Services and have a Confidential Academic Accommodation Plan are strongly encouraged to meet with their Disability Services Case Manager.
Students who achieve a Weighted GPA greater than or equal to 50% with more than one failure will not be promoted. These students may be allowed to progress to the next term with special authorizationthrough the mandatory academic advisement process. Students in this category must meet with a Program Coordinator or Student Success Advisor to discuss their academic future. Referral to a Counselor may follow, if appropriate.
Students in this category who have identified with Disability Services and have a Confidential Academic Accommodation Plan must meet with their Disability Services Case Manager.
Compulsory Withdrawal:
Students with a Weighted GPA less than 50 will be required to leave the program. It is strongly recommended that students in this situation seek advisement to explore opportunities for continuing study at the College
Withdrawal due to Professional Misconduct
A student may be asked to withdraw under the following circumstances:
  • Professional misconduct
  • A behavior that leads to the implementation of the Student Behaviour Policy – Mohawk College. It outlines a range of disciplinary sanctions that can be imposed depending on the severity and pattern of the behaviour in question

Requirements for Graduation
An overall minimum weighted GPA of 60% is required to graduate. Where courses have been repeated, the highest course mark will be used in the calculation. Exceptions to these graduation requirements require the approval of the Grading and Promotion Standards Committee.


The passing grade is 50%. Course grades will be assigned by the faculty member. Final grades will be given to the student. It is the student’s sole responsibility to obtain their results.


Students can appeal their final mark. Students cannot appeal an interim grade.


Students are expected to develop vocational competencies and complete the tasks assigned by the supervisor. Supervisors are asked to assist the student in setting specific tasks and activities appropriate to the field placement setting. Students originally design goals for their own learning in three (3) areas:

1. Personal development

2. Skill (2)

3. Knowledge base

However, some goals may not correspond with the field placement site and must be reshaped to suit the features of the agency. All student goals should be: observable, measurable and attainable. The supervisor should obtain a copy of the student’s goals at the time of the initial interview. This Learning Plan will be brought to the Supervisor for completion during supervision (e.g. supporting activities, assessment, etc.). The Learning Plan becomes the contract between supervisor and student and provides shape and direction to the work the student is to accomplish while at the field placement.


School of Human Services

Concurrent Disorders Program



Mohawk College has several policies, which are made available to all new and returning students in the “On Track” handbook. In addition to this, the Concurrent Disorders Program requires all students to adhere to the following Student Code of Conduct specifically relating to human service work.

As students in this program you are preparing to work in the human service industry. This means that you will be expected to participate in field placement in a variety of settings and agencies with individuals who are in need of assistance, and many are in a vulnerable position in society. In some cases you will be seen as a role model interacting with clients, consumers, agency staff and the community. Faculty and staff have the right to expect sound ethical behaviour that is becoming of a human service professional and adheres to field placement agency standards.


1) Socially Expected Behaviour:

a)Engaging in behaviour that would increase confidence in one’s ability to care for others or be an effective change agent

b)Accepting feedback from others and be willing to change behaviour if required

c)Maintaining an appropriate standard of dress and personal hygiene

d)Demonstrating respect and professionalism for all faculty, staff and students by not engaging in any aggressive, threatening and/or aversion behaviour (swearing, yelling, physical and verbal outbursts, etc.)

e)Being drug and/or alcohol free while engaging in classroom and/or any program related activities

2) Positive and Effective Interpersonal Skills:

a)Using self-disclosure appropriately

b)Actively listening and showing interest in others

c)Demonstrating a positive regard for others

d)Demonstrating empathy

e)Constructively attempting to resolve conflicts with others

f)Demonstrating consistency in verbal and non-verbal communication

g)Demonstrating the ability to work with others

h)Respecting the rights of others

i)Remaining confidential at all times

j)Demonstrating sensitivity and consideration of others

3) Commitment, Reliability and Integrity As A Human Service Student:

a)Attending required classes and other scheduled learning activities

b)Being punctual

c)Meeting stated and expected deadlines

d)Maintaining confidentiality

e)Demonstrating honesty in academics and in dealing with faculty and students

f)Seeking assistance when necessary

g)Attending appointments designated by faculty

h)Following College’s policies and procedures

Roles and Responsibilities



In the field placement setting, the student must take responsibility for his/her own learning in order to ensure that the objectives for fieldwork are met.

The student is expected to:

  1. Report to the agency at times specified by the agency and field placement supervisor (see ‘Absences’ under Additional Policies and Procedures for more information).
  2. Complete the required number of hours of fieldwork to the mutual satisfaction of the agency Supervisor and Faculty Seminar Instructorby the end of the semester.
  3. Advise the agency Field Placement Supervisor and Faculty Seminar Instructor of illness, tardiness or material change in circumstances that may affect performance at placement.
  4. Act responsibly as a representative of the field placement organization and abide by all agency policies and procedures.
  5. Ensure that they meet the requirements of the agency and have acquired the appropriate clearances to demonstrate this before the date placement is to start. This may include but is not limited to a police clearance.
  6. Act in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct, Concurrent Disorders Program and observe all other Mohawk College and Program policies.
  7. Develop, in consultation with the Field Placement Supervisor and the Faculty Seminar Instructor, a detailed Learning Plan that addresses the student’s personal learning objectives, the requirements of the Concurrent Disorders Program for the specified field placement course as well as the expectations of the field placement agency.
  8. Invite feedback from the Supervisor and others regarding his/her performance and to be open to learning by considering and acting on feedback.
  9. Be prepared to discuss personal values, feelings and attitudes which relate to development as a helping professional.
  10. Participate in regular weekly meetings with the Supervisor for the duration of the placement. It is expected that the student will prepare thoughtfully for this supervision session in order to utilize the consultation time effectively.
  11. Review progress through meetings with the Faculty Seminar Instructor, and Field Placement Supervisor as well as attend discretionary placement visits arranged and attended by the Field Placement Specialist and supervisor.
  12. Complete a Field Placement Progress Report Form with the Field Placement Supervisor at the end of the semester.
  13. Inform the Field Placement Supervisor and the Faculty Seminar Instructor, in a timely manner, of any difficulties or concerns about field placement and work collaboratively towards a resolution.
  14. Regularly attend and participate fully in weekly Field Placement Seminar classes at Mohawk College.
  15. Complete all seminar requirements- See Learning Plan for CRED- 10081.
  16. Complete weekly signed activity records and submit weekly by the due date assigned.
  17. Attend the agreed upon placement and not contact other placements for the purpose of developing a new placement without the prior approval of the Field Placement Coordinator.
