Graduate School of Social Sciences
Universiteit van Amsterdam
and THESIS PROPOSAL (Please attach!)
Research Master Programme in Metropolitan Studies
Student name and number:
Phone number:
Preliminary Title of Thesis:
Three key words describing your thesis (to be used for future reference):
1. 2. 3.
First Supervisor name:
Starting Date (of thesis):
Planned Graduation: □ 24 June ’11 □ 26 August ’11 □ 28 October ‘11
□ later than 28 October ‘11
Planned Way of Supervision (i.e. number of meetings/months etc.):
Signatures for approval of attached thesis proposal (please note that another signature is required on the last page of the agreement):
signature first supervisor signature academic advisor
This form has to be handed in at the GSSS with the thesis proposal
and the signed thesis agreement attached before you leave for your fieldwork
Please turn over page
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Universiteit van Amsterdam
1. The primary data gathering (fieldwork) for this research project will take place
from (date) ……………………………………………………………….………..……
until (date)………………………………………………………………………………
in …………….……………………………………………………….(place/country)
2. Before leaving, the student and supervisor have agreed on a time-scheme (please attach!) signed by the supervisor and the student. After the agreed deadline as stated in this time-scheme, the student is no longer entitled to supervision by the programme, unless the examination committee allows an extension. In order to request such an extension, the student is required to file a written request to the examination committee.
3. The student has taken out an adequate insurance to cover health and repatriation costs for the period of his fieldwork.
Name of insurance company: ……………………………………………………….
Policy number………………………………………………………………..………
4. The student declares that he/she is in good health and has taken all necessary precautions (including relevant vaccinations) to safeguard his/her health in the field.
5. Local supervision (if applicable) will be provided by:
Position: ……………………………………..…………….……………………………………
Contact details: ………………………………...………………………………………………..
6. The local supervisor has been contacted by the academic advisor, and has formally agreed to be the student’s local supervisor?
[ ] yes
[ ] no
[ ] not applicable
7. When special circumstances force the student to return from the field at an earlier date, the programme in principle allows the thesis to be written on this topic based on secondary sources. An expansion of the theoretical component might be required in this case. The student will have to submit a revised thesis proposal within six weeks of return from the field for these reasons. If needed, the examination committee can extend this period upon a motivated request. The revised proposal needs approval of the supervisors and academic advisor.
8. If the primary data-gathering takes place outside the Netherlands students of the research master Metropolitan Studies are eligible for the GSSS fieldwork subsidy and, in some cases, for the STUNT scholarship. The GSSS fieldwork subsidy provides the student with a fieldwork subsidy ranging from €200 to a maximum of €700, depending on the destination and the period of fieldwork, covering as well accommodation and travel costs. The STUNT grant provides the student with an (additional) grant ranging from €300 to a maximum of €900, depending on the destination and the period of fieldwork, covering only travel costs. Both 80% of the GSSS fieldwork subsidy and the STUNT grant are transferred to the student’s account once the following documents have been submitted to the GSSS information desk:
· an application form for the STUNT grant and the GSSS fieldwork subsidy, to be downloaded at, A-Z list, F of Fieldwork subsidy and STUNT
· a copy of the signed thesis proposal form and thesis agreement
· a budget
The rest amount (20%) will be transferred to the students account when the fieldwork report is handed in (STUNT) or the original receipts of accommodation and travel costs (GSSS Fieldwork subsidy) have been submitted to the International Office via the GSSS information desk.
More information on the requirements and procedures of both grants is published on, A-Z list, F of Fieldwork subsidy and STUNT.
The programme furthermore provides a lump sum subsidy of € 300 for local supervision, , provided that the academic advisor has approved the local supervision. The student pays the local supervisor when in the field and back in the Netherlands he/she can reimburse the supervision fee through the financial department of the GSSS. To complete this transaction, the following forms are required:
1. Form reclaiming supervision fee; a letter in which your local supervisor confirms that he/she received the supervision fee, to be downloaded via, A-Z list, F of Fieldwork subsidy and STUNT.
2. Reimbursement form, to be downloaded via, A-Z list, F of Fieldwork subsidy and STUNT/download section.
Both forms can be sent to:
GSSS financial department
c/o Sylvia Manuputy-Dierdorp
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX, Amsterdam
9. Has the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs advised against travel to the country/region where the fieldwork takes place?
[ ] yes
[ ] no
If yes: please read and sign the UvA’s liability form.
10. During the entire fieldwork period the student has to be enrolled at the Universiteit van Amsterdam to participate in the Research Master Programme in Metropolitan Studies of the GSSS.
11. The student is entitled to a maximum of eight meetings with his/her first supervisor to discuss data-analysis, chapters, the final draft or other issues the student or supervisor considers relevant. The date of submission of the thesis, the date of the thesis defence and planned graduation date have to be carefully coordinated with the first and second supervisor, to ensure their availability in the planned period.
12. The student should respect local ethics and institutional principles when carrying out the field-research project. The student shouldadhere to responsible and deferential behaviour vis-à-vis all people and institutions encounteredduring the field-researchat all times whilst representing theRMMS programmeof the UvA.
13. The student should submit the final version of the thesis before 31 August 2012 to both supervisors (in paper) and to the Registrar’s Office (digitally).
14. If the student neglects, misuses or does not meet the conditions stated in this agreement, the GSSS has the right to order the student to repay the fieldwork subsidy.
Please turn over page
Signatures for agreement on/approval of the thesis agreement:
signature first supervisor signature academic advisor
signature student date
Academic Advisor: Please do not sign the form until the first supervisor has given the approval by signing the form. Also make sure that you have read the proposal and the time-scheme before signing. By signing this form you approve of the topic of the thesis (this being indeed a topic that leads to the degree the student is a candidate for), the time schedule, and of the conditions stated in the agreement.
First Thesis Supervisor: Please read the proposal and the agreement with care before signing. Make sure you agree with the content, the time schedule the student has planned, the manner of supervision and the conditions stated in the thesis agreement. The grade for the thesis has to be handed in to the Registrar at least three weeks before the planned date of graduation. The supervisor and the second reader have to agree on the grade and both sign an exam slip and evaluation form. The first supervisor is asked to attend the graduation ceremony to sign the diploma and to address a few words to the student.
Student: Please hand in this form - with your thesis proposal attached! - to the GSSS information desk. Make sure that all required signatures are on the form and agreement and all the required information is complete before submitting them.