Faculty of Biotechnology and Animal Husbandry
Course title / MICROBIOLOGYTeaching method / Lecture/laboratory
Person responsible for the course / Karol Fijałkowski / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 5
Type of course / Obligatory / Level of course / Bsc.
Semester / Winter / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / 2 / Hours per semester / 30
Objectives of the course / Aims of the Course:
To provide students with the latest information in scientific microbiological methods.
The student should be able to:
discuss the classification of bacteria; describe the bacterial colony and cell structure; explain the bacterial physiology and growth; discuss the bacterial genetics; describe in details the morphology, the culture, spread, biochemical activities, antigenic characters, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis; define the organs commonly involved in the infection; explain the methods of microorganisms controls.
Entry requirements / Basic lab knowledgeand skills.
Ability to pipet, make solutions and dilutions and to execute protocols which require the use of sterile techniques.
Course contents / Information aboutworkinginmicrobiological laboratory. Methods for determination and controlling bacterial growth. Methods of culturing bacteria. Preparing and storage of culture media. Conditions of bacterial cultures. Microscopic examination of microorganisms. Procedure forpreparingbacterial smears. Detection and identification of various kind of microorganisms. Study of biochemical activity of microorganisms. Determination of antibiotic susceptibility of pathogenic bacteria. Identification of virulence factors produced by microorganisms. Molecular diagnostics of microorganisms – PCR based techniques.Isolation and identification of microorganisms from environmental samples and animal material and determination of their quantity.Isolations of purebacteriafrom a mixculture.Validation of methods in microbiology laboratory.
Assessment methods / Grade, project work, continuous assessment
Recommended readings /
- Lansing M. Prescott, “Microbiology”, McGraw-Hill Science, 2002
Additional information
Teaching method / Lecture/laboratory
Person responsible for the course / Radoslaw Drozd, PhD / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 5
Type of course / Obligatory / Level of course / Bsc.
Semester / Winter, summer / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / 2 / Hours per semester / 30
Objectives of the course / Get basic knowledge in the field of enzymology and methods for selection and modification of enzymes for use on an industrial scale
Entry requirements / Basics of chemistry, biophysics, biochemistry, physical chemistry
Course contents / Basic of enzymology, enzymes kinetic constants determination. Prediction of structure and function of enzymes. Isolation, selection and purification appropriate enzymes for industrial process. Methods for enhancing and protection an activity and stability enzymes in industrial processes. Immobilization of enzymes. Design and optimization selected industrial process with using the enzymes.
Assessment methods / Project work
Recommended readings /
- Athel Cornish-Bowden “Fundamentals of enzyme kinetics” Portland Press, 2004
- Jeffrey Cleland, Charles Craik. “Protein engineering: principles and practice”Wiley-Liss, 1996
- Lilia Alberghina”Protein engineering in industrial biotechnology”Harwood Academic Publishers, 2000
- Wolfgang Aehle”Enzymes in industry: production and applications”Wiley-VCH, 2004
- Julio Polaina, Andrew MacCabe “Industrial enzymes: structure, function and applications” Springer-Verlag, 2007
Additional information
Course title /
Teaching method / LaboratoryPerson responsible for the course / Dr Agnieszka Tomza-Marciniak / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 3
Type of course / Optional / Level of course / Msc.
Semester / Winter / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / 2h / Hours per semester / 15h
Objectives of the course / The course aims to provide students with knowledge oflaboratorytests check a sample of blood, urine, faeces and body tissues.
Entry requirements / Physiology, animal anatomy
Course contents / Complete Blood Count (CBC) test. Automated and semi-automated blood analysis. The urine analysis (Reader Urine Analyser). Thephysico-chemical and microscopicpropertiesof theurine. Urine sample collection and analysis. Urine sediment analysis. The qualitative and quantitative methods in parasitology. Coproscopic techniques for detection and quantitative estimation of endoparasites. Microscopic Examination. The post-mortem parasitological examination: dissection, parasites isolation, preservation and examination of collected samples. Cryptosporidium detection methods. Zielh-Nielsen staining method: preparation and microscopic examination. Cryptosporidiumimmunochromatographic test. Trichinella detection: trichinoscopy and pooled-sample digestion method.
Assessment methods / Continuous assessment
Recommended readings /
1.Pagana K., Pagana T., 2006:Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference. Elsevier Health Sciences.
2.Garcia L., 2009: Practical Guide to Diagnostic Parasitology. American Society for Microbiology.
Additional information / Size of the group – max. 10 studentsCourse title / BIOTECHNOLOGY AND GENETIC
Teaching method / Lecture/laboratory
Person responsible for the course / Dr Arkadiusz Terman, PhD / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / - / ECTS points / 6
Type of course / Obligatory / Level of course / Bsc.
Semester / Winter / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / 2 / Hours per semester / 30
Objectives of the course / Get knowledge about modern techniques using in genetic engineering and biotechnology
Entry requirements / Basics of genetics
Course contents / The course discusses current knowledge about the generic engineering in biotechnology and molecular mechanisms. The course include: genomic DNA isolation, RNA isolation, primers digestion, PCR analysis, use of RFLP, AFLP, RAPD and RT-PCR methods, restriction enzymes analysis, agarose gel electrophoresis, gene expression analysis, practical use of different software for genomes analysis.
Assessment methods / Writing exam
Recommended readings /
- B. Lewin "Genes VII", Oxford University Press, 2000.
- Joseph Sambrook, D. W. Russel "Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual
(Third Edition)", Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbour, New York, 2001
Additional information
Teaching method / Lecture/laboratory
Person responsible for the course / Daniel Polasik, PhD / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 5
Type of course / Obligatory / Level of course / Bsc.
Semester / Winter, summer / Language of instruction / English
Hours per week / 2 / Hours per semester / 30
Objectives of the course / Get knowledge about inheritance of traits and modern techniques using in molecular genetics
Entry requirements / Basics of molecular biology and biochemistry
Course contents / History of genetics. Terms using in genetics. Inheritance of quantitative and qualitative traits. Structure of DNA and chromosomes. Genes and genetic code. Mutations and other reasons of biodiversity. Genes expression and their regulation. Genetic and physical maps of genome. Population genetics. Methods of DNA analysis an their practical use.
Assessment methods / Writing test + project work
Recommended readings / 1. E. Passarge "Color Atlas of Genetics", Thieme Medical Publishers, 2007.
2. B. Lewin "Genes VII", Oxford University Press, 2000.
3. P.C. Winter, G.I. Hickey, H.L. Fletcher, "Instant Notes in Genetics"Bios Scientific Publishers Limited, 2003.
Additional information
Course title / Аграрные хозяйства источником обнавительнoй энергии (лекции)
Teaching method / Мультимедийныепрезентации. СамостоятельныеотчетностидлятехнологическихинновацийвобластиОИЭ
Person responsible for the course / Kazimierz Bobko / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 3
Type of course / К выбору / Level of course / Магистр
Semester / Летний / Language of instruction / Русский
Hours per week / 2 / Hours per semester / 15
Objectives of the course / Студенты будут изучать способы приобретения быстрорастущих биоэнергетических культур, которые создают новые способы использования залежных земель и дефекты. Они узнают ресурсы на фермах в качестве возобновляемого источника энергии и преимущества по сравнению с традиционными источниками.
Entry requirements / Общее знание кормов
Course contents / История, нынешнее состояние а также прогнозы одновительных источников энергии. Биологические носители обнавлятильнoй энергии - чистая и дешевая энергия для всех. Энергетические запасы биомассы и их расположение. Биогаз из биомассы (ферментация корма), возможности конверсии энергии биомассы. Возможности использования биогазa. Энергетические источники текучих биотоплив и потребности их развития в стране. Возделывание и технологии переработки энергетических растений, обрабатываемых на дефектных почвах. Прогнозы развития, добывание финансовых ресурсов и юридические регуляции в Польше и Европе.
Assessment methods / зачет занятий
Recommended readings /
- Солома энергетичное топлива - Anna Grzybek, Piotr Gradziuk, Krzysztof Kowalczyk. Warszawa 2001
- Ива енергетичная - выращивание и технологий переработки- Jan W. Dubas, Anna Grzybek, Włodzimierz Kotowski, Anna Tomczyk. Bytom 2004.
- Проэкологически возобновляемые источники энергии - Witold M. Lewandowski. WNT Warszawa 2006.
Additional information / Минимальное количество студентов - 8
Teaching method / Vorlesungen, Seminare, Übungen
Person responsible for the course / Bogdan Lasota / E-mail address to the person responsible for the course /
Course code
(if applicable) / ECTS points / 5
Type of course / obligatorisch / Level of course / S1/S2
Semester / Sommersemester / Language of instruction / Deutsch
Hours per week / 2 / Hours per semester / 30
Objectives of the course / Möglichkeiten der Anwendung von Techniken zur Steuerung und Modifizierung von Reproduktionsprozessen bei den landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren und ihren Einsatz in der Zuchtpraxis. Nach dem Abschluss des Kurses soll der Student die Grundlagen der Reproduktionssteuerung von weiblichen Nutztieren (Brunstsynchronisation, Auslösung der Superovulation) sowie Kriokonservierungsmethoden der Sperma von verschiedenen Nutztierarten kennen. Der Student soll einen Überblick über die neuesten biotechnischen Methoden bekommen (In-Vitro-Befruchtung, Embryotransfer- und -konservierung). Der Student soll die Kenntnisse über das Klonen von Tieren sowie über die Möglichkeiten der Anwendung von Stammzellen erwerben. Auch die Gesetzgebung betreffs der fortgeschrittenen Biotechniken in EU soll bekannt werden.
Entry requirements / Grundlagen der Physiologie
Course contents / Gewinnung von Oozyten aus den Ovarfollikeln mit verschiedenen Methoden. Kriterien der Beurteilung der Oozytenqualität. Geräte und Material zur Embryonengewinnung
Assisted Reproductive Technology, Methoden der Embryonengewinnung. Einstufung der Embryonen anhand der morphologischen Beurteilung. Physikalische und chemische Prozesse bei der Kriokionservierung von Embryonen. Kriokonservierungsmethoden von Embryonen landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren und Labortieren. Anwendung der Kriokonservierung von Embryonen in der Praxis. Kriokonservierung von Oozyten. Anwendung von biotechnischen Methoden bei der Regulierung und Steuerung des Sexualzyklus bei weiblichen Tieren. Induktion der Polyovulation. Klonen von Säugetieren. Möglichkeiten der Anwendung von Klonen.
Gesetzgebung und Vorschriften zum Umsatz mit Oozyten, Embryonen und Stammzellen in der EU.
Assessment methods / Testat mit einer Note
Recommended readings /
- Niemann H., Ehling Ch., Falge R., 1997,Biotechnological methods for preservation and maintaince of farm animals genetic resources, Schriftenreihe des BML “Angewandte Wissenschaft” 465, 65-76.
- Kauffold P., Thamm I., Zustandsbeurteilung von Rinderembryonen, FZfTP Dummerstorf-Rostock, 1985
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