Faculty Honorarium Program

The Faculty Honorarium Program is designed to recognize faculty members who presented or published scholarly output that demonstrates affiliation with University of Phoenix and meets the University’s adaption of Boyer's Model of Scholarship. Honorarium applications must meet the following guidelines:

  • Faculty must provide adequate documentation that the activity was completed.
  • Honorarium documentation must show the applicant’s affiliation with University of Phoenix.
  • Submission to the Faculty Honorarium Program must take place no later than three months after publication or presentation. Faculty cannot submit for an honorarium payment in advance of their presentation or publication.
  • Activity must be unique (faculty member will not receive honorarium pay if the same material is presented
    at multiple venues).
  • The details of the presentation or publication must be recorded in the Scholarship section of the faculty member’s
    “My Academic Credentials” on the faculty web site prior to submitting for an honorarium payment.
  • The Honorarium is not awarded for:
  • campus sponsored events,
  • conference activities aside from peer reviewed presentations/posters,
  • proposed research or scholarship,
  • paid venues like CE classes or other lecture/presentations that are paid, andself-publishing / vanity presspublications. Predatory journals/conferences are only awarded at the college's discretion.
  • Each faculty member is eligible to receive a maximum of four honorarium payments per calendar year.
  • Faculty must be an Active Faculty, per the UOPX Faculty Handbook (as of 10/12/17, summarized, faculty must have taught within the last 6 calendar months and fulfilled associated faculty obligations).
  • Co-authors must each submit a unique application.

To apply:

To apply for an honorarium payment, begin by completing the application (found on the next page). SUBMIT THE APPLICATION IN WORD FORMAT. PDFS WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT. Update your Academic Credentials (see bullet above) and compile all necessary honorarium documentation.Documentation must demonstrate that the scholarship occurred and your affiliation with UOPX on the presentation/publication or similar materials (e.g., program, agenda, copy of journal article). Once you have collected your materials, email them to the Office of Scholarship Support at .

Review and Decision:

Scholarly outputs are reviewed and approved or denied by the Office of Scholarship Support with input from the faculty’s college. Not all public forums are considered appropriate for the Honorarium, and the University reserves the right to evaluate both the appropriateness of the scholarship and the forum in which it is presented. Faculty receive a $400 honorarium payment for approved scholarship.


Honorarium Application

Applicant Information:
Name: / IRN:
Full Address:
UOPX Email: / Phone:
Primary College: / Primary Campus:
UOPX Staff: / Yes No / UOPX Staff Email:
If you are applying for a Presentation Honorarium, complete this section:
Presentation Title:
Sponsoring Organization:
Presentation Date:
Sponsoring Org URL:
If you are applying for a Publication Honorarium, complete this section. If you are submitting for a book, include the book title for article title and publishing house for the journal.
Publication Date:
Journal URL:
I represent and warrant that in submitting this application that all of the foregoing information is true and complete. I further represent and warrant that the publication being submitted comprises my original work or research and was done in compliance with the University’s standards of academic and scholarship integrity.
Signature: / Date:

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