Gilbert L. Sena Charter High School

Governance Council Meeting

Sena High School, Albuquerque, NM

Governance Council Meeting

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Governance Council members: Mary Louise Sena, Linda Bradley, Tanya Otero-Villalobos and David Sena

Staff members: Nadine Torres, Michelle Tudor, Stan McKeever, Karin Bradberry, Karen Kuebler, Rachel Hill, and Cathy Linford

Business office: Ashley Rodriguez


Governance Council members: George Lucero

Mary Louise Sena called the regular meeting of the governance council to order at 5:12 p.m.

The first order of business was to establish a quorum. Ms. Bradley called roll and established that a quorum was present.

The next item of business was approval of the agenda. Ms. Otero-Villalobos moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Sena seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

The next item of business was approval of the minutes as amended from January 26, 2015. Ms. Bradley moved to approve the minutes. Ms. Otero-Villalobos seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.


Stan McKeever (Math Teacher/STEM Department Chair), Karin Bradberry (Language Arts Teacher/Humanities Department Chair), Karen Kuebler (Parental Involvement Chair), Rachel Hill (Guidance Counselor/College and Career Readiness Chair), and Cathy Linford (Language Arts Teacher) are present.


The Safety Plan has been approved by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED). A disk was sent to NMPED to satisfy areas that were labeled “not met.”

The calendar for the 2016-2017 school year will be voted on in March.


The Finance Committee reviewed the finance report in their meeting.

Ms. Bradley moved to approve BAR 514-000-1516-00010I. Mr. Sena seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Ms. Bradley moved to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll Liability Listing ending January 31, 2016. Ms. Otero-Villalobos seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

The audit will be returned within weeks according to NMPED.

The budget for the next fiscal year is due June 8, 2016. A request for the approval of the budget will be made at the May 31, 2016 meeting.


There were 183 students enrolled on the 120th day.

Our State Equilization Guarantee funds will be calculated at 174 students for next school year. This will result in a $20,000-$25,000 decrease to the budget.

The marketing and recruitment team is still in progress.

Senate Bill 141, the bill pertaining to Small School Size Adjustment, was killed in the Senate and will no progress to the Governor’s desk.

We will be receiving $86,000 from Capital Outlay allocations from the legislature.

Ms. Kuebler, Parental Involvement Team Leader, presented the following statistics for the team:

Sena participated in National School Choice Week and collected 538 cans of food for Sena High families in need; a Student Safety survey will be given to all students in March; 5 parents attended the Parent Advisory Council meeting on December 9, 2015; Spring Graduation Information Night drew 90% of the graduates and their families; 13 students and their parents attended the FAFSA night; 69% of new students attended the New Student Orientation Night on January 13, 2016; Student Led Conferences are going to be on April 13th and 14th, 2016; the Sena High staff has made 4,786 parent contacts so far this school year; there have been 22 IEPs completed for Special Education; there are 2 students on 504s; there are 3 students undergoing the SAT process; 88 bus passes have been given; 48 parent teacher conferences have been held; 22 referrals for truancy have been referred to Juvenile Probation; 20 attendance contracts have been put into place; 11 Next Step Plans for seniors have been completed; 17 outside referrals have been made; 30 families received Christmas gifts; 4 families have received food; 8 CYFD referrals have been made.

Ms. Bradberry, Humanities Goal Team Leader, presented the following information for the team:

The fall to winter scores in the reading portion of the Short Cycle Assessment showed that 9th graders increased from 27% to 41% proficient or advanced, 10th graders increased from 19% to 30% proficient or advanced, 11th graders increased from 47% to 52% proficient or advanced, and the whole school increased from 31% to 40% proficient or advanced; in the writing portion, 9th and 10th graders showed large gains from ineffective to partial and moderate command, and 55% of 11th graders demonstrated moderate command.

Mr. McKeever, STEM Goal Team Leader, presented the following information for the team:

The fall to winter scores in the Math portion of the Short Cycle Assessment showed that 9th graders increased 27% proficient or advanced, 10th graders increased 17% proficient or advanced, 11th graders increased 4% proficient or advanced, and the whole school increased 16% proficient or advanced. In the Open Ended Response portion, Algebra students increased 5% nearing proficient or proficient, Geometry students increased 25% nearing proficient or proficient, Algebra II students increase 67% nearing proficient or proficient, the whole school increased 16% nearing proficient or proficient, and the whole school decreased 15% beginning steps. On the Science Short Cycle Assessment, 9th graders increased 14% proficient, 10th graders decreased 11% proficient, 11th graders increased 35% proficient, and the whole school increased 8% proficient. In the Open Ended Response Science portion, 9th graders increased 22% proficient, 10th graders increased 9% proficient, 11th graders increased 8% proficient, and the whole school increased 16% proficient.

Ms. Hill, College and Career Readiness Team Leader, presented the following information for the team: there are 29 seniors that were enrolled at the 40th day (2 are at risk of not graduating); there are 11 post 40th day seniors; there are 40 expected graduates; 4 students will be earning college honors cords and 11 students will be earning career honors cords; Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) will be on campus to help students get enrolled in Dual Credit as well as get enrolled as freshman; a CNM representative helped with the FAFSA workshop; 27 out of 29 seniors have met all of their competencies (the other two are in process); 12 students are taking 8 Dual Credit courses off campus; 50 students taking 53 Dual Credit courses on Sena High’s campus; 59 out of 65 students must earn a C or better in their Dual Credit courses in order for us to exceed our charter goal; 52 out of 65 students must earn a C or better in their Dual Credit courses for us to meet our charter goal; 28 out of 29 seniors enrolled at the 40th day must graduate in order for us to exceed our charter goal; 27 out of 29 seniors enrolled a the 40th day must graduate in order for us to meet our charter goal.

Ms. Tudor, the Director of Development, discussed fundraising the Community Yard and Craft Sale on May 14th. She also talked about the Career Fair being held on March 23rd during 5th period. There will be 11 professionals coming, and the fair will be six 10 minute sessions. Students will choose which sessions they want to attend. Students will sign up for their sessions on March 16th through advocacy.


Ms. Otero-Villalobos moved to table the approval of the School Safety Plan until the March 22, 2016 meeting. Ms. Bradley seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

The Charter School Division site visit is on March 23, 2016.

Ms. Bradley moved to enter into Executive Session at 6:36pm. Mr. Sena seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Dr. Sena invited Ms. Tudor and Ms. Torres to the Executive Session.

Open session was reconvened at 7:12pm.

Dr. Sena requested a statement of consensus that only the items listed on the agenda were discussed in Executive Session. Role was called.

Ms. Otero-Villalobos moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:13p.m., Ms. Bradley seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
