2011-2012 Nomination Form

Students and administrators may nominate professors or teaching assistants from the 2011-2012 academic year for the Faculty Excellence Awards. The National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) recognizes faculty through two different awards. Please nominate your professor/teaching assistant for one of the following:

  1. The Faculty hALL-STAR Award: This award is given to faculty members who have participated in a program(s) in the residence halls and/or university-owned apartments and have made an impact on the lives of students living in Marquette housing. Please fill out the following information for this nomination. Please limit your nomination to 600 words. (You may also reference the TEACH paradigm below to describe your reason for nominating.)

Name of Nominator:

Campus Address & Cell Phone:

Name of Nominee:

College & Department (i.e, Arts & Sciences, English):

Program Title, Date, & Brief Description:

Reason for Nominating this Faculty Member:

  1. Faculty Star Award – This award is designed to recognize professors who have made an impact on the lives of students in or outside of the classroom. Any professor who embodies the TEACH paradigm (found below) is qualified for nomination. (Unlike the hALL-STAR award, this faculty member need not participate in a program in the residence halls or apartments to be nominated.) Please use the following questions to construct your nomination; limit the nomination to 600 words.

Name of Nominator:

Campus Address & Cell Phone:

Name of Nominee:

College & Department (i.e, Arts & Sciences, English):

Total Dedication

  • How has this instructor demonstrated commitment to his/her work, students, and students’ needs in and/or outside the classroom setting?


  • How does this instructor demonstrate enthusiasm towards his or her area of expertise? How does this enthusiasm motivate students and feed their desire to learn?


  • What do you admire about this instructor?

Cura Personalis

  • How does this instructor explicitly “care for the whole person” in the classroom, residence halls, university apartments, and/or the greater Marquette/Milwaukee community?

Helping Hand

  • How has this instructor helped you on an individual or group level?

Please complete this application and return it to the NRHH mailbox at the Carpenter Tower front desk by 5:00pm on April 5, 2012.

All nominators and nominees will be invited to attend the Faculty Star Award Reception, to be located in the Mashuda Ballrooms on Thursday, April 19th at 5pm. All nominees will receive a certificate recognizing them as a Faculty Star and/or hALL-STAR Award recipient. The Faculty Excellence Award winner will be announced at this reception.

Thank you in advance for your nominations! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the

NRHH Scholastics Committee at , or by phone at 288-4728.