Guía de Trabajos Prácticos - Inglés II- Cátedra de Inglés Técnico -

Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral




Tiempos simples

1-New determinative methods are used in different ways.

2-Final products were carefully sampled for their analytical control under different circumstances. By this means, foreign elements that were not detected initially were noted when the material was still stored at the plant.

3-Johnson and his colleagues showed that the enterotoxins were superantigens, although that term was not coined until many years later.

4-The presence of white cells in the tissue was expected as a normal response to any infection, and so there was little reason to think that the cells were doing something unusual.

Con verbos modales

1-Disagreement with technical departments can be frequently expressed by the higher administrative levels, for their viewpoints often do not coincide.

2-Some of the problems which may have been associated with the food industry’s miscellaneous requirements may be despatched to an analytical research department, for their solution may be basically related to scientific facts rather than to practical operations.

3-Unfortunately for science, the first industry law is:whatever is developed must be used.

4-In handling very heterogeneous material some segregation might be produced in transporting it; thus, large lumps might be originated, the presence of which could invalidate the results of the analysis.

5-The containers, some of which could be used once more in the determinative analysis sampling, ought to be always carefully cleansed, dried, and stored.

Con expresiones sustitutas

1-Chemical reagents that have to be employed in analytical laboratories will have to be normally purchased according to a reagent quality specifications, a certain number or which are able to be normally obtained as commercially available products.

2-Much of the “ distilled water” that was allowed to be included in some previous tests was water that had to be de-ionized by artificial zeolites bur was not distilled. Since organic degradation products were not able to be removed by de-ionization, the peaty water we need will have to be not only de-ionized but distilled as well.

Tiempos continuos

1-The mechanisms by which superantigens overstimulated the immune system and induced disease were being learned by the time other medical mysteries were being explained.

2-The efficacy of oral tolerance to autoantigens is now being demonstrated by extensive research on a variety of animal disease models.

3-Burns victims`own undamaged skin is now being cultured, as a result of patented technology for growing epithelial tissue.

Tiempos perfectos

1-Since ancients times, aluminium had been proposed as one of the very few metals that had its own built-in rust proofing system.

2-Mix the proper reagents, spray them on the surface, and in ten minutes you will find a dense outer layer will have been formed to protect the original surface .








1-The users must be given clear instructions.

2-The pharmaceutical Society was offered a series of guidelines to help it in its new-drugs’ development work.
3-Some years ago we were told many scientifically valid facts that nowadays are neither valid nor scientifical anymore.




1-This theory appears to apply in this case.
2-The results seem to be correct.
VOZ ACTIVA de TO BE + VI1-You are to wash your hands at the end of the work.
2-The sample is to be analyzed here.
VOZ PASIVA + VI1-This theory is known to apply in this case.
2-On the kinetic theory, gases are assumed to consist of a large number of small particles, in constant motion through empty space.



1-This membrane permits the solution to pass through it.

2-Differences in solution concentration make electrical potential differences to be produced.


VERBO EN INFINITIVO / 1-Under most practical conditions, it takes an average of five minutes for the hazards’signs to be evidenced.
2-The analytical lab will require, al least, two days for the sample analysis results to be delivered .
3-For mathematical models to be properly applied, control points must be distributed at random in a limited area.


1-There will be several more imaginative developments in a near future.

2-There can be no doubt about the great potential of these systems.

3-There have already been serious problems with this disease in South Africa.

4-From the gene frequences it could be calculated that there should be 1 to 22 homozygous cases per million.

5-There seems to be no reason to presume that the virus would survive for longer periods of time.

6-Obviously, there exists a considerable amplification of the ribosomal RNA genes within the chromosomes to produce the 1000-odd copies that exist in its 1000-odd nucleoli.

7-Although this induction has been studied in detail, there has been little investigation of what happens when barbiturate treatment stops.

8-Could there be any changes in the programme?

9-There appear to be four “barriers” in this pathway which together markedly attenuate the quantities of soil lead eventually reaching human beings.

10-Even leaving aside the chemical arguments, there still remains the problem raised by the biological aspects of the work.


I) Traduzca los siguientes textos:

1-The food canning industry was shown new evidences of faulty seals in its manufacturing plant. At that time, quality control workers were sent new instructions for determining precisely which can had to be discarded.

2-Currently, the buffered solutions dominating our tests’ result are thought to be superseded by the most modern techniques which employ electronic regulating devices for controlling the ph value during testing.

3-Some sample portions continue being used to make more determinations in order to confirm previous results, these testing procedures having been reported to be destructive; most reagent-producing labs tend to convert these destructive testing into not only simpler but non-destructive tests.

4-For the exact nature of pollution problems to be established, and for the best technical and economical solutions to be found, the studies must permit the known and major sources to be not only detected but properly analyzed, for these study elements and results will allow any problem-solving method to be standardized. In this way, a new study can be made on the possibility of harmonizing principles or sets of remedial measures concernig certain industrial sectors and their own and unique problems.

5-Hydrolysis has long been defined to be the literal destruction, decomposition or alteration of a chemical substance by water action. In discussions on aqueous solutions of electrolytes, hydrolysis is known to be applied specially to reactions either of cations with water –which has been proved to produce a weak base- or of anions to produce a weak acid. A salt of a weak acid or a weak base is then said to be hydrolyzed. The hydrolysis degree is the ion fraction which has been found to react with water. Solvolysis, on the other hand, is known to be used to denote solute-solvent reactions in general.


a-Lab workers were taught to sterilize all overdeveloped cultures before putting them into the red bag for the safety requirements to be attained. / 1-Little epidemiological information is available for the incidence on Latin American cases to be reduced.
b-Some countries which follow HIB vaccination programs are to eradicate diseases like otitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis and pneumonia related to meningitis, if they want to emphasize the urgent need for an HIB-conjugated vaccine to achieve immunization in the pediatric population. / 2-A study was designed to evaluate the glycemic index.
c-Infection diseases are considered to be emerging when their incidence in humans has increased in the past 20 years or threatens to increase in the near future. / 3-They were advised to dispose the waste correctly.
d-Twelve patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus were made to feed on three test meals containing acarbosa and were then compared with healthy volunteers. / 4-Information on distribution in several types of cells seems to be obtained by this method.
e-It has been reported that subnuclear structures are considered to contain nucleic acid, so a high resolution in the hybridization protocol was developed to detect RNA at the electron microscope level. / 5-The species selected were chosen due to its reported use in tradicional medicine.
f-Several screening methods have been developed for antimicrobial activity to be detected; nevertheless, the procedures are to be repeated several times in order to evaluate each subproduct or group of compounds obtained at every step of the process of chromatographic fractionation of the original crude extract. / 6-Changes in the evolution of existing organisms are thought to be one of the reasons for re-emergence.


Mathematical models for understanding the AIDS pandemic

For the demographic impact of AIDS in the worst-afflicted regions of the world to be properly assessed, it is important for researchers in the field to develop models combining both HIV spread and population growth data. What the first analyses in 1988 suggested is that AIDS is capable of turning positive growth rates into negative rates over time scales of a few to many decades. Much controversy surrounded these early predictions, for there were both great uncertainties in assigning parameters and a failure to account adequately for differences in sexual activity between and within communities. Yet recently researchers have accumulated data that are known to help in estimating the most important epidemiological parameters, considerable uncertainty still surrounds many of these efforts. Studies in developed countries appear to show that the average incubation period of AIDS transmitted from infected mothers to unborn infants is one to two years. Roughly 13 to 30 percent of infants who have been born to infected mothers in developed countries appear to acquire the infection, and the number is closer to 40 percent in Africa.

Under these circumstances, mathematical models can once again allow the identification of linkages between sexual activity and the observed pattern of HIV spread to be assessed. In the past few years, models have been developed that address various aspects of these issues, yet it must be emphasized that theoretical developments have greatly outstripped the available data. The major role of such models is to provide qualitative guidelines concerning the interpretation of observed patterns. The model should also provide a framework within which to assess the potential impact of different interventions. Understanding is best developed by the gradual inclusion of complexity, in a manner akin to that which is adopted by the experimental scientist, who changes one factor at a time, while the other factors remain constant.

As an illustration of what these models can show us, we will consider two examples of the effect of variability in sexual contact on the potential effect of AIDS. The first one focuses on the tendency of African men to form sexual partnerships with women who are five to 10 years younger than themselves. Models taking into account the observed age bias suggest a significantly enhanced demographic impact will be derived as a consequence of the concentration of infection in young women just entering childbearing age. The models also suggest the ratio of HIV infection in men and women will change over the course of the epidemic, which may help to explain why different figures have been reported in Africa. The second example illustrates well the significance of sexual-contact networks. When high-activity men (such as migrant male laborers in urban centers) have greatest contact with high-activity women (such as female prostitutes) but also have some contact with low-activity women (wives or girlfriends) a multiple epidemic may occur. The epidemic in the high-activity classes serves to seed the slower-growing epidemic and the peaks in the two classes may be separated by a decade or more.

Scientific American, May 1992


- Luego de leer el texto diga si las siguientes afirmaciones son Verdaderas o Falsas.

1) El aumento de la población no es fundamental en el análisis de los alcances del SIDA.

2) Se pudo determinar que en poco tiempo la población puede llegar a disminuír a causa del SIDA.

3) Algunos datos son de gran ayuda en la valoración de los parámetros epidemiológicos.

4) Se estima que no existe un porcentaje de niños que se contagian de SIDA de sus madres que sea más o menos uniforme en todo el mundo.


a) Explique en sus palabras cuál es la utilidad que en este caso presentan los modelos


b) ¿Cuál sería, según el texto, el mejor procedimiento a seguir?


a) ¿Qué título le pondría a esta última parte del texto?

b) Mencione características de los sujetos de los dos ejemplos.

c) ¿De qué forma afecta la conducta de los sujetos en los dos ejemplos a la diseminación de la enfermedad?



Anemia could be characterized as a condition in which there has been a significant decrease in the blood’s hemoglobin concentration –it might usually be associated with a decreased number of circulating red blood cells, i.e.erythrocytes’ amount.

Anemia occurs as a consequence of three basic mechanisms:

 diminished proliferation of red cell precursors,

 defective behavior either in red cells’ development or maturation, and

 accelerated removal of mature erythrocytes (both hemolytic anemia and hemorrhages).

Not only clinical signs but symptoms as well vary according to the anemia type and the individual characteristics of the patient –both age, sex and physical condition. We could find difficulties in different anemias for not only signs but symptoms are generally non-specific (weakness, malaise, fatigability, etc.)

In all cases of anemia the corresponding originating mechanisms have to be properly determined, for this helps treatment to be facilitated. This could be accomplished by first doing a hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration as well as a red blood cell count. From this information, the basic mechanism by which the anemia is being produced could generally be deduced.

In the first case (hypoproliferative anemia) the number of primordial cells which are differentiating into red cells is subnormal in relation to the anemia’s stimuli.

A normal marrow is able to double or triple its red blood cell production within a few weeks of the initial stimulus and could also increase it to six or eight times with a prolonged demand. The ideal response ought to be like this and any lower value would represent not only some degree of marrow inactivity but also would indicate decreased proliferative activity of erythrocyte precursors.

Anemias of the second type are caused by another mechamism: yet optimal erythroid proliferation exists, there is a defective red cell development. Red cell abnormalities lead to cell death previously to complete cell maturation. The increased marrow activity would not be able to be shown in the peripheral blood for newly formed cells would be rapidly phagocytized by the reticuloendothelial system and therefore would not circulate. Abnormal maturation of the red cell with premature cell death might be classified as either faults or defects both in nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation.

Both hemolytic anemia and hemorrhages are being related to the third major mechanism which, as it has been already demonstrated, produces anemia, viz.the accelerated removal of mature erythrocytes from the bloodstream.

1-Responda las siguientes preguntas

a)Dé una definición de ANEMIA.

b)¿Qué estudios le permiten diferenciar un tipo de anemia de otro?

c)Explique brevemente cada mecanismo por el que ocurre una anemia.

2-Responda VERDADERO O FALSO. Justifique.

a)Una anemia se asocia generalmente a un descenso del numero de células circulantes de la sangre.

b)Los signos clínicos y síntomas no siempre me permiten diferenciar un tipo de anemia de otro.

c)En el segundo tipo de anemia puedo observar en sangre periférica células recién formadas.

d)En la anemia hemolítica hay una remoción acelerada de las células primordiales.


Ubique los siguientes nombres en el diagrama

- renal artery

- efferent arteriole

- afferent arteriole

- glomerulus

- glomerular capsule

- lumen

- renal vein


1)Lea rápidamente el texto. No se detenga a buscar en el diccionario, salvo que la palabra desconocida sea importante para extraer las ideas principales. Con una o dos (no más) oraciones por párrafo, haga un resumen del artículo.

2)Para poder entender en más detalle el texto, le damos definiciones de las formas base de algunas palabras que suponemos no conoce. Asígneles primero la función que le parezca que corresponde y, de acuerdo a las definiciones, déles una traducción apropiada para el artículo.