Welcome to Miracle on 34th Street!

Meet & Greet – October 12, 2015


  • REHEARSALS: Rehearsals through November 20 will be at the Rivertown facility. We will then move to the Loft Stage, East Ridge High School, 55129. All performances are at the Loft Stage.
  • ARRIVAL/DEPARTURE INFORMATION: Doors for all facilities will be open 15 minutes in advance of each rehearsal, and we ask that folks leave within 15 minutes of the ending of rehearsal. You are allowed to drop-off kids at the locations, but we require that you park and come INSIDE to pick up children 12 and younger. The parking lot gets very dark and we don’t want children out searching for cars. We really appreciate this. Don’t worry - we will NOT leave any children unattended 
  • WATER & FOOD: Please bring a water bottle with you if you’d like. We have drinking fountains you can use to fill them up. You’re free to bring other drinks, but ask that they have a cover or cannot easily spill. Snacks and dinner-on-the-run are fine, but please throw all food trash in the kitchen garbage cans.(However – no food or drink other than closed water bottles in the Loft Stage.)
  • STUFF:Also, please leave your backpacks and coats and such in the “board room” (the room with the double doors). Put them on and around the table, NOT on the piano. Please try not to scatter the center with your stuff. This is a place of business and others are using the common areas. Thank you!


  • EMAIL: We will use email as our main method of communication, using the email you’ve given us. Please be sure to check this email DAILY for updates. Please prioritize and file as appropriate. Parents of children and teens, please BE SURE your emails are also on our list, so you will get timely information about rehearsals, performances, tickets, volunteering, etc. You will likely get emails from Michelle Witte or Sarah Smith on the production side; Lenore Weir or Beth Bachman on the artistic side and for rehearsals, conflicts, etc.; Mary Wellman on the costume side.
  • SHOW WEBPAGE: We also have a show webpage on our website – use this link. emails to cast and crew will also be posted to our show blog, and you’ll be able to find them easily there. All our other forms and schedules will be posted on this page as well, so bookmark this and go there often 
  • MISSING REHEARSALS: If you must miss a rehearsal due to illness that you have not already told us you’d be missing per the conflicts list, please contact Beth Bachman, your Assistant Director.You can call or text her at 651-470-3018 or via email at
  • CAST & CREW LISTS: We will distribute a cast and crew list so people can connect for carpools and other needs. But PLEASE keep this confidential and only use for show purposes. If you do NOT want your contact information released, let Michelle Witte and Sarah Smith know.


As a volunteer community theatre, we depend on volunteers to assist us in many aspects of the show – set building, stage crew, props, costume sewing, publicity, etc. We ask all cast participants to volunteer for at least 4-7 hours, and/or to have your parents or other family members volunteer. A full list of jobs and sign-ups will be put on line via Sign-Up Genius by the second week of rehearsal.

We also ask that all families with children in the show sign up for at least one shift of “back stage assisting” to help us with the children during tech/dress rehearsals and performances. These will all be listed on the Sign-Up Genius.


Community Theatre is just that – theater for the community! And the community is YOU – people will come to see YOU! Please help us tell your community circles about the show – places of worship, businesses, schools, Facebook friends, family, and neighbors. This is not the time to be shy! We’ll provide you with the following tools and would appreciate your help in promoting the show: press releases for your local newspapers and/or work newsletters or church bulletins; posters for bulletin boards and business windows; postcards to send out or mail to your folks; email content to forward to all your email connections; Facebook invites you can share with your Facebook friends. Please use all of these tools to help us fill the seats! You will get a full packet of information during the first week of rehearsals. Posters and ticket information will be available soon.

FACEBOOK INVITE CHALLENGE! Please go home TONIGHT and do these three things:

  1. LIKE our Facebook pages for Woodbury Community Theatre and Merrill Community Arts Center
  2. JOIN our Facebook Event page at
  3. INVITE all your Facebook friends to this event – help us get to 2,000 invites!!

And keep watching our Facebook page, and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE as you see promotional pictures be posted!


Tickets are already onsale online at We encourage you to get online soon to get the best seats for your family and friends. Group rates are available for groups of 10 or more sold for one performance. If you would like to purchase 10 or more tickets for one specific performance, you can qualify for $10 per ticket rate. Please contact with this request.


We have a wonderful professional photographer, Jeanne Berget, who will take headshots of cast members and photos during the show. These will be posted to an account after the show, and you can purchase as you’d like. A full CD with all the photos and rights to use them will be available for $30.