Viewing a recorded Elluminate webinar

1. The following Minimum Requirements are needed in order to view the webinar:

o Microsoft Windows: Windows XP (32 bit) or Vista (32 or 64 bit)

o Apple Macintosh: Mac OS X 10.5, G5 or Intel Processor

o Browser: Internet Explorer 7 or better, or Firefox 3.x or higher

o Sun JAVA version 1.5.0_07 or higher

o Connection to the Internet - 28.8 Kbps or higher

o RAM - 256 MB free

o Disk space - 20 MB free

o Speakers or headset

A full listing of the minimum requirements can be found at

Note: You may need to work with your information technology support staff to upgrade your requirements and/or troubleshoot any access problems you may experience.

2. Once you have checked your system and acquired the minimum requirements (if necessary), click on the following link:

This is the link to the Smart Scholars ECHS Program - Intermediary RFP Webinar.

The link will take you to the Recording sign-in page. Click on the Recording Name:

Note: if you have difficulty accessing the recording, you may be re-routed back to the Recordings log page. This page will automatically list those recordings of the date of the log-in. Make sure to change it to the date of the webinar (August 31, 2009).

3. A log-in is required to play the recording:

Log-in as a guest, using your e-mail address and name, then click the “Play” button.

4. Click here to manually start recording:

5. If you receive the following message, click on the yellow bar and download the file – this may cause you to be re-routed back to the Recordings page:

6. Click “Open” in the dialogue box (it may take a few moments for the file to open):

If you experience any problems preparing for or logging into the webinar, please work with your information technology point of contact to troubleshoot the problem.

For more detailed set-up information, click on this link for the Elluminate Participants Guide::