Virginia State University
August 30, 2017
Please explain $540,000 not accounted for in plan but generated from a tuition increase. Response: The plan has been updated to reflect that tuition revenue is needed for technology enhancements, O&M for new facilities coming online, fringe/health insurance benefits, and a small increase for financial aid.
We recommend that VSU review salary information for accuracy. Response: The salary information has been reviewed.
Please provide information on the distribution of aid for the Presidential Scholars program – it should be need-based to comply with the language. Response: This award varies in amount and is available to incoming Presidential scholars majoring in one of the STEM disciplines. Students are selected and awarded based on their academic transcript and standardized test scores. Additional documents may be required prior to selection. This is a highly competitive award, presented to a limited number of students each year, according to the availability of funds. STEM majors are: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electronics Engineering Technology, Information Logistics Technology, Manufacturing Engineering, Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering Technology.
In regard to its work with Fort Lee, VSU should look into partnering with the Online Virginia Network (OVN). Response: VSU will explore partnering with the Online Virginia Network (OVN) as the institution broadens innovative course offerings for Fort Lee military and military families.
Please provide information on how the Transfer Grant Incentive Program is working. (Annual report to General Assembly appears to have not been received in 2016 or 2017). Response:
- The criteria for the College Transfer Grant is very stringent requiring that students have:
- Two-year degree
- Cumulative 3.00 GPA or higher
- Financial need (EFC 12,000 or less)
- Over the last 3 years, VSU awarded the following in CTG funds:
Award Year / Number of Students
2012-2013 / 0
2013-2014 / 1
2014-2015 / 0
2015-2016 / 0
2016-2017 / 4
- Plan of Action:
- Mail 2017-2018 CTG Application to all transfer students (implemented in 2016-17)
- Update VSU Transfer Admissions and Financial Aid Websites with CTG Application and Criteria
- Use Social Media, such as Twitter to advertise CTG Award
- Create CTG Award Brochure for Admissions Fairs
There are differences between your institution’s reported numbers within Chapter 836 Program 108 for non-general fund (Higher Education Operating) and those reported within the institutional six-year plan (Financial Aid tab). Please review the comparison information in the attachment. This suggests that different definitions of Tuition/Fee Revenue Used for Aid might have been used in the two reports. Please respond as to whether the numbers are correct as is (and that you will work with your DPB analysts, as appropriate) or if a correction is required on the six-year plan. If there are questions about how to identify and report on Tuition/Fee Revenue Used for Aid, please contact Lee Andes at SCHEV, onse: The financial aid numbers are correct as is. VSU will work with the DPB analyst as appropriate.