ACP WGN MeetingIP /

Agenda Item #:


Prepared by Hoang Tran (FAA)

Presented by usa


This paper is a summary of the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) plan to implement the Air Traffic Service Message Handling System (AMHS) service to support the ICAO AMHS Global Implementation Plan..


1.1The FAA implemented its AMHS located in Salt Lake City, Utah in March 2005. The AMHS service currently operates with AMHS located in Tokyo Area Control Center (ACC) utilizing the Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) router on X.25 sub-network protocol, as specified in APANPIRG ATN Router Interface Control Document. The AMHS addressing schemes were developed based on guidelines from APANPIRG AMHS Interface Control Document and other related APANPIRG implementation documents.


2.1The FAA AMHS will support both Translated Form (XF) and Common AMHS Addressing Scheme (CAAS) addresses. However, based on the guideline from the APANPIRG ATN Implementation Plan, the FAA would like to support only the CAAS address scheme in the future.

2.2The FAA has completed its test platform at its William J. Hughes Technical Center located in New Jersey and will use this facility to perform conformance test with other states that would like to migrate from Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network (AFTN) to AMHS service.

2.3The FAA test platform has been used to test a variety of AMHS vendors’ equipment.

2.4The FAA recently completed both the development of its own ATN router that will provide dual stacks network protocol (ATN and Internet Protocol, IP) and implementation of the ATN router at its Salt Lake City (SLC) facility.

2.5The FAA proposes to expand the AMHS service to Atlanta (ATL) Center to support facility and network diversification. This will ensure SLC and ATL Centers can backup one another. ATL will support AMHS service to Europe, South America and the Caribbean regions

2.6The FAA can support additional AMHS service with Australia, Fiji and New Zealand

2.7The FAA is working with the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) Air Traffic Management Bureau (ATMB) to establish a conformance test between ATMB and FAA’s ATN Router and AMHS.


3.1The AMHS Extended Service to support binary universal form for the representation of meteorological data (BUFR) coded messages and Directory Service is under consideration by the FAA management. A well-defined BUFR-generated system interface and its operational impact have to be determined before a decision can be made.

3.2The FAA is moving to the Internet Protocol (IP) network to reduce its operational costs. The FAA can support states with AMHS utilizing IP protocol.


4.1We invite the member states to review our plan. We recognize that the IP interface will require a new IP protocol Interface Control Document, IP routing policy, IP addressing scheme and other implementation and operation related documents.


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ACP WGN MeetingIP /
