Demand Resources participating in the ISO New England Forward Capacity Market are required to submit an annual certification that all Demand Resource projects for which the Project Sponsor in requesting compensation, i.e. all Resources that have a Capacity Supply Obligation in the current commitment period, continue to perform in accordance with the submitted Measurement and Verification documents. The specific language from the Tariff and the supporting M-MVDR is quoted below along with guidelines and a template for the certification document.
III. Annual Certification of Accuracy of Measurement and Verification Documents
Demand Resource Project Sponsors for On-Peak Demand Resources, or Seasonal Peak Demand Resources and Real-Time Demand Response Resources shall submit no less frequently than once per year, a statement certifying that the Demand Resource projects for which the Project Sponsor is requesting compensation continue to perform in accordance with the submitted Measurement and Verification Documents reviewed by the ISO. One such statement must be received by the ISO no later than 10 Business Days before the Existing Capacity Qualification Deadline.
Manual MVDR 14.2 Requirements
The Project Sponsor shall indicate in its Measurement and Verification Plan compliance with the following requirements:
(1) The Project Sponsor shall provide to the ISO an Annual Certification of Accuracy of Measurement and Verification Documents, with a statement certifying that the Projects for which the Project Sponsor is requesting compensation continue to perform in accordance with the submitted Measurement and Verification Documents approved by the ISO. Acceptable methods for satisfying the Annual Certification of Accuracy of Measurement and Verification Documents include, but are not limited to, certification by a state public utility commission with jurisdiction over the Project, or an auditor that is not an Affiliate of the Project Sponsor, that has no financial interest in the outcome of the certification, and that is qualified in the measurement and verification of Demand Resource measures.
Manual MVDR 13.2 Requirement
(6) For Demand Resources using Statistical Sampling, the Project Sponsor shall provide to the ISO, as part of its Annual Certification of Accuracy of Measurement and Verification Documents as specified in Section 14.2, a statement that the Demand Reduction Value complies with the minimum statistical significance requirements described in Section 7.2.2 of this manual. The Project Sponsor shall specify any deviations from minimum statistical significance requirements and any and all actions taken to correct deviations.
The certification shall specify the governing approved Measurement and Verification Plan (name, date and version if applicable) along with the Resource(s) to which the Measurement and Verification Plan applies.
The certification shall specify the identity of the third party auditor including company name, address, and telephone number along with contact information for an individual familiar the Project(s). The certification shall include a record of the independent third party audit as identified in Section 14.2. Lead Market Participants, and their auditors, may be asked by the ISO to provide a detailed audit report as well as the supporting documentation that was used in conducting the audit/evaluation and developing the certification. For instance, Lead Market Participants may be asked – and are encouraged to include – details of how they comply with the data checks detailed in Section 12.2 of M-MVDR.
The certification shall affirm that the project(s) continue to perform in accordance with the ISO-approved Measurement and Verification Plan.
For Resources using Statistical Sampling, the certification shall affirm that the calculated Demand Reduction Value complies with the minimum statistical significance requirements described in MVDR.
If there are any Projects for which the Project Sponsor cannot certify compliance with the approved Measurement and Verification Plan or, if using statistical sampling, there are deviations from minimum statistical significance requirements, the corresponding projects should be specified along with any and all actions taken to achieve compliance.
The certification shall be signed by a “Load Response Enrolling Participant”, “Billing – Primary Contact”, or “LRP-Meter Reader” as identified in CAMS for the Lead Market Participant of the associated Resources.
An electronic version of the signed certification and any supporting documents should be submitted via email to .
I First Name Last Name certify on this date date that the following resource(s): Resource ID 1(, Resource ID 2, …) subject to the following Measurement and Verification Plan M&V Plan Name version or date for which Lead Market Participant Name (ID) is requesting compensation, continue(s) to operate in accordance with the above, approved Measurement and Verification Plan.
The performance of all Demand Assets mapped to the above specified Demand Resource(s) is measured using the methodology described in the above approved Measurement and Verification Plan. YES or NO
If “NO”, please list the assets for which the performance measurement methodology is not described in the governing M&V plan and describe actions taken to achieve compliance.
List Demand Asset IDs and corrective actions
The performance measurement of all Demand Assets utilizing statistical sampling complies with the minimum statistical significance requirements described in the Manual M-MVDR. YES, NO or N/A
If “NO”, please list the assets for which the performance measurement methodology does not comply with the minimum statistical significance and describe actions taken to achieve compliance.
List Demand Asset IDs and corrective actions
Compliance with the above listed Measurement and Verification Plan was reviewed by (independent third party):
Company NameCompany / Contact Name
Contact Name
Street Address
Address / Phone Number
City , ST Zip Code
City State Zip / email address
Market Participant Signature / Click here to enter a date.
Print Name
Name / Phone Number
Title / email address