EYFS – Medium Term Plan (London Olympics 2012)

Areas of Learning / Week 1 / Week / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6
Physical Development / KS: Run
A: Traffic light game
Bean bag run
Teddy bear relay
(Refer to Leap into life)
- Move with control and coordination.
- Recognise the changes that happen to their bodies when they are active.
-Show awareness of space, of themselves and of others. / KS: Jump
A: Jump the length of
Positional jumping
Hop skip jump game
(Refer to Leap into life)
-Move with control and coordination.
- Recognise the changes that happen to their bodies when they are active.
Show awareness of space, of themselves and of others. / KS: Throw
A: Teddy bear throw
Over head ball throw
Bucket throw
(Refer to Leap into life)
-Use a range of small and large equipment.
-Move with control and coordination.
Show awareness of space, of themselves and of others. / KS: Review previous weeks
A: Stations x2 – use activities from previous weeks.
(Refer to Leap into life)
-Use a range of small and large equipment.
-Move with control and coordination.
Show awareness of space, of themselves and of others. / KS: Practice KS from previous weeks
A: Stations x3 – using activities from previous weeks
(Refer to Leap into life)
-Use a range of small and large equipment.
-Move with control and coordination.
Show awareness of space, of themselves and of others. / KS: Practice KS from previous weeks
A: Modify stations from last week – practice for Olympics day.
(Refer to Leap into life)
-Use a range of small and large equipment.
-Move with control and coordination.
Show awareness of space, of themselves and of others.
Olympics day!
Communication Language and Literacy / Phonics – refer to letters and sounds.
B/S: Tortoise and the
-Circle time/ talk for writing – How does the Tortoise feel?
- Write/fill in a feeling speech bubble.
- Going for goals – Write/draw/record.
RP: Italian restaurant
-  take order
-  write menus
-  place orders
- Speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control and show awareness of the listener.
- Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.
- Attempt writing for different purposes, using features of different forms such as lists, stories and instructions. / Phonics – refer to letters and sounds.
B/S: Elmer’s Friends by David McKee (friendship)
-  circle time/talk for writing
-  Guided writing/ who is a good friend to you and why?
RP: Italian restaurant
-  take order
-  write menus
-  place orders
- Speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control and show awareness of the listener.
- Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.
- Attempt writing for different purposes, using features of different forms such as lists, stories and instructions. / Phonics – refer to letters and sounds.
B/S: The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Ladybird (courage)
-  circle time/talk for writing
-  Guided writing/
Draw a picture of the bravest Billy Goat and write why they think they are brave.
RP: Italian restaurant
-  take order
-  write menus
-  place orders
- Speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control and show awareness of the listener.
- Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.
- Attempt writing for different purposes, using features of different forms such as lists, stories and instructions. / Phonics – refer to letters and sounds.
B/S: The Bully – Magic Key series (Equality)
-  circle time/talk for writing
-  Guided writing/ Happy playtimes picture and write why they’re happy
RP: Italian restaurant
-  take order
-  write menus
-  place orders
- Speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control and show awareness of the listener.
- Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.
- Attempt writing for different purposes, using features of different forms such as lists, stories and instructions. / Phonics – refer to letters and sounds.
B/S: Shoeshine Boy: The True Story of Pele by Laurence Anholt (Inspiration)
-  circle time/talk for writing
-  Guided writing/ draw picture of their ‘hero’ and say why they are fav’ hero.
RP: Italian restaurant
-  take order
-  write menus
-  place orders
- Speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control and show awareness of the listener.
- Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.
- Attempt writing for different purposes, using features of different forms such as lists, stories and instructions. / Phonics – refer to letters and sounds.
B/S: Respect Is Correct by Linda Sky Grossman (respect)
-  circle time/talk for writing about
-  Guided writing/ when do we use manners, what do we say? Children to choose example and write sentence.
RP: Italian restaurant
-  take order
-  write menus
-  place orders
- Speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control and show awareness of the listener.
- Use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events.
- Attempt writing for different purposes, using features of different forms such as lists, stories and instructions.
Olympics day!
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy / MM: recognise numbers 1-5 in context
A: Make pizzas
Make own Olympic
Olympic hoop game (throw correct number of bean bags into hoop)
IWB: Design Olympic rings – Dazzle programme
-Say and use number names in order in familiar contexts.
-Use language such as 'greater', 'smaller', 'heavier' or 'lighter' to compare quantities.
-Use language such as 'circle' or 'bigger' to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes. / MM: recognise numbers 1-9 in context
Direct Beebot around the obstacle course using positional language.
Italian themed songs (cold spaghetti song)
- Use everyday words to describe position.
- Say and use number names in order in familiar contexts. / MM: Count up and back 0-20 on action ladder
Set up restaurant places for 5 people to come to dinner (how many more/less will they need?)
-Say and use number names in order in familiar contexts.
Find one more or one less than a number from one to ten. / MM: count up and back 0-20 on action ladder. Stop at certain number 0-5. Ask 1 more/less?
Set up sorting teddies into ‘teams’ for their own Olympics – find 1 more/less for each team.
-Say and use number names in order in familiar contexts.
Find one more or one less than a number from one to ten. / MM: Count up and back. 0-20 on action ladder. Stop at certain number 0-5. Ask 1 more/less?
-Say and use number names in order in familiar contexts.
Find one more or one less than a number from one to ten. / A:
Measure progress during physical development using stop watches, videos, cameras, different forms of measuring and record in progress books.
Input data onto ‘Textease’ and create a progression story.
-Say and use number names in order in familiar contexts.
-Use language such as 'greater', 'smaller', 'heavier' or 'lighter' to compare quantities.
Olympics day!
Knowledge and Understanding of the World / Intro assembly about Olympics
RP: Italian Restaurant
A: Making pizza
Go to Italy for a day
(basic info about Italy – where it is, language, food, flag, traditions)
IWB: Design own flag – dazzle programme
-Investigate objects and materials by using all of their senses as appropriate.
- Find out about and identify the uses of everyday technology and use information and communication technology and programmable toys to support their learning.
- Begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people. / RP: Italian Restaurant
Find material to make our boat out of (floating and sinking)
Make boats for race
Boat race – using boats we have made
-Investigate objects and materials by using all of their senses as appropriate.
- Find out about and identify the uses of everyday technology and use information and communication technology and programmable toys to support their learning.
- Begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people.
- Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work where necessary. / RP: Italian Restaurant
Paint/make own Italian flag.
- Begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people.
- Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work where necessary. / RP: Italian Restaurant
Italian day: use information collected over past weeks to create Italy in the classroom for the day.
- Begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people.
- Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work where necessary.
Find out about past and present events in their own lives, and in those of their families and other people they know. / RP: Italian Restaurant
Guest speaker come to class to talk about the Olympics – encourage children to ask questions, prepare questions over week.
- Begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people.
- Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work where necessary.
Ask questions about why things happen and how things work. / RP: Italian Restaurant
Cook cakes and design flags on top to sell at Olympic day.
- Begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people.
- Build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work where necessary.
-Investigate objects and materials by using all of their senses as appropriate.
Olympics day!
Creative Development / A: Circle time (T&H)
Making pizza
Designing flags
Designing Olympic
RP: Italian restaurant
- Express and communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings by using a widening range of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play, movement, designing and making, and a variety of songs and musical instruments.
- Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions.
- Respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel. / A:
Cirlce time (B&S)
Make a boat that can be used in an Olympic race.
Italian themed songs (spaghetti and meatballs song)
- Express and communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings by using a widening range of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play, movement, designing and making, and a variety of songs and musical instruments.
- Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions.
- Respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel. / Circle time (B&S)
Paint/make own Italian flag.
Learn, sing and play instruments along to Italian anthem.
- Express and communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings by using a widening range of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play, movement, designing and making, and a variety of songs and musical instruments.
- Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions.
- Respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel. / Circle time (B&S)
House meetings – designing flags and banners for Olympics day.
Italian day: use information collected over past weeks to create Italy in the classroom for the day
- Express and communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings by using a widening range of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play, movement, designing and making, and a variety of songs and musical instruments.
- Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions.
- Respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel. / Circle time (B&S)
House meetings – designing flags and banners for Olympics day.
Make an invitation to parents to come to Olympics day.
- Express and communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings by using a widening range of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play, movement, designing and making, and a variety of songs and musical instruments.
- Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions.
- Respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel. / Circle time (B&S)
House meetings – designing flags and banners for Olympics day.
Cook cakes and design flags on top to sell at Olympic day.
- Express and communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings by using a widening range of materials, suitable tools, imaginative and role-play, movement, designing and making, and a variety of songs and musical instruments.
- Explore colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or three dimensions.
- Respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and feel.
Olympics day!
Personal, Social
and Emotional Development / Link with Olympic values: Excellence – enjoy and achieve
Talk about Tortoise and the Hare (how does it feel to win/ do your best? Is winning important?)
Pizza making
Going for goals
Go on holiday to Italy.
- Understand that people have different needs, views, cultures and beliefs, that need to be treated with respect.
- Be confident to try new activities, initiate ideas and speak in a familiar group. / Link with Olympic values: friendship
Circle time (B&S)
talk for writing
Guided writing/ who is a good friend to you and why?
- Understand that people have different needs, views, cultures and beliefs, that need to be treated with respect.
- Be confident to try new activities, initiate ideas and speak in a familiar group. / Link with Olympic values: Courage
Circle time (B&S)
circle time/talk for writing
Guided writing/
Draw a picture of the bravest Billy Goat and write why they think they are brave
- Understand that people have different needs, views, cultures and beliefs, that need to be treated with respect.
- Be confident to try new activities, initiate ideas and speak in a familiar group. / Link with Olympic values: Equality
B/S: The Bully – Magic Key series (Equality)
circle time/talk for writing
Guided writing/ Happy playtimes picture and write why they’re happy
- Understand that people have different needs, views, cultures and beliefs, that need to be treated with respect.
- Be confident to try new activities, initiate ideas and speak in a familiar group. / Link with Olympic values: Inspiration
B/S: Shoeshine Boy: The True Story of Pele by Laurence Anholt (Inspiration)
-  circle time/talk for writing
-  Guided writing/ draw picture of their ‘hero’ and say why they are fav’ hero.
- Understand that people have different needs, views, cultures and beliefs, that need to be treated with respect.
- Be confident to try new activities, initiate ideas and speak in a familiar group. / Link with Olympic values: Respect
B/S: Respect Is Correct by Linda Sky Grossman (respect)
-  circle time/talk for writing about
-  Guided writing/ when do we use manners, what do we say? Children to choose example and write sentence.
- Understand that people have different needs, views, cultures and beliefs, that need to be treated with respect.
- Be confident to try new activities, initiate ideas and speak in a familiar group.
Olympics day!

Key: KS = Key Skill