Extreme Genes Video Guide Name ______

Ramshaw – Biology Hour ______Date ______


1.  One of the main focuses of this area of study is to reduce world hunger by…


1.  Why are they naked?

2.  What is the purpose of this??

HUGE Cows!

1.  What is the name of the “muscle gene” they are working with in the Belgian Blues?

2.  How big are those massive beasts??!!

Big Salmon!

1.  These fish grow _____ to _____ times faster than “regular” salmon.

2.  Can they breed with “normal” salmon if they were to escape??

Cloning Cows!

1.  They call these guys “______cows” because they are part human!

2.  What are the cows making in their blood? ______Why?

3.  How much is one of these cows worth? Why so much?

4.  To get this to work, they had to start with a mouse, then a chicken, then a ______and then a cow!

5.  How many attempts did it take to get Dolly the sheep? ______

Glowing Bunnies!

1.  When 2 organisms DNA are mixed, it is called a ______organism.

2.  They took a piece of a ______’s DNA and put it in the bunnies to make them “glow” a green color!

3.  They are doing this to tract the ______of cells as the organism grows from a baby to adult. This can also help after an ______transplant!

4.  It might help in finding a cure for bone disease and ______.

Mice – EEK!

1.  Mice and humans share over ______% of our DNA in common!

2.  Their DNA is being studied to learn the genetics behind diseases such as ______so we can learn WHY people might become addicted to alcohol.

3.  They also can grow back holes that have been punched in their ______and even re-grow part of their ______muscle! Mammals don’t do this very often!

Body Parts???

1.  Name 2 body parts scientists are “growing” in the labs now:


1.  These sheep are part sheep and part ______!

2.  Their liver can be around ______% human!

3.  How many cases of “cellular fusion” have happened in these experiments? ______

4.  10 fetuses can produce _____ ounces of stem cells! That’s a lot!!!

Stem Cells!

1.  One place to get stem cells is from a baby’s ______cord.

2.  Ross, the baby’s who’s life was saved, had SCIDS. This is a disease where you can’t make ____ cells (part of the immune system). They transplanted stem cells and what happened to him after he was born?

3.  To get stem cells to grow in the lab, scientists have an anti-______machine that makes the cells grow in ___-___.


1.  They have more ______in them than any other animal!

2.  What is so bad about pig poo?

3.  Scientists took a gene from ______(a bacteria) and a gene from a ______and put them together to get pigs to be able to digest ______.

In Plants Too???!!

1.  Scientists want to cure vitamin ____ deficiency in countries that have over ______million people dying of this disease each year from it.

2.  What plant are they using to do this?