2015 Edition
DômeDisney® Village
Table of Contents
General information...... p. 03
The fire safety officer appointed by the organizer...... p. 03
Obligations of exhibitors and renters of stands...... p. 04
Fittings of stands, podiums, platforms, bleachers, marquees and tents...... p. 04
Canopies, trimming of the ceilings...... p. 04
Use of liquefied hydrocarbons...... p. 05
Euroclass and M0 to M4 classificationcorrespondence tables...... p. 06
Special provisions for certain presentations...... p. 07
Temporary installations of cooking appliances and rethermalisation units...... p. 07
Operational equipment or machinery ...... p.07
Equipment or machinery featuring heat or combustion engines, automobiles...... p. 08
Fluid distributions on the stands...... p. 08
Radioactive substances, X-rays...... p. 08
Lasers...... p. 08
Prohibited equipment, products and gases...... p. 09
Flammable liquids (potable alcohol, perfume, etc.)...... p. 09
Instructions of use...... p. 10
Operational equipment and machinery declaration sheet...... p. 11
Evacuation...... p. 12
Euro Disney Associés SCA contacts...... p. 13
General safety instructions...... p. 14
General information
Event organizer’s contact details:
Dates and times for exhibitors to have access to exhibition space:
Dates and opening hours to the public:
The Fire Safety Officer appointed by the organizer:
Name and contact details of Fire Safety Officer:
Obligations of exhibitors and renters of stands
The exhibitors shall strictly comply with the provisions of the fire safety and disabled access regulations.
Adaptations and adjustments must be completed at the time of the fire safety officer's acceptance survey. The exhibitor must be present during this inspection.
Exhibitors shall provide the fire safety officer and/or members of the Committee with all information relating to the systems and materials composing the stand.
The exhibitor or renter of the stand, using machines, thermal or combustion engines, lasers or any other hazardous product, must make a declaration to the Organiser one month before the event is opened to the public.
Fittings of stands, podiums, platforms, bleachers, marquees and tents
The interior fittings, such as ceilings, dummy ceilings, canopies, etc. must not obstruct proper operation of the smoke extraction systems or that of the automatic fire extinguishing and detection systems.
The composition and arrangements of the stands, and in particular their partitioning and framework, must be made from category M3 materials.
The stands on which radioactive substances are showcased must be constructed and decorated with category M1 materials.
Floral decorations made from synthetic materials must be limited in number. Otherwise, these decorations can be made from category M2 materials. These provisions do not apply to fairs and stands specific to floral exhibitions.
The horizontal or other covering of podiums, platforms or bleachers that are more than 0.30metre high and with a total surface area of 20 m², can be made from category M3 materials. If their total surface area is less than or equal to 20 m², these coverings can be made from category M4 materials.
The materials exhibited can be presented on the stands without fire reaction requirement. However, if these materials are used to decorate the partitions or dummy ceilings and if they represent more than 20 % of the total surface area of these components, the provisions of this article shall apply to them. However, these provisions do not apply to the fairs and stands specific to interior decoration where wall coverings and textiles are exhibited.
Should a marquee, tent or a temporary structure be installed in the exhibition hall, this structure must comply with the provisions of the safety regulations. The structure must be installed so that its environment does not reduce the safety level.
Canopies, trimming of the ceilings
Given the temporary nature of the events, horizontal canopies can be authorised throughout the duration of the event. They must be made from category M1 materials and feature adequate attachment systems or safety fittings that are strong enough to prevent any possible fall.
However, they can be made from category M2 if the venue is not protected by an "automatic sprinkler type extinguishing system".
Hairnet or open work cladding components of the ceilings shall be classified B-s3, d0 or made from category M1 materials. They may be classified C-s3, d0 if the total developed area of their main sections is less than 50 % of the surface area on the ground of the room.
Use of liquefied hydrocarbons
Containers holding 13 kg of liquefied gas, or more, may be authorised in exhibition halls under the regulatory conditions provided that a request is made to the Euro Disney SCA fire safety officer.
Cylinders without expansion valves that are not used for demonstration purposes are prohibited.
Operational cylinders must always be placed out of the reach of the public and be protected against impacts. They must be:
- Separated from each other by a rigid screen and must be non-combustible and spaced at 10 m² intervals at least;
- Be separated from each other by at least 5 metres;
- No more than 6 must be used for the event.
Empty or full unconnected cylinders must be stored outside of the building.
Euroclass and M0 to M4 classification
correspondence tables
Classes according to NF EN 13 501-1 / RequirementsIV.1. Construction products excluding flooring / A1 / / / / / Non-combustible
A2 / s1 / d0 / M0
A2 / s1 / d1 (1) / M1
A2 / s2 / d0
s3 / d1 (1)
B / s1 / d0
s2 / d1 (1)
C (3) / s1 (2) (3) / d0
s2 (3) / d1 (1) / M2
s3 (3)
D / s1 (2) / d0 / M3
s2 / d1 (1) / M4
s3 / (non-drip)
All classes (2) except E-d2 and F / M4
Classes according to NF EN 13 501-1 / Requirements
IV.2. Flooring / A1 fl / / / Non-combustible
A2 fl / s1 / M0
A2 fl / s2 / M3
B fl / s1
C fl / s2
D fl / s1 (1) / M4
The binary combinations excluding the additional classification d) which is included in lines M1 and M2 of Table IV.1 respectively help to comply with categories M1 to M4 required for the floorings in Table IV.2.
(1), (2) and (3) Refer to appendix 4 of order dated 21/11/2002 on fire reaction subclassesSpecial provisions for certain presentations
The following adaptations or presentations require the involvement of a fire safety officer.
Temporary installations of cooking appliances and rethermalisation units
Except for the use of small portable appliances, it is prohibited to use liquefied hydrocarbon- and gas-powered cooking appliances and rethermalisation units in the Convention centres, or in the structures and marquees belonging to Euro Disney Associés SCA.
Small portable appliances
Small portable appliances can be used in the halls under the following conditions:
- Electrical or gas appliances whose rated useful heat is no more than or equal to 3.5kW;
- Butane gas appliances powered by a cylinder that weighs no more than 1kg;
- Pressure-free appliances that use solidified alcohol fuel with a capacity at least equal to 0.25 litre.
The use of 20 KW or less cooking appliances or rethermalisation units may be authorised during demonstrations provided that a request is made to the Euro Disney Associés SCA fire safety officer and said use shall form the subject of an operational equipment or machinery declaration.
A stand-alone extractor hood may be required.
Modules or specialised containers intended for cooking or rethermalising shall be authorised inmarquees, tents and structures, in accordance with the regulations.
Operational equipment or machinery
(See “Operational equipment and machinery declaration”sheet)
All presentations and demonstrations shall be carried out under the full responsibility of the exhibitor.
The operational equipment or machinery operation must not represent a hazard for the public and must form the subject of a declaration to the fire safety officer and the Organiser.
Protection of the public
If stationary equipment or machinery items are presented (operational or otherwise), they must feature devices that place the dangerous parts outside of the reach of the public moving around in the aisles. This obligation shall be deemed fulfilled if the dangerous part is at most one metre from the public aisle or if it is protected by a rigid screen.
Dangerous parts are:
- Moving components;
- Hot surfaces;
- Pointed tips and sharp edges.
If equipment or machinery is presented under development, a protected area must allow the public to be at least one metre away from said items; this distance may be increased further to the opinion of the Regional Safety Sub-committee depending on the risks.
If hydraulic cylinder-powered equipment items are exhibited in high static position, the hydraulic safety components must be supplemented by a mechanical device guarding against any inadvertent redeployment.
All equipment items must be properly stabilised to prevent any risk of overturning.
Equipment or machinery featuring heat or combustion engines, automobiles
The list of stands presenting operational equipment or machinery must be supplied to the Organiser and to the Regional Safety Sub-Committee.
Prior to opening of the event, the fire safety officer shall inspect the operational equipment or machinery. A list of these products must be supplied to the Organiser and to the Regional Safety Sub-Committee.
In any case, combustion gases must be evacuated outside the hall.
The tanks of the engines turned off during the exhibition must be empty or fitted with key-locked plugs. The lugs of accumulator batteries must be protected so as to be inaccessible.
Fluid distributions on the stands
Except for water (at a temperature less than 60°), air and neutral gases, fluids must be distributed at a pressure less than 0.4 bars.
Radioactive substances, X-rays
An authorisation application must be filed by the exhibitor to the relevant authority with regard to any exhibition of machinery or equipment using radioactive substances or generating X-rays.
These systems must be signalled in accordance with Standard NF M 60-101.
Standard NF C 74-100 sets out the rules for exhibiting X-ray emitting devices.
The use of lasers in the halls is authorised provided that the following provisions are observed:
Under no circumstances must the public be subject to the direct or reflected laser beam.
The product and its ancillary equipment must be solidly secured to stable items.
The environment of the product and the space scanned by the beam must not feature any reflective elements in the considered wavelengths.
During the tests performed outside of the presence of the public, exhibitors must ensure that the materials of interior fittings, decoration and fire protection equipment do not react with the heat energy transferred by the light beams.
Before using any system, the exhibitor shall perform the following actions with the competent administrative authority:
- File a declaration;
- Submit a technical note accompanied with the drawing of the system;
- Submit a document drawn up and signed by the installer, certifying conformity of the system.
Prohibited equipment, products and gases
The following shall be prohibited in the venues:
- The distribution of samples or products containing a flammable gas.
- Balloons inflated with a flammable or toxic gas.
- The presence of pyrotechnic articles or explosives.
- Celluloid articles.
- The presence of ethyl oxide, carbon sulphide, sulphuric ether, acetone.
It is prohibited to use Acetylene, Oxygen, Hydrogen or any other gas involving the same risks unless a special exception has been granted by the competent administrative authority.
Flammableliquids (potable alcohol, perfume, etc.)
The use of flammable liquids per stand shall be limited to the following quantities:
- 10 litres of category 2 flammable liquidsoralcohol ranging between 40° and 60° per 10 m² with a maximum of 80 litres.
- 5 litres of category 1 flammable liquid or alcohol of more than 60°.
- Especially flammable liquids are prohibited. This concerns ethyl oxide, carbon sulphide and all liquids whose flash point is less than 0°C and whose vapour pressure at 35°C exceeds 1,013 mbar;
- Category 1 flammable liquids are defined by a flash point less than 55° C and which does not comply with the definition of especially flammable liquids; Category 1 flammable liquids are alcohols of whatever type whose titer exceeds 60° GL;
- Category 2 flammable liquids are defined by a flash point ranging between 55°C and 100°C (examples: domestic fuel, methacrylic acid, etc.).
The flash point is the temperature at which liquids ignite.
Instructions of use
It is prohibited to compose stockpiles of crates, wood, hay, cardboard, etc. in the exhibition areas, in the stands and in the means of egress.
Operational equipment and machinery declaration
(This sheet must be submitted to the Organiser of the fair or the exhibition,
at the latest, thirty days before the start of the event)
Fair or exhibition:………………………………………………………………………………….………….
Address: ..………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Stand name: ………….……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Building or hall: ………………………………………….… Stand number: ……..…………………….………..
Exhibitor's company name:…...……………………………………………………….………………...….....
Stand manager's name: ………….....………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone number: ……..………………………………………………………………….……………………......
Type of equipment or machinery in operation exhibited:
Specific risks
Electric power source exceeding 100 kVA.
Liquified gas.
Flammable liquids (other than that in tanks of vehicles):……………………………….…………………..
Nature: …………………………………………………… Quantity: …...…………………………………..
Method of use: ……..……………………………………………………………………………….…………
Risks requiring a special authorisation from the competent administrative authoritiy (refer to note)
(Date of submission: . . / . . / . . . . )
Heat or combustion engine:…………..………………………………………………………………….………..
Smoke generator:……..………………………………………………………………………………….……….…
Propane gas: ……..………………………………………………………………………………………….………..
Other hazardous gases: ………………………………………………………………………………….…………
Specify: ……….………………………………………………………………………………………………....
Radioactive source: .………………………………………………………………………………………….….…
X-rays: …………..……………………………………………………………………………………………….……...
Laser: ..……..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..
Other: …………………….….………………………………………………………………………………………....
Specify: ….…………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Important note – The equipment exhibited in operation must include either screens or fixed and appropriate protective casing, which places any dangerous part out of the public' reach, or must be placed in such a way as the dangerous parts are out of the public's reach, or at least a distance of one metre from main visitor circulation aisles.
Demonstrations will be carried out under the full and entire responsibility of the exhibitor.
Note: Competent administrative authority: …………………………………………………………………...
The application must be sent to the authority at least thirty days before the event.
The Dôme Disney® Village must be evacuated:
- If snow fall exceeds 4 cm insofar as accumulation of snow could not be avoided on the roofing (by heating, clearing);
- If the normal wind speed exceeds 90 km/h(more stringent internal procedure than Article CTS 7§2 of amended Order dated 23 January 1985);
- In the event of exceptional circumstances likely to put the public at risk.
The conditions for triggering the evacuation in the event of bad weather are set in the Euro Disney Associés SCA internal procedures.
Upon hearing the evacuation message, the organiser and its guests shall evacuate the premises by the nearest emergency exits. They shall proceed to the assembly point located on the lake side and shall be assisted by Euro Disney Associés S.C.A employees.
Post hydrantFire engine lanesAssembly point
Written by: C. Le Gars & J. DurieuxGraphic for information only. © Disney – All rights reserved.
2015 Edition
Disney’s Hotel New York® convention centre / Disney’s Newport Bay Club® convention centre / Disney® Events Arena /Disney®
Studio 1
/ Dôme Disney® VillageDisney® emergency lines / Emergency line from an internal phone / 112
Emergency line from a mobile phone / +33 (0)1 64 74 20 71
On-call Fire-fighting officer / 4 3021 from an internal phone – +33 (0)1 64 74 30 21 from a mobile phone
(ask to speak to the on-call officer of your choosing)
On-call Security officer
Public services / Emergency line from an internal phone / 9 112
Emergency line from a mobile phone / 112
Infirmaries of the site / Disney® Village / 5 71 42 from an internal phone – +33 (0)1 60 45 71 42 from a mobile phone
Disneyland Park® / 4 22 58 from an internal phone – +33 (0)1 64 74 22 58 from a mobile phone
Walt Disney Studios® / 4 70 54 from an internal phone – +33 (0)1 64 74 70 54 from a mobile phone
Disney® fire safety officers / Christine Le Gars / +33 (0)7 85 59 91 30
Bernard Gribal / +33 (0)6 80 35 38 14
Coordination department / +33 (0)6 80 64 82 35 / +33 (0)6 80 64 82 31 / Dedicated department / Dedicated department / +33 (0)6 72 09 61 68
Lost and found / 4 25 00 from an internal phone – +33 (0)1 64 74 25 00 from a mobile phone
The numbers in red are emergency numbers
General safety instructions
In case of fire / In case of accident/ Keep calm /
/ Call 112 from an internal phone
Call +33 (0)1 64 74 20 71 from a mobile
State the exact location of the accident
Do not hang up before you are authorised to do so
Upon hearing the audible signal
Go to the nearest exit
-Evacuate calmly by taking the stairs
-Never go back
Go to the assembly point
Call 112 from an internal phone
Call +33 (0)1 64 74 20 71 from a mobile
State the exact location and the severity of the fire
Actuate a manual call point
Fight the fire with an extinguisher without taking any risks
If you are blocked in smoke, bend down, cool air is close to the ground
Written by: C. Le Gars & J. DurieuxGraphic for information only. © Disney – All rights reserved.