TheParish Council meeting was held on Monday 23rd January at 7 pm in the Village Hall.
1 Record of Attendance:
Dr. Sue Pritchard (Chairman) SueColebeck (Vice Chairman) Tara Pickles, Holly Cross, Rob Haylock, Stuart Eyre.
In attendance: Pam McMorran Clerk and NHW co-ordinator,
2 Apologies for absence:Vicky Lightfoot
3 Confirm and sign minutes of the December meeting. These were approved and duly signed without amendment
4 Declaration of Parish Councillor’s personal and/or prejudicial interests on agenda items:
The Chairman represents the Gardening Club on the Village Hall Committee. Councillor Tara Pickles represents the Council on the Magazine Committee.
5 Police and NHW reports: The Beat Team had all apologized as no-one was on duty. ClerkPam McMorran reported that the only crime reported during the month was a Land Rover taken from Bradgate Park. Thanks to social media this had been found quite quickly. Councillor Holly Cross asked if a letter could now be sent to Sgt Smart regarding the Roecliffe concerns over speeding. The Councillors agreed that H.C. could draft the letter for approval.
6. Planning issues: A letter had been received from Richard Mugglestone following his recent visit. He had informed CBC that he knew the village well and did not see any chance of developing any affordable housing but Beverley Wagstaffe in the Charnwood Housing Strategy team still felt the survey should be carried out. All Councillors were still of the opinion that resources would be better spent elsewhere. They believed the surveyunnecessary and would prefer for it not to be carried out but if C.B.C. insists then so be it. The Clerk was asked to write.
Markfield Parish Council is proposing applying for designated area status to produce a Neighbourhood Plan. The Chairman has made a request to Newtown Linford Parish Council that an area containing four houses situate in Newtown Linford Parish Council (Charnwood Borough Council) area be included. All Councillors present voted against this. The Clerk was asked to write.
P/17/0020/2 applicationfor Listed Building Consent to replace 3 windows at Orchard Cottage. The photographs clearly showed the windows were in poor repair and all Councillors present had no objections.
P/16/2831/2single storey extension at 20 Grey Crescent. The Councillors are currently considering this application.
P/17/0034/2change of use from agricultural building to dwelling (class C3) on Warren Hill. The Councillors should comment on restricted issues as follows:
- transport and highway impacts of the development
- contamination risks on the site
- flooding risks on the site
- noise impacts of the development, and
- whether the location or siting of the building makes the proposal otherwise impractical or undesirable
Councillor Holly Cross had provided a set of comments applying to these issues for the Councillors to consider.
Tree Warden: - The Clerk reported that the Rector had been in contact with the family who planted the memorial tree in the Churchyard which the neighbouring resident wished to be taken down. They apparently had said they did not mind it being pruned or even taken out. It is noted that when raised before the tree warden Brian had said the tree was not detrimental to the neighbour’s house. The Clerk had advised the Rector that the Church would have to applyto C.B.C. in the usual manner.
P/17/00101/2 application to prune 2 overhanging trees at Tyburn Cottage. The clerk had passed this to the Tree Warden to deal.
7. Bob Bown Memorial Field: - The original supplier of the equipment had quoted for the supplying and fitting of a new tail on the damaged springer. Since this was only £9.80 more than the excess on the Insurance Police the Councillors agreed there was no point in claiming bearing in mind they would be likely to put up the premium next year. In the meantime,Councillor Stuart Eyre, had safely bound the damaged tail to make it safe. He had also agreed to work a rota with Councillor Sue Colebeck to inspect the field each week. The chairman thanked them for their hard work.
8. Village Magazine: Councillor Tara Pickles reported that as the Council representative she would be attending the one and only committee meeting this coming week.
9. Parish Council Website: Councillor Holly Cross reported that she still could not access the Members area. The Clerk is to change her log in details to her new email address in the hope that works.
10. Village Hall: - Notification had been received from the Village Hall committee informing the Parish Council that the rate for the hire of the small room for Parish Council meetings would be increased to £12 per booking. The Chairman said she thought this may require reviewing since the Parish Council is repaying the Public Works loan plus interestand pays the rent for the hall plus rent on the additional piece of land where the bus shelter stands.
11. Highways, footpaths and traffic: -
It is confirmed that there are five not seven troughs. The Clerk had contacted several residents asking if they were prepared to water the trough near to their property once a week. The Grey Lady staff had confirmed that they would water the trough near to them outside the Jade tearooms.
Councillor Stuart Eyre offered to be responsible for the seats in the Parish and the Clerk was asked to prepare a plan with them all on.
All Councillors present agreed to accept the quotation from S and C Garden and House Maintenance for carrying out work at all three sites for the coming year provided they produce to the Clerk a copy of their Public Liability Insurance. Three quotations had been obtained by the Clerk and this was the middle quotation. This company had recently carried out satisfactory emergency work at the cemetery when a resident was unhappy about a grave maintenance.
12. Cemetery – The clerk was pleased to reportthat the application for a 30-hedge pack had been granted by the Woodland Trust and would be delivered in the second week of March. The new entrance is due to be opened before the bird nesting season at the end of February. The gate post holes dug, the gate put in and the tarmac put down shortly afterwards. This entrance cannot not be used until the ‘slow signs’ and other signage had been completed. In the next few months the Clerk and Chairman will arrange to meet the representative from County Hall to discuss the ‘slow signs’ which has to be carried out by them.
Churchyard – The Ecclesiastical Insurance Company has asked the DCC to ensure that the headstones are safe to the public. The six headstones in the Churchyard that may be unsafe are presently being investigated. The Rector and Wardens have indicated that it would be acceptable for these to be stood around the walls as many already have been. They would be safer and make it easier for the mowing of the grass. It does however require the application of a Faculty to the Church Commissioners to confirm that everyone has used their best endeavours to trace the descendants to make sure they do not wish to pay for the upkeep. The Clerk and Rector are following this through.
13. Bradgate Park Trust:no report
14. Reports by Councillors/Clerk: none
15. Correspondence: none
16. Items of Interest or for future meetings: - The Chairman confirmed that she had submitted the article on the dark skies at night for the February magazine. The Clerk confirmed that Claire Costello had submitted the article about the conservation area on Markfield Lane. The Clerk had ordered the two signs for the remarking of the plot to be undertaken by the Tree Warden.
17. Finance: Authorisation for payment of invoices
Invoice No.
002095 Petty Cash / 400.00002096 Peak Cash for Brian Mee 19536 / 160.80
002098 Garden Blue prints / 125.00
002099 Malcolm Brewin – Christmas Tree / 324.00
002100 APB – village hall rent / 250.00
002101 CPRE / 50.00
002102 G.M. Sanders – electrics Christmas Tree / 110.40
002103 S.J. Lee – fencing at cemetery / 3564.00
002104 S.C. Garden – levelling of graves after settling at cemetery / 200.00
D.D. Public Works Loan instalment for village hall / 2468.06
002105 N.L. Village Hall hire 2016 / 121.00
Bank Balances @ 13th January 2017 : Reserve Account 41,330.45
Current Account 14,081.08
18 . Dates of next three Parish Council Meetings: 27th February, 27th March, 24th April all commencing 7.15 p.m. Please note new time