Extra Credit (7R)

Mr. P’s 4th Quarter

Extra Credit (7R)

Unhappy with your 5-week grade?

Complete the following assignment!

What is the assignment?

This is a mini-research project. Write a report on any person or topic from the time period we have covered (or will cover) this quarter. It may be about someone or something we have already discussed, or it can be a subject you would like to learn about. Possible topics include:

·  Ellen and William Craft – how did they escape to freedom?

·  Sojourner Truth (abolitionist and women’s rights activist in Hudson Valley)

·  Seneca Falls Convention

·  Uncle Tom’s Cabin

·  John Brown’s raid

·  Battle of Gettysburg (or another Civil War battle)

·  Belle Boyd or Rose O’Neal Greenhow (spies for the South during Civil War)

·  Emma Edmondson (woman who fought for the North during Civil War)

·  The 54th Massachusetts (black soldiers in Civil War)

·  Lincoln’s assassination


·  Another topic of your choosing – you MUST see me first for approval

What are the components (parts) of the project?

·  Title (5 points)

·  8-10 sentence paragraph IN YOUR OWN WORDS (75 points)

o  Must include at least 3 specific examples with supporting details

o  Must include topic sentence, transition words, and ending sentence

·  3 appropriate and labeled images that relate to your topic (15 points)

·  Citation that tells me where you researched your topic (5 points)

o  Must be from a library book or a website


Report MUST be typed – points will be taken off if it is handwritten, and for excessive grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation mistakes.

What’s in it for me?

·  Replace 3 missing homework or classwork assignments


·  Replace a low/failing quiz grade


·  Add up to 25 points on a low/failing test grade

When is the extra credit project due?

·  The last day to turn this in is FRIDAY, JUNE 15th