School of GeoSciences

Request for an Extension to a Postgraduate Research Student’s Period of Study

This form should be completed by the Principal Supervisor for any research postgraduate student for whom an extension to the maximum period of study is deemed necessary. After completion, it should be submitted to the PGR Secretary in the Grant Institute for consideration by the Head of Research Training & Development. A letter should only be submitted in addition to the form if you wish to add further information that will assist in reaching a decision. The decision will be communicated in a memorandum to the student and the Principal Supervisor. Notes on periods of study are given overleaf.

Name of Student:

Principal Supervisor:

Please explain why you believe an extension is necessary.

Please describe briefly the progress already made in the research programme and indicate how near the thesis is to completion. You must also attach a plan and/or anticipated timetable for completion of the remainder of the thesis.

The following extension is requested:

Extension to maximum period of study of months.

From (date) to (date)

Signature of Supervisor Date ………………….

Approved by Head of RTD …………………………….. Date ………………….

The total number of months of extension beyond the maximum period of study that may be granted is limited and depends on individual circumstances. Extensions may require to be approved by the Senatus Postgraduate Studies Committee. Note also that a 'continuation' fee will be charged to those who exceed their maximum period of study.

Note that extension of study period (for academic misfortune, short-term illness) is quite different from interruption of studies (due to approved absence, medium-long-term illness, maternity leave, etc).

If you have a question regarding a particular student please contact the PGR Secretary (Progress & Monitoring) Helena Sim, Tel 650 5741.

Prescribed period of study Maximum period of study

PhD 36 months full-time 48 months full-time

48 - 72 months part-time 60 months part-time

72 months part-time

MPhil 24 months full-time 36 months full-time

36 - 60 months part-time 60 months part-time

MSc (by Research) 12 months full-time (max. extension of 3 months)

24 - 36 months part-time

Maximum extensions allowed:-

Full time PhD students may not, under any circumstances, receive extensions totalling more than two years.

Full time MSc by Research students may not, under any circumstances, receive extensions totalling more than three months.

Please note that under UK Border Agency regulations if a student on a UK visa requests an interruption of more than 60 days, the University is required to withdraw sponsorship of the student’s visa; this means that should the student be given an interruption of more than 60 days, the student will have to leave the UK.