Stanford Law School

2015-2016 Consent of Instructor Form

(SLS course descriptions are available at

Instructor Name: Mariatte Denman; Thomas Ehrlich; Rhea Richardson

Course Name: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (LAW 303)

Quarter: Winter

Date: Click here to enter text.

Student Name: Click here to enter text.

Student ID# Click here to enter text.

Email Address & Phone Number: Click here to enter text.

Law Class Level (2L, 3L, JSD, JSM, LLM or Non-matric (visiting): Click here to enter text.

Non-Law Student Degree & Program:Click here to enter text.

Please respond to 1-3 below.

1.  Briefly describe why you are interested in this course: Click here to enter text.

2.  Please list prior relevant course work and work experience: Click here to enter text.

3.  What do you hope to gain from taking this course? Click here to enter text.

STUDENT: To apply for this course, please complete and return this form to Thomas Ehrlich at and Mariatte Denman at by Monday, November 9, 2015.

For Faculty Use Only: Please e-mail the Registrar’s Office () the list of students admitted to your course by November 20, 2015.

☐ Admitted ☐ Waitlisted ☐ Denied

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