Warranty: 20 years

Site name:


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Prepared for:


Specification number:

Equus Rep:



This specification is for the application of DUO LANDSCAPE waterproofing membrane system for roof gardens and / or similar situations including planter boxes and podium levels, however predominantly where soil overlays and plants and / or grass is to flourish.

The roof system should be assembled as a complete entity from bottom to the top to be inclusive of membrane, membrane protection, and drainage of the system and the roof with the soil plant mix being the landscaper’s sphere of expertise (Greenroofs Ltd, Will Thorne 021 – 453 – 719). Equus Industries are providing a waterproof roofing system with Maccaferri drainage mat and drainage cloth incorporated within the whole system. The drainage cell does have the capacity to retain some water.

With regards to soil and planting mix Equus Industries recommend that the Architect deal with Greenroofs Ltd, Will Thorne as the professionals to specify the systems in this regard (see section 5.0 of this specification) given the site location, roof slope and all other local parameters.

DUO LANDSCAPE is designed as a two-layer system (inclusive of a basesheet of APP 2.5 T/F) for waterproofing of roof gardens, planter boxes and landscape areas. The membrane is specially formulated to be root resistant. It is recommended to be used in combination with a drainage system.

The Landscape Capsheet is a flexible waterproof membrane. The upper coating consists of a mixture of penetrating bitumen, improved with Amorphous Poly Alpha Oilefins (APAO). The backing surface consists of a mixture of penetrating bitumen, improved with Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS) the bitumen coating is mixed with root- resistant products. The membrane is reinforced with a thermally bound layer of non-woven polyester of min.175 gms / sqm, reinforced with a glass fibre grill of 8 gm / sqm. The surface dressing is of either talc or sand pressed mechanically into the surface. The underside is finished with a polyethylene foil. The Bitumen is mixed with roof resistant products. The Duo Landscape membrane is tested on an on going basis under the German D.I.N standard test method 4062 to re-affirm its qualities as a membrane suitable for use under plants and soils.

The use of a basesheet is now to conform to the membrane roofing industry minimum standard of two layers. This gives the added advantage of having the basesheet down in advance of the Landscape capsheet to provide temporary waterproofing prior to the full system being laid and becoming damaged during construction of adjacent building work by other trades working around and over the membrane covered area. When the area is ready for completion the basesheet is inspected, repaired as required, then overlaid with the Landscape capsheet.

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2.0 SCOPE:

Refer to drawings.


Unless expressly agreed otherwise at time of contract pricing, all work in this section shall be the responsibility of the main contractor, whether carried out by his own staff, other sub-trades or the membrane sub-contractor.

Substrate preparation

3.1 Concrete:

.1 Concrete structures must be specifically engineered to meet the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code. Attention to the saturated weight of the plant material and any other local parameters is required when designing the structure for weight loading.

When applying to existing substrates and structures, they must be thoroughly inspected to ensure that they will not affect the performance of the membrane when applied.

Curing times vary dependant on location, mixes and climate conditions. After the slab has been poured allow sufficient drying time, generally between 14 – 28 days. To verify concrete has
sufficiently dried, a measurement can be taken using a hygrometer. A maximum relative
humidity of 75% is required, measured at the time of membrane application.

It is not recommended that curing compounds are used. When they are, ensure that all traces of the compound are gone or removed.

.2 Shall be finished to NZS3114:1987 U3, with a light trowel texture.

.3 Shall have all ridges and protrusions stoned flush.

.4 Depressions shall be flushed with a Thermexx or Chevacryl Admix-gauged patch mix and allowed to cure at least 48 hours before overcoating.

.5 Seams should be constructed parallel with the fall, minimising ponding and flow restriction when ever possible.

Roofs shall be laid to a minimum fall of 1:40 min (1.5°) in accordance with E2/AS1

Decks shall be laid to a minimum fall of 1:60 min (1.0°) in accordance with E2/AS1

Gutters shall be laid to a minimum fall of 1:100 min (0.57°) in accordance with E2/AS1

.6 Shall have leading edges chamfered to 5mm radius and min. 20x20 cement mortar or H3.2 treated timber fillets installed in internal corners.

.7 Shall be water blast-cleaned to remove all detritus, and allowed to dry.

.8 Outlet Types:

Roof and deck outlets shall be installed as per clause 8.5.6 of E2 External Moisture of the New Zealand Building Code.

Outlets shall be sized in accordance with E1 Surface Water of the New Zealand Building Code.

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Ref: EQS

.9 When concrete and plywood is used as the substrate a specifically designed expansion joint is required to be installed between the dissimilar materials.

Note – Where soil depths are built above the outlet suitable provision for a “riser” and inspection cover should be considered to allow for periodic maintenance and/or debris clearance from time to time.



To the prepared surface apply one (1) full coat of Duo Bitumen primer by brush / roller at a spreading rate of 7 sqm / litre, and allow 1 to 24 hours to dry before application subject to ambient conditions.


APP 2.5 basesheet is supplied in 10 -m long rolls, by 1-m wide and should be laid to ensure maximum yield of each roll. All are torch applied to the bitumen primer coated surface and rolls are lapped to each other with a 75 to 80 mm wide lap torched closed with edges heated sealed. As this basesheet may be left to stand alone for a while it must be totally sealed, and if required in high-risk areas provided with a protective layer. Commencing from the outlets These should be the correct fittings for this situation (ref. Allproof) and should be securely fixed in place cut the membrane to length, aligned correctly and re-rolled for torching either from one end or to both ends from the middle.

Duo Landscape capsheet shall be applied to all nominated roof areas working in accordance with the Manufacturers instructions and the following notes.

Landscape capsheet membrane is supplied in 8-m lengths by one-metre width and should be laid parallel with the basesheet but offset by approx. half the width of the sheet to ensure laps in both layers do not coincide.

General application notes

·  Ensure even heat is applied overall to the basesheet and the substrate.

·  Periodically test membrane for bonding by pulling back to check for ‘stringing’ and by trying to lift at laps and corners.

·  All side laps shall be 75 to 80 mm wide, and all end laps shall be 100 mm wide.

·  Laying shall generally commence at low sides of roof areas, and proceed to high sides so that laps are sealed running with water flow.

·  All laps shall be trowelled tight on the down hill (open) edge of the lap using a margin trowel and torching.

·  All requisite double thickness detailing shall be carried out prior to main membrane application, with De Boer 2.5 APP basesheet.

4.3 Detailing

This shall include all outlets, pipe penetrations, gutter stop ends, parapet upstands and anything above or below the roof surface. This is carried out before, during or in some cases after laying of the membrane depending upon the detail type. All detailing shall be done in accordance with recommended procedures. Where special detailing accessories and chase sealants are required, confirm with Equus.

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Ref: EQS

4.4 Drainage Cell and drainage matt placement

Drainage layer shall be Maccaferri Plaza deck LD200 geocomposite horizontal drainage mat applied with the Cuspations in the vertical position to act as water retention capsules. Over lap each core by one (1) cusp. Once the Plaza deck material has been laid cover with Maccaferri Bidim Geotextile A14 filter fabric. Ensure that the material has a 100mm overlap which is to be taped to ensure soil does not migrate between the fabrics during placement. Cuts or damage in either the filter fabric and or drainage core must be replaced with the placement of extra filter fabric overlapping the damaged areas by 100mm and fully taped. Ensure that the filter fabric is taken up and wall/ parapet areas by 100mm and similarly taped.

Plaza Deck LD200 is 20mm thick manufactured from HDPE geocomposite horizontal drainage mat consisting of Cuspations in a plastic core over wrapped with a heat bonded non woven geotextile filter fabric to one side.

Bidim Geotextile A14 filter fabric is a non woven, needle punched, continuous filament, polyester geotextile approximately 1 – 1.5mm thick.


It is our understanding that native grasses are to used to finish this landscaping specification. The soil mix shall be as directed by Greenroofs Ltd.

Contact Greenroofs Ltd, Will Thorne 021 – 453 – 719 for landscaping


6.1 Maintenance:

As the finished membrane system is buried: normal maintenance is not possible and equally should not be necessary.

However if major alteration or reconstruction of the overlay materials is required, the membrane applicator that carried out the installation should be notified so he can attend on site to ensure that the membrane integrity is maintained during and on completion of such works.

Plant Maintenance:

Allowance by the Client for contracted Maintenance shall be required to ensure long term viability of the applied system.

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6.2 Deboer Duo waterproofing membrane Warranty:

The DUO LANDSCAPE two-layer system described in this specification will be warranted as to membrane integrity and to be waterproof for a period of up to twenty (20) years providing that:

An approved EQUUS DUO Applicator carries out all work.

All work is carried out in accordance with this specification, or any amendments or

Additions thereto made by the Manufacturer or his representative.

The warranty period shall be determined for any contract in consultation with the Manufacturer or his representative.

The warranty is provided to the client by the Membrane Applicator carrying out the work and is backed by the Manufacturer as to fitness for the purpose of the materials supplied for the contract.
