Step/Timeframe / Details / Forms/Due Date /Grade / Mentor Responsibility
Selection of a Research Topic /
  1. What is a good research (pointer sources, scholarly, data base, citation)
  2. Find 2 pointer sources and narrow topic
  3. Read general articles on the topic (2-3 pointer sources and 5 scholarly source)
  4. Tentative research question (Can it be researched? Is it too broad or too narrow?)
  5. Research question posted with command terms
  6. What is the argument?
  7. What is the counterargument?
  8. Why is this worth investigating?
  9. Tools
  10. Questia, JSTOR, History in Dispute, Global Issues in Content, Facebook, EE Coordinators, InThinking.com, Symbaloo.com, Galileo, THS Catalog, Mrs. Barber
  11. Free citation creators: Easysbib (Need account for APA), Bibme, Cite Fast, Cite this for me, noodle tools, SCOPUS, DP Question Bank, Grammerly.com (Technically grammar is not graded), Suplicheker.com (free plagiarism check), Purdue Owl, Study Gurus
  12. Non-native speakers---no redink.com

Refining the research question and starting the research /
  1. Develop the final research question (question should be clear, focused, concise, complex, and arguable)
  2. Double check subject guidelines
  3. Ex: History cannot include the past 10 years
/ Fill in Research Question, Subject, and Topic in Managbac
March 16th
Introduction with Mentor /
  1. Discuss development of topic, question, and progress of research
  2. Continue Research
/ Upload Mentor/Mentee Contract into Managbac
Grade: 50 Points in HOA Guided Category / Meet with student to discuss development of topic, question, research, and sign contract
Make plan for future research goals
May 4th
Annotated Bibliography + Outline /
  1. Bibliography should be in MLA or APA format
  2. MLA:
  3. APA:
  4. Should include 15-25 minimum imaginative range of sources
  5. See Annotated Bibliography example
  6. Outline should ensure a strong argument and focus of question
/ Upload Annotated Bibliography and Outline into Managbac
Grade: 100 Points in HOA Assessment Category (100 points each) / Meet with student to discuss range and validity of sources
Ex: Are they cited correctly? What limitations exist? How can the student expand their knowledge base? What other options have the student not explored?
*This is the most crucial meeting to ensure the student’s outline supports a strong and focused question. Ensure the paper is aligned with subject guidelines.
What are the next steps?
**Upload notes from Mentor Meeting in Managbac
May 11th
1st Draft of Body (1500-2500 words) and First Reflection /
  1. Should include research, analysis, discussion, and evaluation
  2. Clear argument with analysis and synthesis integrated throughout
  3. Evident that subject guidelines are met
  4. Answered EQ
  5. Important information is not included in appendices, footnotes, or endnotes
  6. Paper Format
  7. Arial 12
  8. Start page numbering in the Introduction
  9. Title Page includes
  10. Acknowledgements accepted on title page, but not required
  11. Do not include candidate number
  12. Works Cited/Referencing
  13. Should not be numbered
  14. Should be “cited” in your paper
  15. Should be alphabetized
  16. Cannot use the same name multiple times for footnotes
  17. Appendix is not required, but sometimes needed for clarification with readers
  1. See Formatting the EE Worksheet
  2. Reflection should focus on the writing process and evolution of growth
a. Include verbage from IB Learner Profile
b. Do not include the words “My supervisor” / Upload Draft in Managbac
Upload First Reflection (100-125 words)
Draft= 100 Points in HOA Summative Category
Reflection= 100 Points in HOA Assessment Category / Meet with student and grade 1st draft of the EE body paragraphs according to the subject rubric provided
Ensure guidelines are met, argument is well organized, analysis is clear, and synthesis is integrated throughout
Make sure paper format matches EE requirements
Discuss areas of growth and create a plan for next meeting
Do not mark on the paper- only provide guidance on rubric
**Upload Notes from Mentor Meeting in Managbac
September 7th
1st Complete Draft of Paper (no more than 4,000 words) and 2nd Reflection /
  1. Includes Title Page, Contents, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and Works Cited
/ Upload Draft in Managbac
Upload 2nd Reflection in Managbac
Draft= 100 Points in History Summative Category
Reflection= 100 Points in History Assessment Category / Second grade with subject rubric
Do not mark/edit actual paper- only rubric sheet
Make sure Introduction includes research question and introduces what types of research will be used including any limitations (methodology).
Check the Works Cited and any appendices. A Works Cited should be “cited” in the paper.
Create a plan for the next and final draft.
Review Graded Rubric with Student
**Upload notes and graded rubric from Mentor Meeting in Managbac
November 13th
Final EE
(no more than 4,000 words) /
  1. Includes Title Page, Contents, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and Works Cited
  2. Fill out Extended Essay revision checklist before meeting with mentor
/ Upload EE in Managbac
Grade: 100 Points in History Summative Category / Use the subject rubrics to predict a final grade for the student’s Extended Essay. This should be an honest score. Do not mark the paper.
Review the graded rubric with the student.
**Upload notes and graded rubric from Mentor Meeting in Managbac
December 7th
Viva Voce (300 words) /
  1. Should be positive- focus on the future scope of research and learning and engagement/growth of learner and process
  1. What advice would you give juniors? How will this help you in college? What challenges did you overcome? What were your big successes?
  1. Do not use “My supervisor”
/ Upload Vive Voce in Managbac
Grade: 100 Points in History Assessment Category / Meet with the student to review their thoughts on their progress in the EE process. This reflection should be positive and use an engaging model that advances on your notes throughout the student’s growth.
Fill out the Mentor Comments on the RPPF in Managbac and lock the reflection. (150 words)
Do not use the student’s name or gender. Refer to “the candidate” only.

Managbac Directions

Editing Extended Essay Proposals

Via IB Manager > Extended Essay

/ UnderExtended Essay, you'll be able to set up yourEEWorksheet. First, enter your topic, subject and research question. You can do this by clicking onEdit Extended Essay Proposalin the upper right corner of your worksheet.
/ After saving your project, you'll be able to see upcoming EE deadlines and To Dos, which you can check off. Once your EE topic has been approved, you'll see the updated Extended Essay Status on the right side.
/ You can also submit your outlines, drafts, and final copies under the Extended Essay Documents section.
Under Notes & Interviews, you can leave messages for you EE supervisor. This is ideal for posting questions and scheduling meetings.

Generating EE Planning and Progress Forms (RPPF)

Via the Researcher's Reflection Space Tab

/ In the top bar, choose theResearcher's Reflection Spacetab. To add a new entry to your journal, click on theAdd New Entrybutton in the sidebar. You can also edit your Reflection Space by clicking on theEditpencil icon that appears or delete the entry by clicking on thetrash canicon.
After clicking theAdd New Entrybutton, you will see a new form. You can choose from a variety of mediums, including YouTube videos, pictures, and journal entries. After you have written and/or uploaded your entry, clickAdd New Entryto save it.

Via the Planning and Progress Form

/ In the top bar, choose thePlanning and Progress Formtab.This document records your planning and progress, and the nature of your discussions with your supervisor.You can add new reflection sessions in the comment boxes, and add the date of each by clicking on the calendar icon in theDatebox.
Note: In line with IBO regulations, you cannot re-edit your reflection!
The reflection box will lock 5 minutes after you have finished entering text and clickedSave Changes.

Via EE Worksheet > Planning and Progress Form tab

/ To access the Planning and Progress tab, navigate to a student'sEE Worksheetand click on thePlanning and Progress Formtab.
/ From here you can review a student's reflections and leave your final supervisor comment. Once that is completed, you can clickExport EE RPPFto generate theReflections on Planning and Progress Form.
Note that reflections will lock for students 5 minutes after the student saves the reflection. This prevents students from editing their initial response. If the student needs to edit the reflection, the supervisor can uncheckLock Reflection.

Submitting Your Final Essay

Via IB Manager > Extended Essay

/ When your EE is complete, you can submit it directly to your EE supervisor & IB Coordinator by clicking on theFinal EE Deadline.
/ Next, you’ll be able to upload your final EE copy by clicking:
1.Choose File
2.Upload Files
Once you have uploaded your EE, you will see your submitted file(s) below the Dropbox heading.

Workshops for Students

How to complete Research & Annotated Bibliography / Ms. Barber
Ms. Xiques / Thursday, March 15
Media Center
9:45 am - 11:20 am
How to format your essay / Ms. Dhaliwal
Ms. Xiques
Ms. Barber / Wednesday, May 2nd
9:45 am - 11:20 am
Writing Day / Ms. Dhaliwal / Wednesday, May 9th
8:00 am – 3:20 pm
Writing Day / Ms. Dhaliwal / Tuesday, May 15th
Wednesday, May 16th
8:00 am – 3:20 pm
Editing/Review Days / TBA / Proposed weeks:
September 17-21st
October 15-19th
October 29-31st
EE Symposium / IB Teachers, Parents, and Community Members / Proposed:
January 22nd
Media Center
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm