Ted Zeller– Chairperson

Candida Affa– Vice Chairperson

Reverend- Dr. Larry Pickens-Secretary

Brent Hartzell-Treasurer

John N. Morgan-Executive Director

John Ashley, Davison McCarthy - APA Solicitor



A regularmeeting of the Allentown Parking Authority Board was held at 12:00 p.m. on March 28th, 2018 at the offices of the Allentown Parking Authority, 603 W Linden Street, Allentown PA 18101.

The following were in attendance:

Ted Zeller-Chairperson

Candida Affa-Vice Chairperson

Brent Hartzell-Treasurer

John N. Morgan-Executive Director

Also in attendance at the meeting:

Marc Albanese- Davison McCarthy-APA Solicitor

George J. Grazer Jr.-Deputy Director

Connie Abercrombie-APA Finance Manager

Daryl Hendricks-Allentown City Council

Marge Hopkins-Minutes

An Executive Session to discuss contract issues was held prior to the regular session.

Ted Zeller called the meeting to order at 12:18p.m.


Mr. Zeller asked members of the Board if they had any additions or corrections to the February 2018 APA Minutes. The Board did not have any corrections; therefore, Mr. Zeller asked for a motion to approve the Minutes. Brent Hartzell made a motion to approve, Candida Affa made the second motion. The remaining Board members were in favor of approving the February 2018 Minutes.


Property Acquisition

Mr. Zeller made a motion to make an offer for the acquisition of 532-546 N. 7th Street in the amount of $400,000. Mr. Hartzell seconded the motion and the remaining members of the Board unanimously approved the motion.


Mr. Zeller made a motion to reconsider the authority’s current banking relationship and continue to progress with the potential of renegotiating the APA’s current debt service. Mr. Hartzell seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


Downtown Parking Meter Study

John N. Morgan stated that he and Deputy Director George J. Grazer Jr. met with the students from Muhlenberg College’s Business studying parking meter efficiencies. While at the APA offices, the students were taken to the meter department to understand the process and cost involved with meter collections. When the students return they will have the opportunity to try their hand at meter collection to understand the labor involved in the process.

The authority is waiting for the software to install the three pay stations they recently received from the Bethlehem Parking Authority. Once the software is installed, two of the stations will be installed on one block of 7th Street to replace eighteen meters, and the remaining station will be installed on another block of fourteen meters.

The pay stations will not accept foreign coins or objects. During the trial basis, parkers utilizing the stations will pay at the meter and place their paid stub on their dashboard. When the trial completes successfully, the stations will be converted to “Pay-by-Plate” and customers will enter their plate number at the station to pay for their space.

Mr. Morgan stated that while speaking to ANIZDA Director Steve Bamford during a Chamber of Commerce meeting in downtown Allentown he learned of grant money being offered by the Commonwealth for improvements to streetscapes.

Mr. Zeller stated that if needed he would be available to go through the process of grant writing and contact ANIZDA to gain more information. The grant money could be used for the installation of additional pay stations.


Event Booths

The authority installed event booths equipped with LED lighting and generators on the Farr, Germania, and North lots.

Residential Wrap

Mr. Morgan stated that he received the title binder for the residential wrap project.

Easement and Maintenance Agreement

Mr. Morgan received the easement and maintenance agreement for the walkway project for the future 520 Building to the Community Deck. Mr. Morgan will give the description of the property to Finance Manager Connie Abercrombie for banking purposes.

APA Website

According to Mr. Morgan, the APA committee formed to re-create the authority’s website has been working diligently on the project and the new website has been designed to include links, events, and “live” directions to event parking.


A high speed Fios line has been installed at the authority offices and in the near future the garage servers will be linked to the line.

Fegley Development

Mr. Morgan met with representatives from Fegley’s Brew Works to discuss their future development on Hamilton Street opposite their current location.

Enterprise Lease

The authority has received delivery of five vehicles.

Towing Contract

The APA entered into a three-year towing contract with A-1 Towing.

Verizon Fleet Equipment

Verizon Fleet Equipment has been installed in the vehicles and the program is scheduled to begin on April 16th 2018.


The computers in the authority’s main office have been upgraded to Windows 10.


The hardware for the new attendant system which will eliminate time cards has been installed and the APA will be going live on April 17th. The new system will automatically calculate hours.


Mr. Morgan stated that he is waiting for a surveyor’s information regarding an easement for a billboard on 7th Street.

Strata III

Mr. Morgan stated that there are still action items that need to be addressed at the parking garage located at Strata III. Standing water has been observed at the entrance that has created a safety and maintenance issue.

The authority has contract parking in the facility and will have additional spaces that will not be utilized by the arts community.

Mr. Morgan noted that Symphony Hall will be using parking spaces donated by the Morning Call at the Allentown Transportation Center. The Community Music School will be relocating to the 1500 block of Hamilton Street in July and has opted to remain at the Allentown Transportation Center until that time.

Mr. Morgan remarked that Strata III is at eighty-four percent occupancy and eight of the tenants have moved into the building.

According to Mr. Morgan, transient parking at the facility will begin this week; however, because the majority of tenants of Strata III will require evening parking, transient parking will not be available after 4pm.

Mr. Zeller suggested contacting Morgan Stanley to see if they would be interested in some of the contract spaces available at facility.

Meter Timing

The meters near the Baum School in the 500 block of Linden Street have been changed from two to four- hour meters. The increased time will allow Baum School students to park near the location for music lessons that may exceed a two- hour time frame.


The APA booted one hundred and twenty- three vehicles to date in the month of March.

County Bid

The APA submitted a bid for parking eighty-five county vehicles. The county is scheduled to open the bids on March 29th 2018.


Ms. Abercrombie stated that for the month of February both the total and operating revenue were slightly below budget. Revenue contributions from both the on and off-street divisions were also reported at slightly below budget.

Operating expenses for February were reported at below budget and Ms. Abercrombie noted that the expenses were further under budget than revenue.

Ms. Abercrombie stated that because some positions remain vacant, personnel charges were reported at under budget.

Elevator repairs at the Spiral deck were reflected in the increased expense for Services and Charges.

Overall for the month of February the total revenue exceeded the total expenses by nearly $280,000 which was above budget. After transfers accrued to the City of Allentown and the debt service fund, the general operating fund reflected an excess of $43,792.

For the year-to-date, the total revenue exceeded total operating expenses by $601,256. After all transfers, the remaining excess was reported at $124,975.

Ms. Abercrombie noted that the monthly cash flow statement was included in the March APA Board packet and that the figure for the off-street revenue included a large payment from the City of Allentown for parking in 2017. The statement also included two lease payments for the 600 Linden Deck.

Ms. Abercrombie remarked that lost revenue from the closing of the Holiday Inn has and will impact the budget going forward.

Auditor Visit

Auditors will be at the APA offices beginning April 9th 2018. A draft of audit will be presented during the May APA Board meeting.





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