Hospital Tools Menu

Custom Menu:

Procedure Tools (Non-Charge)

Activate/Inactivate Procedures: Use this routine to change procedures from active to inactive or vise versa. In this routine the user will select either Y for active or N for inactive. Then specify a from and thru procedure and restrict by Insurance. Lookup into the Non-Charge Procedure dictionary is available.

Enter/Edit GL Override:A single GL Override can be quickly added to a range of non-charge procedures. The FROM PROCEDURE and THRU PROCEDURE fields allow the range of procedures to be defined and are required. This routine can be run for all insurances or a specific insurance.

Enter/Edit GL Override by MIS INS GROUP: A single GL Override can be quickly added to all procedures associated with an MIS Insurance Group. This routine can be run for all non-charge types or the user can select RCP, ADJ or REF.

Copy Non-Charge Procedures: A new procedure can be created by copying and existing procedure.

List Insurances Without a Small Balance Writeoff Procedure:Report lists all MIS Insurances that do not have a Small Balance Writeoff Procedure. If an insurance does not have a Small Balance Procedure, then the insurance will not be written off through the Small Balance Writeoff Routine.

List Insurances With a Small Balance Writeoff Procedure: Report lists all MIS Insurances that have a Small Balance Writeoff Procedure.

List Insurances Without a Reimbursement Adjustment Type: Report lists all MIS Insurances that do not have an adjustment defined as a Reimbursement Type. Reimbursement types can be used in conjunction with Reimbursement Management to take upfront writeoffs.

List Insurances With a Reimbursement Adjustment Type:Report lists all MIS Insurances that do not have an adjustment defined as a Reimbursement Type. Reimbursement types can be used in conjunction with Reimbursement Management to take upfront writeoffs.

Procedure Tools (Charge)

Activate/Inactivate Procedures:Use this routine to change procedures from active to inactive or vise versa. In this routine the user will select either Y for active or N for inactive. Then specify a from and thru procedure and restrict by Insurance. Lookup into the Non-Charge Procedure dictionary is available.

Change Client Discount Flags: Use this routine to change the client discount flag in the Charge Procedure Dictionary. The prompt defaults to Y, the user has the option here to change all charges to N.

Edit Charge Category by Charge Category: Change the Charge Category of all procedures under a given Charge Category.

Change GL Corporation: This routine allows you to edit the corporation field (and corresponding CORP in GL Dept) for a range of procedures. It will also make a range of charges multi CORP (wild card).

Edit Charge Category by GL Department:Use this routine to assign a charge category across all procedures with a specified GL Department.

Copy Charge Procedures: A new procedure can be created by copying and existing procedure.

Alt Codes Edit by Charge Category: This routine was created to make the entry of alt codes into the charge procedure dictionary after the dictionary has been created more efficient. (For example, the hospital needs a modifier on the alt code for the 1500 claim form and needs to create a new alt code mnemonic and re key the existing alt code with the modifier directly into the dictionary).

* NOTE: If an alt code already exists for any charge category, it will also default in

and can be edited or skipped.

* NOTE: The lookup into the Charge Procedure dictionary is a straight mnemonic lookup. The usual list of lookup choices is not available here.

Alt Codes Copy by Charge Category: Use this routine to take the alternate codes on charge categories and copy them to different alternate code types. The user can do a lookup at the alt codes and also either select specific charge categories or select all. Also the user can use the last prompt to append modifiers to alt codes.

Alt Code Quick Edit: This routine allows for rapid entry of alt codes at the procedure level without having to access the charge master.

Enter/Edit GL Dept by Charge Category: Use this routine to enter a GL Dept Code and a CORP for a range of procedures. The user will enter in a new GL Dept Code and CORP then choose what procedures to associate the code with. This can also be run for a specific charge category.

Enter/Edit GL Department: Use this routine to enter a GL Dept Code and a CORP for a range of procedures. The user will enter in a new GL Dept Code and CORP then choose what procedures to associate the code with. This can also be run for a specific charge category.

Enter/Edit GL Override: Use this routine to enter in a GL Override formula for a range of procedures. The user would enter the new GL formula and then specify from and thru certain procedures. For example, if the hospital wants to track certain Pharmacy charges under a different GL formula, they would enter the new formula here and in the From and Thru prompts pull in the PHA procedures they want.

Enter/Edit GL Stats Expression: Use this routine to enter a GL stat for procedures within a specific Charge Category or range of Charge procedures. The user would enter the expression mnemonic and then specify the GL stat value to associate with it.

Enter/Edit Chg Edit Flag by Charge Category: Use this routine to change a range of charge procedures or categories from charge editable Y to charge editable N or vise versa. For example, if the hospital was not accepting charges from Clinical and they now wanted to, they would go here and select the specific mnemonics and the Charge Category associated with them.

Enter/Edit Chg Edit Flag Multiple: Use this routine to change specific procedures to either charge editable Y or charge editable N. Unlike the previous routine this one doesn't give the user the option to put a from through range or limit to specific charge category.

Enter/Edit Physician by Charge Category: Use this routine to override the physician prompts in the procedure dictionary. The user specifies the charge categories from and thru, then answers Y/N to override what the dictionary says about performing physician and specifies what kind (R,E, N). Also they answer Y/N to ordering physician and if they want that prompt to be a requirement or not.

Claims Tools Menu

Edit Claim's Insurances by Insurance Group:Use this routine to apply insurance groups to certain claim forms. When the user selects an insurance group, all insurances assigned to that group will automatically pull into the Insurances field for that claim.

List Claims by Insurance: Use this routine to print a list of Claims and the insurances that they are associated with. The user enters in the insurances mnemonic and if they are active choices Y/N. This routine is useful when verifying that all Insurances appear on a claim,

List Claims Missing a Charge Category: Use this routine to print a list of Claims that are missing certain charge categories. The user enters the mnemonic for the claim forms and if they are active choices Y/N.

List Claims Without Claim Sections: Use this routine to print the claim dictionary without the claim sections and cross comparison.

Move Claims: Use this routine to copy claims from the log-on HCIS Database to the specified HCIS Database.

Copy/Edit a Claim Section: Use this routine to copy the information from one claim section to a new claim section mnemonic. The <enter> key will take the user through each prompt in the claim section dictionary got the Thru claim section and default each response from the From claim section. At each prompt, the user has the option to edit and change the responses.

Copy Claim Data: Use this routine to create and copy an existing claim data list to a new claim data mnemonic.

Move Claim Data: Use this routine to copy claim data lists from the log-on HCIS Database to the specified HCIS Database.

Copy Claim Map: Use this routine to create and copy an existing claim map to a new claim map mnemonic.

Move Claim Data: Use this routine to copy claim data lists from the log-on HCIS Database to the specified HCIS Database.

Display Mapped Values: Use this routine to see what a single entry in a map is linked to. The user first does a lookup and chooses a certain claim map, then enters in a data value mnemonic in the From field and after you hit enter the To field will default in the value that shows up on the claim.

Create Therapy Map: Use this routine to build the OT, PT, ST and CR maps needs to calculate value codes 50,51,52 and 53 for MCR recurring patients.

Miscellaneous Tools

Copy a Letter: Use this routine to create and copy an existing letter to a new mnemonic. This routine will also allow the user to create a new mnemonic in the letter dictionary first and define that mnemonic in the copy prompt.

Copy a Journal:Use this routine to create and copy an existing journal to a new mnemonic. This routine will also allow the user to create a new mnemonic in the journal dictionary first and define that mnemonic in the copy prompt.

Enter Biller Insurance by Insurance Group: Use this routine to add insurance groups to billers. When the user looks at the Biller Dictionary, the insurances from the specified Insurance group will show up under the Insurances field.

Enter Bill Rule Insurance by Insurance Group: Use this routine like the above routine (Enter Biller Ins By Ins Group) except for the Billing Rule dictionary.