Expression of Interests sought for proposals in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
Irish Research Council (IRC) CAROLINE Programme: ‘Collaborative Research fellowships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe’
TheIRC Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) COFUND Postdoctoral FellowshipProgramme entitled CAROLINE: ‘Collaborative Research Fellowships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe’ provides experienced researchers with an opportunity to obtain a prestigious research mobility and career development Fellowship. Successful candidates undertake research in both academic and practitioner settings, and benefit from international mobility and inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary knowledge exchange.
The School of Law in University College Cork (UCC)has been working closely with the Irish Red Cross Society (IRCS) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to advance knowledge and understanding of national, regional and international disaster law, policy and practice.
Reflecting this international perspective, CAROLINE Fellows must conduct research relevant to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)set out in the UN’s 2030 Agenda. There are 25 targets related to disaster risk reduction (DRR) across the SDGs, and in particular SDG 11 (Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable)which explicitly commits States to:
11.5 By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations.
There are two types of CAROLINE Fellowship:
- Irish Fellowship
- International Fellowship
Academic mentor: Dr Dug Cubie (School of Law, UCC)
Home Host Organisation: University College Cork
Main Partner Organisation: Irish Red Cross Society (IRCS)
Duration of Fellowship: 2 years, including at least 6 months based in the IRCS in Dublin
Candidate requirements: PhD or 4 years research experience – not currently based in Ireland or a permanent member of staff of IRCS
Potential Research Topics:
- How the auxiliary role of the Red Cross/Red Crescent is set out in domestic and international health and disaster management laws.
- The legal status of volunteers in pandemic settings.
Home Host Organisation: University College Cork
Main Partner Organisation: International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies (IFRC Geneva)
Duration of Fellowship: 3 years, with 2 years based in IFRC Geneva, and 1 year in UCC
Candidate: PhD or 4 years research experience – not currently based in Switzerland or a permanent member of staff of IFRC
Potential Research Topics:
- Linkages between environmental law and DRR legislation in the context of the Sendai Framework for DRR (2015-2030) and the 2015 UNFCCC Paris Agreement.
- Regional approaches to DRR.
Indicative Remuneration:Payment of circa €55,800 per annum will be made to the Host Institution. After statutory pension and PRSI deductions, the Fellow will receive circa €42,394 per annum before taxation. Fellows will also receive a €7,200 per annum mobility allowance for Years 1 and 2, and €9,600 per annum for eligible direct research, training and networking costs. Where applicable, Fellows will also receive a €6,000 per annum family allowance.
- The full Terms and Conditions for CAROLINE – ‘Collaborative Research Fellowships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe’ MSCA Co-funded 2018 call (Call 2) are available here.
Applicants are responsible for ensuring that they fulfil the relevant criteria for each Fellowship.
Information contained in this call for Expressions of Interest is for indicative purposes only and may be subject to change, for example as a result of changes to the funding programme made by the Irish Research Council.
UCC, IRCS and IFRC reserve the right not to support any applicants under this call for Expressions of Interest.
Application procedure:applicants must make an individual application to the Irish Research Council in conjunction with a Home Host Organisation and Main Partner Organisation by 12th October 2017. All Fellowships must commence on 1stJune 2018.
Based on this call for Expressions of Interest, the School of Law, UCC and the Irish Red Cross Society / International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies may identify potential individuals to support in further developing a research proposal for the Irish Research Council’s CAROLINE programme.
Please submit thefollowing Expression of Interest form along with an up-to-date CV to Dr Dug Cubie () by Tuesday 8th August 2017.
Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Cubie by Tuesday 25th July 2017.
Expression of Interest: Irish Research Council CAROLINE Fellowships (UCC-IRCS-IFRC)
NameAcademic / research qualifications
Current position
Fellowship for Consideration / Irish / International (delete as appropriate)
NB If you wish to be considered for both the Irish and International Fellowships, please complete a separate form for each.
Please provide a short overview of the research project that you would propose to develop into a full proposal with the assistance of UCC-IRCS-IFRC (250 words).
Please provide a short description of your background and why you are a suitable candidate for this Fellowship (250 words).
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