Economics of Labour

Courses / Semester / ECTS
  1. Core speciality courses

1.1. Statistics / fall / 9
1.2. Accounting / fall / 6
1.3. Finances and credit / spring / 7
1.4. Marketing / fall / 5
1.5. National economy / fall / 3
1.6. Enterprise economy / fall
spring / 5
1.7. Economic law / spring / 4
1.8. Economic analysis / spring / 4
  1. Speciality courses

2.1. Economy of Labour (economy of social and labour relations) / fall
spring / 6
2.2. Labour market / spring / 4
2.3. Employees Behaviour / spring / 4
2.4. Human resourse management(HRM) / spring
fall / 5
2.5. IT in social and labour management / spring
fall / 4
2.6. Labour relations legislation / fall / 4
2.7. Auditing and personnel controlling / fall / 4
2.8. Labour organization and standatization / fall / 6
Economics and Human Resource Management
  1. Speciality courses

3.1. Sociological research methods / spring / 2
3.2. Labour modellling and indices analysis / fall / 3
3.3. Employment strategies / fall / 2
3.4. Taxes and taxation / fall / 3
3.5. International Labour Organization (Conventions on social and labour relations) / fall / 2
3.6. State regulation and economic policy / fall / 4
3.7. Social welfare and social provisions / fall / 3
3.8. HRM technologies / fall / 3

Finance and Credit

Course / Semester / ECTS
  1. Core speciality courses

1.1. Enterprise economy / fall
spring / 5
1.2. Social and economic statistics / fall / 5
1.3. Accounting / fall
spring / 9
1.4. Auditing fundamentals / fall / 4
1.5. Economic analysis / fall / 4
1.6. Market forcasting and planning / spring / 4
1.7. Financial statistics / spring / 2
1.8. Marketing / fall / 4
1.9. Macroeconomics / spring / 5
  1. Speciality courses

2.1. Finances / fall
spring / 8
2.2. Money, credit, banks / fall / 7
2.3. Company finances / spring / 5
2.4. Financial management / spring
fall / 4
2.5. Taxes and taxation / fall / 4
2.6. Insurance / fall / 3
2.7. RF budget system / fall / 4
2.8. Securities market / spring / 3
2.9. Investments / spring / 4
2.10. Management accounting / fall / 4
2.11. Property estimation / spring / 2
Financial Management
  1. Speciality courses

3.1. Financial investments / fall
spring / 7
3.2. Theoretic fundamentals of financial management / fall / 4
3.3. Short-term financial policy / fall / 6
3.4. Long-term financial policy / fall / 7
3.5. Foreign investments / spring / 4
3.6. Investment strategy / fall
spring / 7
  1. Speciality courses

4.1. Bank accounting and opetations / fall
spring / 7
4.2. Management of Cehtral Bank activity / fall / 5
4.3. Management of commercial bank activity / fall / 4
4.4. Speciality course / fall / 7
4.5. Banking law / spring / 4
4.6. International currency and credit relations / fall / 5
4.7. Banking management / fall
spring / 7
Taxes and Taxation
  1. Speciality courses

5.1. Regional and local taxes / fall / 9
5.2. Taxation institutions and their activity / fall
spring / 5
5.3. Taxation law / fall / 4
5.4. Federal taxes / spring / 4
5.5. Speciality course / fall / 7
5.6. IT in taxation / fall / 5
5.7. Taxation research methods / fall / 6

Accounting, Analysis and Audit

Course / Semester / ECTS
  1. Core speciality courses

1.1. Company economy / fall
spring / 5
1.2. Statistics / fall / 7
1.3. Financial management / fall / 4
1.4. Finances / fall / 4
1.5. Insurance / fall / 3
1.6. Money, credit, banks / fall / 5
1.7. Securities market / spring / 4
1.8. Taxes and taxation / fall / 4
1.9. Controlling and auditing / spring / 5
1.10. Accounting international standards and financial report / fall / 2
1.11. International auditing standards / fall / 2
1.12. Business communications / fall / 2
1.13. Enterprise finances / spring / 2
1.14. Marketing / fall / 3
1.15. Macroeconomics / spring / 3
  1. Speciality courses

2.1. Financial accounting / fall / 16
2.2. Management accounting / fall / 5
2.3. Accounting (financial) statements / spring / 4
2.4. Complex economic analysis / fall
spring / 8
2.5. Financial report analysis / fall / 3
2.6. Auditing / fall
spring / 9
2.7. Accounting workshop / spring
fall / 4
2.8. Accounting / fall / 2
2.9. SME accounting / spring / 5
2.10. Accounting and analysis of company’s external activity / spring 8
fall / 7
2.11. Bankruptcy accounting and analysis / spring / 5
2.12. Trade accounting / fall / 4
2.13. Speciality course / fall / 5
2.14. Company financial sustainability analysis / spring / 6
2.15. Concept and cashflow analysis / fall / 6

World Economy

Course / Semester / ECTS
  1. Core speciality courses

1.1. Enterprise economy / fall
spring / 5
1.2. Marketing / fall / 4
1.3. Social and economic statistics / fall / 5
1.4. International civil and trade law / spring / 5
  1. Speciality courses

2.1. International Insurance / fall / 3
2.2. International public law / spring / 4
2.3. World economy / fall / 4
2.4. International economic relations / spring / 5
2.5. International currency and credit relations / spring
fall / 4
2.6. Accounting / fall / 4
2.7. Auditing fudamentals / fall / 1
2.8. Economic analysis / fall / 3
2.9. Finances / fall / 2
2.10. Securities market / spring / 2
2.11. Taxes and taxation / fall / 3
2.12. Insurances / fall / 2
2.13. Economic law / spring / 3
2.14. Financial law / fall / 1
2.15. International commerce / spring / 3
2.16. Enterprise international activity / spring / 4
2.17. International private law / fall / 5
2.18. Accounting and analysis of company’s international activity / fall / 5
2.19. Internatoinal accounts and international financing / fall / 3
2.20. Customs affairs / fall / 5
2.21. Speciality course / spring / 0

National Economy

Course / Semester / ECTS
  1. Core speciality courses

1.1. Statistics / fall / 7
1.2. Accounting / fall / 7
1.3. Company economy / fall
spring / 6
1.4. Marketing / fall / 5
1.5. Economic analysis / spring / 3
1.6. Finances and credit / spring / 6
1.7. National economy / fall
spring / 4
1.8. Economy of public sector / fall / 3
1.9. IT systems in Economics / fall
spring / 5
1.10. Securities market / fall / 3
1.11. Taxes and taxation / fall / 5
Corporate Management
  1. Speciality courses

2.1. Macroeconomics / spring / 5
2.2. National accounting / fall / 5
2.3. Research and modelling methods in national economy / fall / 5
2.4. State regulation / spring / 6
2.5. Forcasting in national economy / fall
spring / 4
2.6. Strategic planning / fall
spring / 5
2.7. Federal,regional abd municipal management / fall / 4
2.8. Regional economy / fall / 4
2.9. Theory and practices of corporate management / spring / 4
2.10. Crisis management / fall / 3
2.11. Management decision - making / fall / 3
2.12. Financial management / fall / 4
2.13. Innovative management / spring / 3
2.14. Human resourse management / spring / 3
2.15. Logistics / fall / 2
2.16. Enterprise finances / spring / 4
2.17. Estimation and restructuring of a business / fall / 5
2.18. Banking / fall / 2
2.19. Company business planning / fall / 4

Enterprise Economy and Management (City Economy)

Course / Semester / ECTS
  1. Core speciality courses

1.1. Macroeconomics / spring / 4
1.2. Statistics / fall / 5
1.3. Accounting / fall / 5
1.4. Enterprise economy / fall
spring / 7
1.5. Marketing / fall / 3
1.6. Economic analysis / spring / 3
1.7. Finances and credit / spring / 4
1.8. Company planning / fall / 5
1.9. Economic estimation of investments / spring / 4
1.10. Company financial and economic analysis and diagnistics / fall
spring / 5
1.11. City management / fall / 2
1.12. Economic law / spring / 2
1.13. Taxes and taxation / fall / 3
  1. Speciality courses

2.1. City economy / fall
spring / 5
2.2. Organization, standardization and labour pay in city communal enterprises / fall
spring / 8
2.3. Production in city communal enterprises / fall
spring / 5
2.4. Quality control / spring / 2
2.5. Real estate economy / spring / 2
2.6. Basics of modelling and designing / fall
spring / 7
2.7. City economy technologies / fall
spring / 9
2.8. Buildings’Technical exploitation / fall / 4
2.9. Management of building exploitation / spring
fall / 5
2.10. Designing and financial estimates in city economy / fall
spring / 8
2.11. Management of economic education / spring
fall / 5
2.12. City economy legislation / fall / 4
2.13. City infrastructure / fall / 2
2.14. Economy of housing / fall / 6
2.15. Watersupplies and waterdrains / fall / 5
2.16. Public transport / fall / 5
2.17. City energy resourses management / fall / 6
2.18. City services and utilities / spring / 5

Enterprise Economy and Management (Trade and Food Industry)

Course / Semester / ECTS
  1. Core speciality courses

1.1. Accounting / fall / 8
1.2. Management / fall / 8
1.3. Company economy / fall
spring / 6
1.4. Marketing / fall / 5
1.5. Finances and credit / spring / 6
1.6. Company planning / fall / 7
1.7. Economic estimation of investment / fall / 4
1.8. Company financial and economic analysis / spring / 7
1.9. Economy / spring / 4
1.10. Commercial law / spring / 2
1.11. Taxes and taxation / fall / 2
1.12. Company’s external activity / spring / 2
1.13. Costs management / fall / 3
1.14. Strategic planning / fall / 2
  1. Speciality disciplines

2.1. Transportation and deliveries in trade / fall / 3
2.2. Financial management / fall / 4
2.3. Human resourse management / spring / 2
2.4. Insurance systems and operations / spring / 2
2.5. IT in trade and food industry / fall
spring / 5
2.6. Goods expertise / fall / 5
2.7. Sales management / spring / 2
2.8. Economics of goods turnover / fall / 5
2.9. Organization, standardization and labour pay in foodand trade industry / fall / 5
2.10. Production in food and trade enterprises / spring / 5
2.11. Quality control / fall / 3
2.12. Real estate economy / fall / 3
2.13. Entrepreneurship / fall / 3
2.14. Commodity research of foodstuff / fall / 8
2.15. Commodity research of consumer goods / spring / 8
2.16. Trade and customer services / spring / 4
2.17. Consumer behaviour and marketing research in trade / fall / 5
2.18. Consumer rights / spring / 2
2.19. Trade legislation / fall / 3
2.20. Statistics of consumer goods market / fall / 5
2.21. Advertizing / fall / 4
2.22. Logistics / spring / 2
2.23. Pricing policies / spring / 4

State and Municipal Management

Course / Semester / ECTS
  1. Core speciality courses

1.1. Social and economic statistics / fall / 4
1.2. Accounting / fall / 5
1.3. State and municipal finances / spring / 5
1.4. Studies of social, economic and political processes / fall / 5
1.5. Demography / fall / 4
1.6. Civil law / spring / 2
1.7. Administrative law / fall / 2
1.8. Territorial organization of the community / spring / 4
1.9. Macroeconomics / spring / 4
  1. Speciality courses

2.1. State and municipal management / fall
spring / 10
2.2. Management of public relations / fall / 4
2.3. Regional economy and management / spring / 3
2.4. HRM / fall / 4
2.5. IT in management / fall
spring / 5
2.6. Socioligy of management / fall / 2
2.7. Management decision making / fall / 2
2.8. Territorial marketing / fall / 3
2.9. Real estate estimation / spring / 2
2.10. Taxes and taxation / fall / 2
2.11. Economic and mathematical methods and modelling / fall / 3
2.12. Economic analysis / spring / 3
2.13. RF economy / fall / 4
2.14. State regulation of economics / fall / 4
2.15. Regional social and economic policy / fall / 5
2.16. Land management / spring / 4
2.17. Regional labour market / fall / 2
2.18. Territory development / spring
fall / 6
2.19. Company economy / fall
spring / 6
2.20. Regional enterprise’s finances / spring / 3
2.21. Crisis management / fall / 4

Enterprise Management

Course / Semester / ECTS
1.Core speciality courses
1.1. Statistics / fall / 5
1.2. Accounting / fall / 5
1.3. Fundamentals of management / fall
spring / 8
1.4. Finances and credit / spring / 5
1.5. Theory of business organization / fall / 3
1.6. Economic law / spring / 3
1.7. Securities market / fall / 2
1.8. Organizational behaviour / fall / 3
1.9. Marketing / fall / 7
1.10. Macroeconomics / spring / 5
1.11. Taxes and taxation / fall / 4
1.12. Microeconomics ( company economy) / fall
spring / 7
1.13. Economic analysis / spring / 4
2.Speciality courses
2.1. Strategic management / spring / 4
2.2. Management decisions / spring / 3
2.3. IT in management / fall
spring / 5
2.4. Crisis management / fall / 4
2.5. Logistics / fall / 2
2.6. HRM / fall / 3
2.7. Innovative management / spring / 3
2.8. Studies of management systems / spring / 4
2.9. Quality control / fall / 2
2.10.State, regional, municipal management / fall / 4
2.11. Financial planning / fall / 4
2.12. Company business planning / fall / 3
2.13. Banking / fall / 2
2.14. Career development / fall / 2
2.15. Economic and mathematical methods / fall / 4
2.16. Financial management / fall
spring / 6
2.17. Financial law / fall / 2
2.18. Fundamentals of auditing / spring / 1
2.19. Company’s finances / spring / 5
2.20. Insurance / fall / 2
2.21. Management accounting / fall / 4
2.22. Real estate estimation / spring / 2
2.23. Investments / spring / 4
2.24. Corporate management / spring / 2

Mathematics in economics

Course / Semester / ECTS
  1. Core speciality courses

1.1. Mathematical methods and models in operations research / spring
fall / 9
1.2. Statistics / fall / 5
1.3. System analysis / fall
spring / 5
1.4. Microeconomics / fall
spring / 6
1.5. Macroeconomics / spring / 5
1.6. Econometrics / spring / 4
1.7. Economic and mathematical modelling / spring
fall / 10
1.8. IT in economics / spring / 3
1.9. Finances and credit / spring / 4
1.10. Accounting / fall / 5
1.11. Marketing / fall / 4
1.12. Multiple statistical methods / fall / 5
  1. Speciality courses

2.1. Risk theory and modelling of risk situations / fall / 5
2.2. Methods of social and economic forcasting / fall / 4
4.3. Econometric modelling / fall / 4
4.4. Mathematical methods of financial analysis / spring / 6
4.5. Insurance and actuarial estimates / fall / 5
4.6. Numerical methods / fall / 4
4.7. Theory of perfect management / spring / 6
4.8. Algorithmization and programming language / fall / 4
4.9. Taxes and taxation / fall / 3
4.10. Economic analysis / spring / 4
4.11. Modelling of financial technologies / spring / 4
4.12. Stochastic financial mathematics / fall / 6
  1. Optional courses

5.1. IT in financial management / fall / 3
5.2. Statistical programming packages / spring / 3
5.3. Data base / fall / 3
5.4. Global information resourses / spring / 3
5.5. Udmurt Language / fall / 1

Commerce (Trade)

Course / Semester / ECTS
  1. Core speciality courses

1.1. Social and economic statistics / fall / 5
1.2. Accounting and auditing / fall / 5
1.3. Finances, money circulation and credit / spring / 4
1.4. Enterprise economy / fall
spring / 7
1.5. Marketing / fall / 4
1.6. Fundamentals of commerce / fall / 3
1.7. Stockbrockerage / fall / 2
1.8. Foreign trade operations / spring / 2
1.9. Commodity research / spring / 6
1.10. Goods expertise / fall / 6
1.11. Economic law / spring / 4
1.12. IT in commerce / fall
spring / 5
1.13. Macroeconomics / spring / 5
1.14. Quality control / fall / 4
1.15. Regional economy / fall / 3
  1. Speciality courses

2.1. Commerce / spring
fall / 8
2.2. Economic foudation for entrepreneurial projects / spring
fall / 6
2.3. Transportation and deliveries in trade / spring / 4
2.4. Commercial logistics / spring / 4
2.5. Customs affairs / fall / 4
2.6. Economic analysis / spring / 4
2.7. Financial management / fall / 4
2.8. Taxes and taxation / fall / 2
2.9. Pricing policies / spring / 4
2.10. Sales management / fall / 2
2.11. SME economy / fall / 3
2.12. Advertisment / spring / 3
2.13. Commercial operations in real estate / fall / 3
2.14. Commercial secrets and their protection / fall / 2
2.15. Banking / fall / 2
2.16. HRM / fall / 2
2.17. Arbitrage / fall / 2

Course Details:


Course aim: to study methods of marketing research, strategic and tactic marketing planning

Course content: Essence and main concepts of marketing. Marketing management. Market research. Marketing mix. Marketing organization and control.

National Economy

Course aim : to study structure and tendencies of national economy

Course content : Essence of national economy. Main issues of national economy. Ways of development and methods. Development tendencies of Russia’s national economy.

Economic Analysis

Course aim: to study methods of qualitative analysis of economic processes

Course content: Aims & objectives of economic analysis. Classical models of economic analysis. Methods of economic analysis and practical applications.


Course aim: to study structure and methods of financial management

Course content: Concept of finance. Structure of financial system. Structure of financial management. Finance market. Financial control.

RF Budget System

Course aim: to study structure and functioning of RF budget system.

Course content: Budget system of RF. Structure and parameters of RF budget. Functioning of RF budget system. RF budgeting and budget execution. Control over budget execution.

Company Economy

Course aim: to study methods of management of company economy

Course content: What is company. Company’s economy. Company resources. Company performance. HRM, financial and material management.


Course aim: to study investment process and methods

Course content:: Concept of investment. Types of investments. Investment process. Methods of investment attraction. Methods of investment calculation. Economic rationale for investment.

Taxes and Taxation

Course aim::to study taxation system and taxes

Course content: Essence of taxes. Types of taxes.Tax strurcture of RF. Taxation. Tax planning.Tax system..

Strategic Planning

Course aim: to study methods of strategic planning in company.

Course content: Essence of strategic planning. Process of strategic planning. Main methods and models of strategic planning. Place of strategic planning in company management.

City Economy

Course aim: to study oraganization and functions of city economy.

Course content: Concept of city economy and economics of the city. Structure of city economics. Incomes and expendetures in the city economics. Modern tendencies and methods of the city economy development.

Mathematical Methods of Financial Analysis

Course aim: to aquire mathematical methods in financial analysis.

Course content: Concept and mathematical applications in financial analysis. Methods of financial analysis and their applications.

Securities Market

Course aim: to study the structure of securities market and operating methods in securities markets.

Course content: Concepts and types of securities markets. Market structure. Securities market regulation in RF. Operating methods and tools in secirities markets

Real Estate Economy

Course aim: to aquire managment methods in real esate markets.

Course content: Concept and types of real estate. Economic mechanisms in real estate. Methods of estimation of real estate market value.


Course aim: to study systems and methods of accounting

Course content: Concept and essence of accounting. Basis of accounting. Methods of accounting.