The Municipal Council, Bhainsa invites Expression of Interest from interested parties for establishment of Modern Slaughterhouse as per the approval of C&DMA of Telangana State on “Design Build Operate and Transfer (DBOT)” basis at Bhainsa Municipality in Survey No. 134/1 in an extent of 3.00 acres for slaughtering and processing with maximum capacity of 200 buffalos and 100 sheep/goats.

The interested parties/companies may submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) in the office of the Municipal Council, Bhainsa along with following documents within 15 days from the date of publication on this EOI’s either in print media or web site:

  1. Covering letter to the Commissioner, Bhainsa Municipality (Appendix A) for undertaking.
  2. Detailed Techno-Financial Project report
  3. Details of Bidder (Appendix B).
  4. Format for Project Data Sheet (Appendix C, Form I & II).
  5. Financial position of the bidder.
  6. Financial position consisting of last three years audit statement.
  7. Terms and Conditions of the Project.
  8. Tentative Project Implementation timelines.
  9. Schedule.

The detailed terms and conditions of the project are available in the web site www. and in the office of the Municipal Council, Bhainsa.


Bhainsa Municipality

Appendix A

Covering Letter

(On the Letterhead of the Bidder)

No. ……………………..………….Date:…………………..


The Commissioner,

Municipal Council, Bhainsa.

Adilabad District,

Telangana State.

Sub: Invitation for Establishment of Modern Slaughter House at Bhainsa Municipality, in Sy. No. 134/1 in an extent of 3.00 acres.

Ref: Your EOI notification dated ______.

Dear Sir/Madam:

Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of ……………………. (hereinafter referred to as “the Bidder”), and having reviewed and fully understood all of the Proposal requirements and information provided and collected, the undersigned hereby submits the Proposal on behalf of ______(Name of Bidder) for the captioned Project with the details for your evaluation. We confirm that our Proposal is valid for a period of one year ______(insert Proposal Due Date).

We also hereby agree and undertake as under:

Notwithstanding any qualifications or conditions, whether implied or otherwise, contained in our Proposal, we hereby represent and confirm that our Proposal is unqualified and unconditional in all respects and we agree to the terms of the proposed agreement.

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of (Name of Bidder)

Duly signed by the Authorized Signatory of the Bidder

(Name, Title and Address of the Authorized Signatory)

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Appendix B

Details of Bidder

(On the Letter Head of the Bidder)


(a) Name of Bidder : ______

(b) Address of the office(s) : ______



(c ) Telephone Number:______

(d)Registration No:______

2) Details of individual(s) who will serve as the point of contact / communication for with the Bidder:

(a) Name :______

(b) Designation : ______

(c) Company/Firm: ______

(d) Address: ______


(e) Telephone number : ______

(f)E-mail address : ______

(g) Fax number: ______

(h) Mobile number: ______

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of (Name of Bidder)

Duly signed by the Authorized Signatory of the Bidder

(Name, Title and Address of the Authorized Signatory)

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Appendix C

Format for Project Data Sheet

Form- I

Profile of Company/Partnership firm/Joint Venture/

Consortia/ associates consist of independent experience worked directly/indirectly for the similar projects have the requisite experience of providing services for the similar projects in India/Internationally.

Sl. No. / Name / Qualification / Experience

Form- II

Experience of the Firm in Respect of Modern Abattoir & Related Projects

Sl. No. / Name of the Client Organization / Name of the Abattoir Project / Scope of Work / Capacity / Total Project Cost / Year of Completion / Duration of Successful Running


(a)Municipality shall provide land to the Bidder/Company suitable to the requirement in terms of size, location, workability etc., depending upon the availability.

(b)The Bidder/Company shall ensure that the premises are not used for any purpose other than for which it is allowed under the Agreement.

(c)The bidder shall not have any right to mortgage the Municipal land and raise loans on the land for any purpose. It is the sole property of the Municipality.

(d)The Bidder/Company shall ensure that the construction of Modern Slaughterhouse is completed in a period of one year from the date of handing over the physical possession of the site. Extension can be granted by Municipality provided that delay was due to unforeseen/unavoidable reasons.

(e)Both the parties shall be at liberty to cancel the agreement at any stage after giving three months notice from either side, if found that the project/arrangements is not workable according to their aims and objectives.

(f)The Bidder/Company shall comply with all environmental rules and regulations as prescribed by the Pollution Control Board and shall obtain all necessary licences required to run the Project. The bidder shall be solely responsible for adhering to all the laws required during construction and maintenance of the project.

(g)The sites and the works assigned to the Bidder/Company by the Municipality shall not be transferred by the former to any person, Trust, Society, or Institution in any manner whatsoever at any time, whether during or after the termination of the agreement.

(h)The successful Bidder/Company shall pay the rent/lease towards using the land as well as slaughtering of animals as per the govt. norms decided at the time of agreement by the Bhainsa Municipality.

(i)Municipality shall have the right to cancel/revoke/terminate the agreement at any stage in case of breach of any of the stipulated terms and conditions by the Bidder/Company or if their performance is not found satisfactory.

(j)Successful bidder shall be finalized based on the highest rent and highest amount payable for slaughtering of each animal and period of lease as quoted by the bidder. In case of tie the decision of Municipal Council is final.

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Name of the Work:Establishment of Modern Slaughterhouse on “Design Build Operate & Transfer DBOT” basis at Bhainsa in Sy. No. 134/1 in an extent of 3.00 acres.

Sl. No / Description / Period of Lease as per Department / Minimum Deposit / Period of operation to be quoted in years with words. / Rent/lease towards usage of land per year to be quoted in words. / Fee for slaughtering of animals per year to be quoted in words
1 / Establishment of Modern Slaughterhouse with ETP as per the approval of C&DMA, Govt. of Telangana State on “Design Build Operate & Transfer DBOT” basis at Bhainsa in Sy. No. 134/1 in an extent of 3.00 acres for slaughtering and processing capacity of maximum200 buffalos and 100 sheep/goats with Expression of Interest. / The period of lease required for establishment and maintenance of Modern Slaughterhouse duly complying with the terms and conditions on DBOT basis. / Rs 25,000/- (Twenty five thousand only) DD drawn in favor of Commissioner, Bhainsa Municipality

Encl: Terms and Conditions:

Note: 1) Submit all Bidder/Company Registration Documents along with Schedule.

2) The EOI will be accepted on the basis of minimum period quoted.


ContractorDy. Executive Engineer Commissioner,

Bhainsa MunicipalityBhainsa Municipality

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