One of the sentences in Standard 4 of the standards for the preparation of bilingual teachers is:

The bilingual teacher preparation program further prepares candidates to evaluate, select, use and adapt state-board adopted and state-board approved materials, as well as other supplemental instructional materials.

Your narrative should NOT read:

The bilingual teacher preparation program at XYZ College prepares candidates to evaluate, select, use and adapt state-board adopted and state-board approved materials, as well as other supplemental instructional materials.

And then goes on to the next part of the standard.

Your response needs to tell the reader HOW you are going to accomplish this. So the response might be:

At XYZ college we prepare candidates to evaluate, select, use and adapt state-board adopted and state-board approved materials by having them study the process for how the state board adopts materials. This is done in EDUXXX in week 5 of the course (see course syllabus on page **). With that process in mind, candidates discuss ways that the process might not include all language materials necessary for EL learners in CA or those that are sufficient for certain topics, so additional instruction is provided through lecture on how the state-board approves materials (see week 5 of the course syllabus on page **). In order to enhance candidates’ ability to evaluate and select materials, the class takes a field trip to the local county office of education where they house samples of materials that have been adopted or approved. In EDU YYY, candidates plan a lesson that shows their ability to select and use appropriate materials for their content. Finally, a lesson on becoming an internet literate teacher is presented in EDU ZZZ. Candidates evaluate and critique instructional materials on the internet (see syllabus on page **).

Other ideas on how to format a response….