Jan2, 2018

Dear Interested Parties:


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of River Protection (ORP) has adopted the Direct-Feed Low-Activity Waste (DFLAW) Program to treat Hanford tank waste, which will operate the Low-Activity Waste (LAW) Vitrification Facility to immobilize LAW years earlier than the rest of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) processing facilities. Prior to introduction of radioactive waste to the LAW Vitrification facility, the facility will undergo startup and commissioning using non-radioactive materials and simulants. Heat up and start of joule-heated operation of the two LAW melters to support cold commissioning is scheduled for December 2020. During cold (i.e., non-radioactive) commissioning operations, non-radioactive, non-hazardous and non-radioactive hazardous liquid waste effluent will be generated.

Washington River Protection Solutions (WRPS) is seeking prospective contractors who are interested in providing services for transportation, treatment and disposal for non-radioactive, non-hazardous and hazardous liquid waste or wastewater. Cold commissioning liquid waste to be transported/treated/disposed will be produced at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) during cold (i.e., non-radioactive) commissioning of the LAW Vitrification facility.


LAW Vitrification Facility cold commissioning will begin as early as February 2020 and will last for approximately 15 months. The cold commissioning will consist of three phases: pre-cold commissioning (Phase I); cold commissioning testing (Phase II); and post-cold commissioning (Phase III). Management, consisting of transportation, treatment and disposal, of non-radioactive liquid effluents will be required during this entire timeframe. The liquid effluent generated during Phase I and Phase III will be non-hazardous and the liquid effluent generated during Phase II will be hazardous. The liquid effluent generated consists of two major streams, submerged bed scrubber effluent and caustic scrubber effluent. How these two streams will be managed has not been finalized. Three alternatives are being considered for possible commercial management: 1.) combine the two streams and commercially manage the combined effluent; 2.) commercially manage only the submerged bed scrubber effluent; and 3.) concentrate the submerged bed scrubber effluent through an evaporator and commercially manage only the concentrated submerged bed scrubber effluent. The quantity and composition of liquid effluent requiring commercial management varies with the alternative being considered and the phase of cold commissioning occurring. Only one of the three alternatives will ultimately be selected but all three phases will occur for the selected alternative. The type, quantity and timeframe of liquid effluents generated for each phase for each alternative are listed in Table 1. Table 1 also identifies additional tables in Attachment A that include the corresponding waste composition for that phase of operation for that alternative.

To help make a decision on how to proceed with managing the LAW Vitrification Facility cold commissioning liquid effluents, WRPS is trying to determine if there is commercial interest in managing liquid effluents generated from one, some or all of the alternatives described in the previous paragraph. If there is commercial interest WRPS needs to understand the expected cost range and schedule viability associated with each alternative.

Table 1. Waste Descriptions for Alternatives Being Considered for Commercial Transportation, Treatment and Disposal of LAW Vitrification Facility Cold Commissioning Liquid Effluent
Phase I / Phase II / Phase III
Waste Type / Non-hazardous / Hazardous / Non-hazardous
Duration (months) / 3 / 5 / 6
Alternative 1 – Combined Effluent / Volume (gal) / 590,000
See Table A1* / 1,080,000
See Table A2* / 1,050,000
See Table A3*
Alternative 2 – Submerged Bed Scrubber Effluent Only / Volume (gal) / 77,000
See Table A4* / 430,000
See Table A5* / 280,000
See Table A6*
Alternative 3 –Concentrated Effluent / Volume (gal) / 0
Not Applicable, no / 38,000
See Table A7* / 23,000
See Table A8*
1Table is provided in attachment A. Only waste from Phase II is expected to have organic constituents present.
2Regardless of the alternative, waste will be produced in 7,600 gallon batches.

Summary of Scope

Work associated with this EOI includes the following functions:

  • Transportation services of liquid effluent: vendor will provide tanker trucks to transport liquid effluent. Vendor will be available at the Effluent Management Facility in the 200 East Area of the Hanford Site in Southeastern Washington State for duration of loadout/transfer of liquid effluent to vendor tanker trucks. Vendor will meet DOT requirements for transportation services.
  • Treatment services of liquid effluent: Vendor will provide appropriate treatment services for estimated liquid effluent quantities and compositions provided. See Table 1 and attachment A.
  • Hanford on-site services will perform loadout/transfer operation of liquid effluent to vendor tanker trucks. No hands-on field work activities will be performed on the Hanford Site. The individuals performing the work are subject to controls, processes and procedures established by WRPS.
  • The Subcontractor shall provide technically qualified personnel on an as needed basis for planned project and functional activities.

Request Information in Response

Interested firms are invited to submit an expression of interest letter to include a response to the following:

  1. Your company’s desire to participate in the competitive opportunity for this subcontract.
  2. Your company’s technical comprehension/understanding of the WRPS project work and the Offeror’s approach for managing the Project Support Services and the related contract administration, planning and scheduling of activities.
  3. Size of your company, how many employees and annual gross income.
  4. Statement of which alternatives your company can transport, treat, and dispose the identified waste streams identified in Table 1.
  5. For each phase for each alternative, provide a narrative describing the treatment of the liquid effluent based on provided quantities and compositions of the waste stream for each alternative. Identify facility where treatment and disposal of liquid effluent will occur.
  6. Demonstrate ability to meet schedule needs. Provide a rough order schedule illustration showing the ability to meet the phased timing of the alternatives.
  7. Estimated quote for transportation, treatment and disposal services. Provide either a unit cost or total cost by Phase for each alternative using information in Table 1.

Note for responses regarding standard sizes for #3 above.

The size standards are for the most part expressed in either millions of dollars (those preceded by “$”) or number of employees (those without the “$”). A size standard is the largest that a concern can be and still qualify as a small business for Federal Government programs. For the most part, size standards are the average annual receipts or the average employment of a firm. How to calculate average annual receipts and average employment of a firm can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 13 CFR § 121.104 and 13 CFR § 121.106, respectively. SBA also includes the table of size standards in the Small Business Size Regulations,13 CFR § 121.201. This table includes size standards that have changed since publication of the last annual edition of the CFR.

For more information on these size standards, please visit SBA’s site on Small Business Size Standards

Vendor Responses

Please send all correspondence regarding this EOI . Please be aware, this is not a Request for Proposal, but a request for an expression of interest. WRPS will not award a Subcontract(s) based on this expression of interest, nor pay for information solicited. Questions and your response to this expression of interest are due by 9:00 AM (Pacific Time Zone) Thursday, January16, 2018 to .

We look forward to hearing from you regarding this request.

Attachment A

Tables A1 – A8 provide the liquid effluent waste stream compositionsfor the Alternatives/Phases identified in Table 1.

Table A1 – Composition Information for Alternative 1, Combined Effluent, During Phase I
Inorganic Constituents Estimate (No Organics Present)
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
AlOH4+ / -- / H2O / 9.96E+05 / PO43- / --
B3+ / 5.22E+00 / K+ / 7.36E-02 / Si4+ / --
Ca2+ / 8.87E-02 / Na+ / 2.95E+01 / SO42- / 2.38E-04
Cl- / 4.78E-02 / NH3 / 5.34E+00 / C10H8 / --
CO32- / 4.92E+01 / NO2- / 2.03E+00 / C12H4Cl6 / --
Cr-Total / -- / NO3- / 3.02E-02 / H2CO3 / 2.07E+00
Cs+ / -- / OH(Bound with Boron) / 2.47E+01 / HCO3- / 5.06E+01
F- / -- / OH- / 2.93E+02 / NH4+ / 3.09E+02
H+ / 2.49E+00 / Pb2+ / --
Anion/cation charge balance not performed.
Table A2 – Composition Information for Alternative 1, Combined Effluent, During Phase II
Inorganic Constituents Estimate Plus Naphthalene and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
AlOH4+ / 6.72E+01 / H2O / 9.95E+05 / PO43- / 6.50E+00
B3+ / 1.80E+02 / K+ / 6.98E+01 / Si4+ / 1.04E-01
Ca2+ / 2.96E+00 / Na+ / 1.06E+03 / SO42- / 7.05E-03
Cl- / 1.22E+03 / NH3 / 3.78E+00 / C10H8 / 2.87E+01
CO32- / 2.42E+02 / NO2- / 1.66E+03 / C12H4Cl6 / 1.06E-05
Cr-Total / 4.54E+00 / NO3- / 1.85E+02 / H2CO3 / 3.15E+01
Cs+ / 5.94E+01 / OH(Bound with Boron) / 8.45E+02 / HCO3- / 1.84E+02
F- / 1.52E+01 / OH- / 3.57E+02 / NH4+ / 9.42E+02
H+ / 1.28E+01 / Pb2+ / 6.40E-01
Organic Constituents Estimate Except Naphthalene and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
Acetone / 1.8E+01 / Dimethoxymethane / 7.5E-02 / Trichlorofluoromethane / 1.1E-04
Acetonitrile / 8.6E+01 / 1,1-Diphenyl ethylene / 8.3E-02 / 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene / 1.4E-05
Acetophenone / 4.2E-01 / Ethanol / 6.6E-03 / 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene / 1.1E-03
Acrylonitrile / 2.0E+00 / 3-Ethoxy propanenitrile / 1.2E-01 / Vinyl chloride / 1.3E-03
Allyl Chloride / 7.2E-05 / Ethylbenzene / 6.2E-03 / m,p-Xylene / 3.4E-03
Benzaldehyde / 3.0E-01 / 2-Furancarbonitrile / 5.9E-02 / o-Xylene / 5.1E-03
Benzene / 6.3E-01 / Hexachlorobutadiene / 2.3E-06 / Benzoic acid / 1.2E+01
α-oxo-Benzeneacetonitrile / 1.9E+00 / Hexamethyl cyclotrisiloxane / 4.7E-05 / Benzo(a)pyrene / 9.5E-04
Benzeneethanamine-1 / 2.5E-01 / Hexane / 2.6E-05 / Benzo(b)fluoranthene / 8.7E-04
Benzeneacetonitrile / 2.0E+00 / 2-Hexanone / 2.0E-02 / Benzo(k)fluoranthene / 4.7E-04
Benzofuran / 6.9E-02 / Iodomethane / 9.0E-04 / Benzyl alcohol / 2.0E+01
Benzonitrile / 3.5E-01 / Methylene chloride / 2.4E-02 / bis (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate / 2.5E-02
Benzoic acid / 6.4E+00 / Methyl benzoate / 9.9E-02 / Butyl benzyl phthalate / 3.6E-01
Bromobenzene / 1.2E-04 / 4-Methyl benzonitrile / 6.5E-02 / Dibenzofuran / 2.3E-01
Bromodichloromethane / 3.2E-03 / Methyl cyclopentane / 3.9E-05 / Dibutyl phthalate / 6.3E-01
Bromomethane / 3.4E-03 / 2-Methyl furan / 2.7E-02 / 1,4-Dichlorobenzene / 6.4E-04
2-Butanone / 2.8E-01 / Methyl Methacrylate / 4.7E-03 / Diethyl phthalate / 2.9E-01
n-Butylbenzene / 5.6E-06 / 3-Methyl pentane / 9.4E-07 / 2,4-Dimethylphenol / 8.1E-02
Carbon Disulfide / 8.1E-04 / 2-Methyl-2-propenenitrile / 7.7E-02 / 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol / 7.4E-01
Carbon Tetrachloride / 1.3E-03 / Nitromethane / 5.3E-01 / 2,4-Dinitrophenol / 7.1E-01
Chlorobenzene / 8.8E-01 / N-Nitrosodimethylamine / 4.4E-03 / 2,4-Dinitrotoluene / 1.9E-02
Chloroethane / 6.7E-04 / Nonane / 3.7E-07 / Di-n-octylphthalate / 4.9E-03
Chloroform / 6.8E-03 / Octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane / 3.6E-04 / Fluoranthene / 1.2E-02
Chloromethane / 1.5E-02 / Phthalic Anhydride / 1.8E+00 / 2-Methylnaphthalene / 7.1E-06
Cumene / 1.0E-06 / n-Propylbenzene / 4.5E-06 / 2-Methylphenol / 4.9E-02
2,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione, 2-phenyl / 2.1E-02 / Propyl cyclopropane / 5.6E-05 / Nitrobenzene / 8.4E-01
Cyclohexane / 3.2E-04 / Styrene / 1.5E-05 / 2-Nitrophenol / 1.1E+01
p-Cymene / 2.2E-06 / 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane / 2.7E-05 / 4-Nitrophenol / 1.8E+01
1,1-Dichloroethane / 6.7E-04 / Tetrachloroethene / 4.9E-04 / Phenanthrene / 5.0E-03
1,1-Dichloroethene / 5.3E-04 / Toluene / 1.2E-02 / Phenol / 6.6E+01
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene / 3.0E-06 / 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene / 4.4E-04 / Pyrene / 3.4E-02
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene / 3.4E-06 / 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene / 9.5E-05
Diethylene glycol / 1.8E-01 / Trichloroethene / 7.9E-01
Table A3 – Composition Information for Alternative 1, Combined Effluent, During Phase III
Constituents Estimate with Residual Naphthalene and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
AlOH4+ / 3.42E+01 / H2O / 9.96E+05 / PO43- / 3.31E+00
B3+ / 9.19E+01 / K+ / 3.56E+01 / Si4+ / 5.28E-02
Ca2+ / 1.51E+00 / Na+ / 5.37E+02 / SO42- / 3.62E-03
Cl- / 6.35E+02 / NH3 / 4.63E+00 / C10H8 / 1.60E+01
CO32- / 1.63E+02 / NO2- / 8.39E+02 / C12H4Cl6 / 5.43E-06
Cr-Total / 2.53E+00 / NO3- / 8.26E+01 / H2CO3 / 1.56E+01
Cs+ / 3.04E+01 / OH(Bound with Boron) / 4.32E+02 / HCO3- / 1.03E+02
F- / 7.89E+00 / OH- / 3.71E+02 / NH4+ / 6.82E+02
H+ / 7.67E+00 / Pb2+ / 3.55E-01
Anion/cation charge balance not performed.
Table A4 – Composition Information for Alternative 2, Submerged Bed Scrubber Effluent, During Phase I
Inorganic Constituents Estimate (No Organics Present)
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
AlOH4+ / -- / H2O / 9.96E+05 / PO43- / --
B3+ / 4.02E+01 / K+ / 5.67E-01 / Si4+ / --
Ca2+ / 6.83E-01 / Na+ / 2.27E+02 / SO42- / 1.56E-03
Cl- / 3.64E-01 / NH3 / -- / C10H8 / --
CO32- / -- / NO2- / 1.56E+01 / C12H4Cl6 / --
Cr-Total / -- / NO3- / 1.66E-02 / H2CO3 / 1.59E+01
Cs+ / -- / OH(Bound with Boron) / 1.90E+02 / HCO3- / --
F- / -- / OH- / 5.68E+00 / NH4+ / 2.96E-03
H+ / -- / Pb2+ / --
Anion/cation charge balance not performed.
Table A5 – Composition Information for Alternative 2, Submerged Bed Scrubber Effluent, During Phase II
Inorganic Constituents Estimate Plus Naphthalene and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
AlOH4+ / 1.68E+02 / H2O / 9.95E+05 / PO43- / 1.62E+01
B3+ / 4.50E+02 / K+ / 1.74E+02 / Si4+ / 2.59E-01
Ca2+ / 7.40E+00 / Na+ / 2.37E+03 / SO42- / 1.74E-02
Cl- / 3.03E+03 / NH3 / -- / C10H8 / 7.18E+01
CO32- / 5.15E+01 / NO2- / 4.14E+03 / C12H4Cl6 / 2.66E-05
Cr-Total / 1.13E+01 / NO3- / 8.24E-02 / H2CO3 / 7.88E+01
Cs+ / 1.48E+02 / OH(Bound with Boron) / 2.11E+03 / HCO3- / 1.18E+02
F- / 3.80E+01 / OH- / 1.44E+00 / NH4+ / 1.64E+03
H+ / -- / Pb2+ / 1.60E+00
Organic Constituents Estimate Except Naphthalene and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
Acetone / 4.4E+01 / Dimethoxymethane / 1.8E-01 / Trichlorofluoromethane / 2.6E-04
Acetonitrile / 2.1E+02 / 1,1-Diphenyl ethylene / 2.0E-01 / 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene / 3.5E-05
Acetophenone / 1.0E+00 / Ethanol / 1.6E-02 / 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene / 2.7E-03
Acrylonitrile / 4.7E+00 / 3-Ethoxy propanenitrile / 2.6E-01 / Vinyl chloride / 3.1E-03
Allyl Chloride / 1.7E-04 / Ethylbenzene / 1.5E-02 / m,p-Xylene / 8.3E-03
Benzaldehyde / 7.2E-01 / 2-Furancarbonitrile / 1.3E-01 / o-Xylene / 1.2E-02
Benzene / 1.5E+00 / Hexachlorobutadiene / 5.6E-06 / Benzoic acid / 2.7E+01
α-oxo-Benzeneacetonitrile / 4.4E+00 / Hexamethyl cyclotrisiloxane / 1.1E-04 / Benzo(a)pyrene / 9.5E-04
Benzeneethanamine-1 / 5.6E-01 / Hexane / 6.2E-05 / Benzo(b)fluoranthene / 8.7E-04
Benzeneacetonitrile / 4.5E+00 / 2-Hexanone / 4.9E-02 / Benzo(k)fluoranthene / 4.7E-04
Benzofuran / 1.7E-01 / Iodomethane / 2.2E-03 / Benzyl alcohol / 4.5E+01
Benzonitrile / 8.5E-01 / Methylene chloride / 5.8E-02 / bis (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate / 2.5E-02
Benzoic acid / 1.5E+01 / Methyl benzoate / 2.4E-01 / Butyl benzyl phthalate / 8.2E-01
Bromobenzene / 2.8E-04 / 4-Methyl benzonitrile / 1.6E-01 / Dibenzofuran / 5.5E-01
Bromodichloromethane / 7.7E-03 / Methyl cyclopentane / 9.3E-05 / Dibutyl phthalate / 1.4E+00
Bromomethane / 8.3E-03 / 2-Methyl furan / 6.5E-02 / 1,4-Dichlorobenzene / 1.6E-03
2-Butanone / 6.7E-01 / Methyl Methacrylate / 1.1E-02 / Diethyl phthalate / 6.5E-01
n-Butylbenzene / 1.4E-05 / 3-Methyl pentane / 2.3E-06 / 2,4-Dimethylphenol / 2.0E-01
Carbon Disulfide / 2.0E-03 / 2-Methyl-2-propenenitrile / 1.9E-01 / 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol / 1.7E+00
Carbon Tetrachloride / 3.0E-03 / Nitromethane / 1.3E+00 / 2,4-Dinitrophenol / 1.6E+00
Chlorobenzene / 2.1E+00 / N-Nitrosodimethylamine / 1.1E-02 / 2,4-Dinitrotoluene / 4.5E-02
Chloroethane / 1.6E-03 / Nonane / 9.0E-07 / Di-n-octylphthalate / 9.1E-03
Chloroform / 1.7E-02 / Octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane / 8.7E-04 / Fluoranthene / 3.0E-02
Chloromethane / 3.7E-02 / Phthalic Anhydride / 4.0E+00 / 2-Methylnaphthalene / 1.7E-05
Cumene / 2.4E-06 / n-Propylbenzene / 1.1E-05 / 2-Methylphenol / 1.2E-01
2,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione, 2-phenyl / 5.0E-02 / Propyl cyclopropane / 1.3E-04 / Nitrobenzene / 2.0E+00
Cyclohexane / 7.8E-04 / Styrene / 3.6E-05 / 2-Nitrophenol / 2.6E+01
p-Cymene / 5.3E-06 / 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane / 6.4E-05 / 4-Nitrophenol / 4.2E+01
1,1-Dichloroethane / 1.6E-03 / Tetrachloroethene / 1.2E-03 / Phenanthrene / 1.2E-02
1,1-Dichloroethene / 1.3E-03 / Toluene / 2.8E-02 / Phenol / 1.5E+02
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene / 7.1E-06 / 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene / 1.1E-03 / Pyrene / 7.9E-02
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene / 8.3E-06 / 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene / 2.3E-04
Diethylene glycol / 4.0E-01 / Trichloroethene / 1.9E+00
Table A6 – Composition Information for Alternative 2, Submerged Bed Scrubber Effluent, During Phase III
Constituents Estimate with Residual Naphthalene and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
AlOH4+ / 1.30E+02 / H2O / 9.95E+05 / PO43- / 1.26E+01
B3+ / 3.50E+02 / K+ / 1.36E+02 / Si4+ / 2.01E-01
Ca2+ / 5.76E+00 / Na+ / 1.85E+03 / SO42- / 1.36E-02
Cl- / 2.42E+03 / NH3 / -- / C10H8 / 6.12E+01
CO32- / 6.50E+01 / NO2- / 3.20E+03 / C12H4Cl6 / 2.07E-05
Cr-Total / 9.66E+00 / NO3- / 5.23E-01 / H2CO3 / 5.94E+01
Cs+ / 1.16E+02 / OH(Bound with Boron) / 1.65E+03 / HCO3- / 6.90E+01
F- / 3.00E+01 / OH- / -- / NH4+ / 1.26E+03
H+ / -- / Pb2+ / 1.35E+00
Anion/cation charge balance not performed.
Table A7 – Composition Information for Alternative 3, Concentrated Effluent, During Phase II
Inorganic Constituents Estimate Plus Naphthalene and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
AlOH4+ / 9.43E+02 / H2O / 9.82E+05 / PO43- / 1.00E+02
B3+ / 2.12E+03 / K+ / 9.80E+02 / Si4+ / 1.46E+00
Ca2+ / 3.47E+01 / Na+ / 3.17E+04 / SO42- / 8.23E-02
Cl- / 1.91E+04 / NH3 / 4.92E+02 / C10H8 / 1.49E+02
CO32- / 2.31E+02 / NO2- / 2.35E+04 / C12H4Cl6 / 1.50E-04
Cr-Total / 9.30E+01 / NO3- / 5.57E-01 / H2CO3 / 2.20E+02
Cs+ / 8.49E+02 / OH(Bound with Boron) / 1.42E+04 / HCO3- / 7.91E+02
F- / 2.28E+02 / OH- / 1.08E+03 / NH4+ / 8.13E+00
H+ / -- / Pb2+ / 1.31E+01
Organic Constituents Estimate Except Naphthalene and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
Acetone / 1.9E+01 / Dimethoxymethane / 3.6E-02 / Trichlorofluoromethane / 1.2E-07
Acetonitrile / 1.3E+02 / 1,1-Diphenyl ethylene / 1.1E-01 / 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene / 6.5E-08
Acetophenone / 7.7E-01 / Ethanol / 1.8E-02 / 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene / 4.7E-06
Acrylonitrile / 8.5E-01 / 3-Ethoxy propanenitrile / 4.8E+00 / Vinyl chloride / 2.2E-06
Allyl Chloride / 6.5E-07 / Ethylbenzene / 5.3E-05 / m,p-Xylene / 1.6E-05
Benzaldehyde / 3.1E-01 / 2-Furancarbonitrile / 1.3E+00 / o-Xylene / 3.5E-05
Benzene / 5.2E-03 / Hexachlorobutadiene / 5.5E-09 / Benzoic acid / 4.7E+02
α-oxo-Benzeneacetonitrile / 7.7E+01 / Hexamethyl cyclotrisiloxane / 3.5E-10 / Benzo(a)pyrene / 1.0E-02
Benzeneethanamine-1 / 5.3E+00 / Hexane / 3.0E-10 / Benzo(b)fluoranthene / 1.3E-02
Benzeneacetonitrile / 6.4E+01 / 2-Hexanone / 3.0E-02 / Benzo(k)fluoranthene / 7.3E-03
Benzofuran / 5.6E-01 / Iodomethane / 5.2E-06 / Benzyl alcohol / 9.0E+02
Benzonitrile / 7.7E-01 / Methylene chloride / 5.6E-04 / bis (2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate / 4.5E-01
Benzoic acid / 2.5E+02 / Methyl benzoate / 4.2E-01 / Butyl benzyl phthalate / 1.7E+01
Bromobenzene / 1.3E-06 / 4-Methyl benzonitrile / 1.8E-01 / Dibenzofuran / 2.1E-01
Bromodichloromethane / 8.8E-05 / Methyl cyclopentane / 8.9E-09 / Dibutyl phthalate / 1.4E+01
Bromomethane / 2.0E-05 / 2-Methyl furan / 1.6E-02 / 1,4-Dichlorobenzene / 1.0E-05
2-Butanone / 5.8E-01 / Methyl Methacrylate / 3.9E-03 / Diethyl phthalate / 4.3E+00
n-Butylbenzene / 3.7E-08 / 3-Methyl pentane / 6.8E-11 / 2,4-Dimethylphenol / 4.4E-01
Carbon Disulfide / 3.7E-06 / 2-Methyl-2-propenenitrile / 5.0E-01 / 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol / 1.9E+01
Carbon Tetrachloride / 2.6E-06 / Nitromethane / 1.8E+00 / 2,4-Dinitrophenol / 3.2E+01
Chlorobenzene / 1.2E-02 / N-Nitrosodimethylamine / 9.1E-03 / 2,4-Dinitrotoluene / 1.5E-02
Chloroethane / 3.1E-06 / Nonane / 6.9E-11 / Di-n-octylphthalate / 1.7E-01
Chloroform / 7.6E-05 / Octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane / 2.4E-09 / Fluoranthene / 1.8E-02
Chloromethane / 6.0E-05 / Phthalic Anhydride / 8.6E+01 / 2-Methylnaphthalene / 2.2E-09
Cumene / 3.2E-09 / n-Propylbenzene / 1.3E-08 / 2-Methylphenol / 4.1E-01
2,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione, 2-phenyl / 1.2E-01 / Propyl cyclopropane / 2.0E-08 / Nitrobenzene / 9.8E-01
Cyclohexane / 1.4E-07 / Styrene / 1.5E-07 / 2-Nitrophenol / 1.8E+01
p-Cymene / 2.3E-08 / 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane / 3.0E-07 / 4-Nitrophenol / 2.2E+02
1,1-Dichloroethane / 6.4E-06 / Tetrachloroethene / 9.8E-07 / Phenanthrene / 1.1E-03
1,1-Dichloroethene / 2.1E-06 / Toluene / 8.8E-05 / Phenol / 1.4E+03
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene / 2.6E-08 / 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene / 2.9E-05 / Pyrene / 2.1E-01
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene / 3.4E-08 / 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene / 2.9E-06
Diethylene glycol / 8.6E+00 / Trichloroethene / 3.8E-03
Table A8 – Composition Information for Alternative 3, Concentrated Effluent, During Phase III
Constituents Estimate with Residual Naphthalene and Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm) / Constituent / (ppm)
AlOH4+ / 1.11E+03 / H2O / 9.80E+05 / PO43- / 1.17E+02
B3+ / 2.23E+03 / K+ / 1.13E+03 / Si4+ / 1.72E+00
Ca2+ / 3.62E+01 / Na+ / 3.40E+04 / SO42- / 8.62E-02
Cl- / 1.97E+04 / NH3 / 5.43E+02 / C10H8 / 2.31E+02
CO32- / 5.61E+02 / NO2- / 2.76E+04 / C12H4Cl6 / 1.75E-04
Cr-Total / 1.46E+02 / NO3- / 4.76E+00 / H2CO3 / 8.43E+01
Cs+ / 9.54E+02 / OH(Bound with Boron) / 1.49E+04 / HCO3- / 6.94E+02
F- / 2.22E+02 / OH- / 1.21E+03 / NH4+ / 9.06E+00
H+ / -- / Pb2+ / 2.05E+01
Anion/cation charge balance not performed.