Name Date December 8, 2009

Subject: Reading Homeroom

I Do/We Do # 70: Freedom Walkers Final Project!

We have discussed so many new ideas, topics, and history, it would be senseless to move on without showing off what you have learned. There’s no better way to do this than by working on a fun project. For your Freedom Walkers final project, you will be presenting a ______. Your teacher will provide the poster board for you. Your poster board will be folded into ______sections because the project is comprised of three unique parts. Read about them on the model below, and use the planning materials attached.


*Here Is a miniature version of what your large poster board will look like!:

Below, you will find the rubric, or the system of grading that will be used when you hand in your project on Friday. Aim for the 4!!
Freedom Walkers Final Project Rubric
(20 points) / 3
(15 points) / 2
(10 points) / 1
(5 points)
Part 1: Montgomery Bus Boycott
Timeline / The timeline contains at least 7-8 factual events and dates related to the Montgomery bus boycott. / The timeline contains at least 6 factual events and dates related to the Montgomery bus boycott. / The timeline contains at least 5 factual events and dates related to the Montgomery bus boycott. / The timeline contains fewer than 5 events.
The timeline is less than 100% factual, or it is missing dates.
Part 2: Comic Strip of Your Favorite Scene / All frames are neat and colorful.
All frames have supporting details in bubbles or block thoughts. It is easy for the reader to understand what is going on in the comic. / All frames are somewhat neat and colorful.
Almost all frames have supporting details in bubbles or block thoughts. It is fairly easy for the reader to understand what is going on in the comic. / The frames are somewhat neat, but they need more color.
Less than half of the frames have supporting details in bubbles or block thoughts. It is difficult for the reader to understand what is going on in the comic. / The frames lack neatness and color.
No supporting details in bubbles or block thoughts. The reader cannot understand what is going on in the comic.
Part 3: Expository Essay Based On Rosa Parks Quote / The writer's summaries are clearly developed.
Essay builds to a well-supported insight, balancing details and general themes. / Some summaries are clearly developed, but more could be provided.
Essay offers an insight supported by facts. / Some summaries are not well developed.
Essay's insight is not clearly focused enough or needs more support. / Few summaries are presented.
Essay makes few clear connections between facts and insights.
Appearance and Readability / The overall appearance of the project is pleasing and easy to read. / The overall appearance of the project is somewhat pleasing and easy to read. / The project is relatively pleasing and readable. / The project is difficult to read, and it is not pleasing.
Spelling and Grammar / Spelling and grammar were correct throughout. / There were 1-2 mistakes in spelling and/or grammar. / There were 3-4 mistakes in spelling and/or grammar. / There were many spelling and/or grammar errors.

You Do #70

Part 1 of your Freedom Walkers Final Project requires that you work on a timeline. Your timeline must include 7-8 specific factual events that occurred during the period of the Civil Rights Movement and Montgomery bus boycott.

Directions: Collect the dates! Use the chart below to help collect the dates you would like to include on your timeline. If time permits, place all 7-8 events in sequential order on the timeline below the chart.

HINT: Use your books and notes to brainstorm 7-8 historical events that are worth mentioning on your final project. The first one has been done for you.

Date of Event Description of Event

1.  December 1, 1955 / EXAMPLE:
1.  Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a White man on a public bus. She was arrested on this day.

2.  ______


3.  ______


4.  ______


5.  ______


6.  ______


Flip this sheet over to create your rough draft timeline!

You Do #70: Timeline Time!

Directions: Take the dates that you have chosen to use for your timeline from the previous page and place them in sequential order on the timeline below in the boxes provided.. Remember, you must have 7-8 factual events!

Name Date December 8, 2009

Subject: Reading Homeroom

Exit Slip # 70

1.  When is our Freedom Walkers Final Project due?

a.  Tomorrow-flow it in during homework flow!

b.  Next month

c.  This Friday, December 11

d.  We have a Freedom Walkers Final Project due?

2.  How many different sections of the poster are there?

a.  3

b.  2

c.  5

d.  1

3.  Complete the sentence: The timeline should be in ______order.

4.  What do you think your poster look like? Draw what you imagine it to look like by the time you are done! (You may label the different parts of it, too)