Customer Registration

Version 1.8

Revision History

Date / Version / Description / Author
6th April 2007 / 0.1.1 / Revision & requested changes. / Paul Horsley
10th April 2007 / 1.0 / Changes accepted + small modifications / Chris J Fisher
11th April 2007 / 1.1 / Added information on submission / Chris J Fisher
18th June 2007 / 1.2 / Updated / Chris J Fisher
14th May 2009 / 1.3 / Correction to max length of customer ID / Steve Perks
21st April 2011 / 1.4 / Update the complete form instructions / Ken Johnston
11th Sep 2012 / 1.5 / Amended form for new ICS Workgroups / Lee Adler
26th Oct 2012 / 1.6 / Amended form option 9 for Extra Information / Lee Adler
06th Feb 2013 / 1.7 / Amended Chapter 3, connection details for reasons for >5 ip address requests / Lee Adler
25th Feb 2013 / 1.8 / Updated to advise the service call raised should be logged with service "EXPRESS CONNECT ADMINISTRATION REQUESTS" / Lee Adler
ExpressConnect / Version: 1.6
Customer Registration / Date: 26/10/2012


·  When filling in your contact details please include your global link id.

·  All fields in bold are mandatory. Failure to fill in these sections could lead to a delay in the creation of the new user.

·  If a particular function (i.e. pricing) is not to be used, then there is no need to fill out any of the other questions in that section.

·  This form is for the creation of new ExpressConnect users only. Any changes to existing users should be handled via the helpdesk and an RFC. These should detail as much information as possible to ensure that the change can be completed successfully.

·  It is important to provide an honest estimate of the expected usage so that capacity planning can be carried out. Any significant change to a customer’s usage should also be reported if this occurs after registration.

·  Once completed the form should attached to a request for change (RFC), raised via the Self Service Portal or your local service desk - the service used should EXPRESS CONNECT ADMINISTRATION REQUESTS, and they will then assign the call to the supporting workgroup IS-SU-SM-AS-CSS-FWSUPP) You will then be contacted with confirmation of the change number and the implementation date/time.

·  If you have questions regarding this form – please contact your local country TNT representative call the TNT ICS Service Centre (44) 1827 711611

1.  Requestor details

Name and Department
Telephone number(s)
Email Address
TNT Global Link Id
Who should AHE helpdesk or Express Connect support teams contact for a support call for client, do you have a local ICS/CIT helpdesk?

2.  Customer details

Company Name
Company web site address
Town / City
County/ State / Province
Postcode / Zip code (if appropriate)
International business telephone number
International business fax number
Business Contact Name
Business Contact Email address
Technical Contact Name
Technical Contact Email address

3.  Connection Details

This section is for requesting IP addresses for a new customer. Any changes to an existing ExpressConnect customers IP address should be raised as previously defined above, to IS-SU-SM-AS-CSS-FWSUPP as a request for change.(RFC)

If HTTP – IP address(s) of connecting firewall.

Note – usually only 5 IP addresses are normally allowed to be added.

IF more than five are required then ensure to detail an explanation below as to why they are required

This will be reviewed with the Network Security team.

Justification for additional IP Addresses over 5

HTTPS connections will work for tracking and pricing. Currently it is possible to create shipments using https, but the printing only works over http.

4.  User Details

Preferred username (maximum 10 characters)
Preferred password (maximum 10 characters)

Please note, that if username already exists or password is not deemed to be secure, then an alternative will be selected. If this section is not filled out, a username and password will be generated by TNT.

5.  Account Information

This section is for requesting accounts to be set up for a new ExpressConnect customer. Any changes to an existing ExpressConnect customers accounts should be raised as previously defined above, to IS-SU-SM-AS-CSS-FWSUPP as a request for change.(RFC)

TNT Account Country Code / TNT Account Number / TNT Account Name / Receiver Payee terms allowed? ( Y or N )

A TNT account is required for the following :

·  Shipping

·  Receiving account based rated from pricing

·  Receiving confidential extra details from tracking

6.  Tracking

Will Tracking be used Y/N / Y
The number of tracks expected per week / 2,400
If using V3 tracking, will account number tracking be used. If Y please consider the use of proactive POD if a large number of consignments are going to be processed. / Y

7.  Pricing

Will Pricing be used Y/N / Y
The number of price requests expected per week / 3,600

8.  Shipping

Will Shipping be used Y/N / Y
Number of shipments expected per week / 2400
Maximum weight – default 70kg *
Maximum length – default 2.4m
Maximum height – default 1.5m
Maximum width – default 1.2m
Will customer generate the TNT Consignment note number themselves? (Y or N) / N
Does the customer require an additional test id for use with the shipping module. This will allow the full XML message to be tested, but will not send data to the backend TNT systems and no collection request will be booked. / Y
Should collection requests per shipment be sent to TNT Main Frame Booking (Future use) / Y

* The maximum dimensions can be overridden on a per Express Connect customerID basis

9.  Extra Information

How will ExpressConnect be integrated with the customer’s systems and what will it be used for?
This information is required in order to help ensure that ExpressConnect is the correct solution for the customer
Ensure to detail any relevant pertinent business information. Eg type of TNT Service / Carriers being used etc. / ExpressConnect will be integrated to a shipping application that connects with multiple sales channels (e.g. eBay, Amazon) and multiple carriers, so that users can easily get price, print TNT labels and track TNT shipments in one place.
Any further questions that you might have regarding the way ExpressConnect works that might affect the customers’ implementation.
Confidential / ÓTNT Express ICS / Page 3 of 8