- Identity, address, telephone and facsimile number of the entity requesting service:
DUNS Number:
Telephone Number:
Facsimile Number:
NERC Registered Acronym:
State or Province of Corporation:
- Type of Transmission Service:
Non-Firm Point-to-Point
Short-Term Firm Point-to-Point*
Long-Term Firm Point-to-Point*
* An application fee of $1500.00 will be assessed for processing regardless of whether the service application is approved or denied and should be included with the application. A security deposit will be required for Firm Point-to-Point Service.
- Please provide a statement that the entity requesting service is or will be upon commencement of service an Eligible Customer under the IID Tariff:
- Location of the Point(s) of Receipt and Point(s) of Delivery and the identities of the Delivering Parties and Receiving Parties:
Point(s) of Receipt / Delivering Parties / Point(s) of Delivery / Receiving Parties
- Location of the Generating Facility(ies), supply the capacity and energy and the location of the load ultimately served by the capacity and energy transmitted:
- Description of the supply characteristics of the capacity and energy to be delivered:
- Estimate of the capacity and energy expected to be delivered to the Receiving Party(ies):
- Service Commencement Date/Time and Term of the requested Transmission:
- Transmission capacity requested for each Point of Receipt and Point of Delivery on the Transmission Provider’s Transmission System:
- Transmission Customer Authorized Representative:
- Please provide the full legal name of the entity applying for service, its Standard and Poor’s credit rating (if any) and date of rating, its Moody’s credit rating ((if any) and date of rating and its DUNS number.
- If your entity is not rated BBB- or better by Standard and Poor’s or Moody’s, please indicate how credit support will be secured by applicant prior to execution of a transmission agreement.
- If application is for a generating facility to be constructed, please list applicant’s currently existing equity commitments and un-sourced equity needs.
- If applicant is not publicly rated by Standard and Poors or Moodys, please provide applicant’s last balance sheet and operating cash flow statement.
- IID requires execution of the attached credit support agreement for the transmission agreement.
- Send the completed application by e-mail, mail or FAX to:
Inter-Connect Transmission Contracts Administrator
Imperial Irrigation District
P.O. Box 937
Imperial, CA92251