Public Notice

(Exposure to Toxic Air Pollutants)

This notice informs you that you may be exposed to toxic air pollutants. State law requires that the businesses (facilities) listed below notify you of possible health risks resulting form routine emissions of toxic air pollutants.

Facility AAddressCity

Facility BAddressCity

Facility CAddressCity

Facility DAddressCity

Facility EAddressCity

Facility FAddressCity

Facility GAddressCity

These facilities operate diesel engines which emit diesel particulate matter (diesel PM), commonly referred to as soot. Diesel PM is a toxic air pollutant and exposure may increase your risk of getting cancer. These diesel engines provide either emergency standby (backup) electricity, or prime power for the facility. These operations are legal and currently within permitted levels. Any unreasonable health risks have already been reduced.

The California Air Resources Board, the local air pollution control or air quality management district (air district) along with state health experts, have determined that exposure to emissions from any one of the listed facilities may increase your potential risk of cancer by at least 10 in a million. The risk assessment is health conservative and is based on assumptions designed to protect sensitive people in the population. These assumptions include: (1) that you will be exposed to the emissions for 70 years, and (2) that you live near any one of these facilities. If these conditions do not apply to you, your risk is likely to be lower.

To give you an idea of how the health impact from any one of the listed facilities fits in with current air pollution problems, we can provide the following comments. The cars we drive, factories, and many of the home products that we use contribute to our air pollution problems. On average, in California, the risk from currently measured air toxics may increase your risk of cancer by adding approximately [xxxx] chances in a million. While this is only a rough estimate, we hope that it helps you to put the estimated risks into perspective.

The State and local air district are taking many steps to reduce emissions of diesel PM. If you have questions concerning this notice or want to obtain more information, please call the local air district at [xxx-xxx-xxxx], or visit our web site at Information about public notification can be found at