AIChE 35 Under 35 Award Nomination Form

AIChE and the Young Professionals Committee will be highlighting 35 outstanding AIChE members under the age of 35 who have made significant contributions to the field of Chemical Engineering and AIChE. Nominees can have made contributions through any of the 7 broad categories:








All questions below are required. All completed nomination forms can be submitted via email to for review. The review process will begin after the deadline. Do not mail any nomination forms.

Nominations are due January 30th, 2017.

Contact with any questions.

Nominator Information

Your Name:

Your Email:

Your Relationship to Nominee:

Nominee Information

Nominee Name:

Nominee Email:

Which award category are you nominating this person for? (check one)








Is the nominee a current AIChE member?

□Yes, current AIChE Member

□No, not a current AIChE Member

□I’m not sure if they are currently a Member

Nominee’s Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy):

Nominee's Company Name or Graduate School:

Nominee's Position:

Where did your nominee obtain their undergraduate degree? (University name, no abbreviations)

Award Statements

Answer each of the following questions about the person you are nominating for this award. Responses should be 500 words or less, and be included or attached at the end of this nomination form.

1)Describe your nominee's involvement within AIChE.
Volunteer activities or roles they have held within the Institute. Student Chapter and Local Section roles and involvement should also be included.

2)Describe your nominee's career path thus far. How has their career shown excellence in the category for which they are being nominated?

3)Describe your nominee's professional activities outside of work as they relate to the award category they are being nominated for.
Ex: STEM volunteering, local section involvement, etc.

4)Describe where you see this nominee's career in the future. How do you see the nominee's career progressing and transforming in the field of the award category?

5)Overall, why do you believe this person should be nominated for this award?

Letter of Recommendation

In addition to the information provided above, please attach a letter of recommendation for this nominee by someone other than yourself, the nominator. This letter can come from a supervisor, a mentor, a peer, an AIChE leader, etc.