Explore Others’ Paths
- How do you help others share what they’re really thinking?
- What does it mean to “explore others’ paths”?
- What is it you are trying to do when you use the power listening skills? (AMPP)?
- When would you use the ABCs (Agree, Build and Compare)? How can they help the conversation?
- How can you apply what you learned today?
- Tell how using the “Text Codes” helped you as you were reading.
Learn to Look
- What is the difference between content and context in a conversation?
- How does understanding the difference between content and context help you while you are holding a crucial conversation?
- Discuss silence and violence. How does this knowledge help you as you have a crucial conversation?
- How can you use what you have learned to help others feel safe when having a tough conversation with you?
- How can you apply what you learned today?
- Tell how using the “Text Codes” helped you as you were reading.
Make It Safe
- Why is Mutual Purpose the entry into a conversation? Why is Mutual Respect the continuance condition of dialogue?
- What is Contrasting? How can it be used in a conversation?
- What do mutual purpose and mutual respect have to do with safety?
- When is apologizing appropriate? What role does it play in restoring safety?
- How can you apply what you learned today?
- Tell how using the “Text Codes” helped you as you were reading.
Master My Stories
- What are Victim, Villain and Helpless Stories?
- What role do stories play in the creation of our feelings and actions?
- When we’re upset, why is it important to get back to the facts?
- Why should we ask what role we may be playing in the problem?
- Why should we start assuming that others are reasonable and rationale?
- How can you apply what you learned today?
- Tell how using the “Text Codes” helped you as you were reading.
Move to Action
- Discuss the four different methods of decision making. When would you use the different methods in your school or district?
- How can you ensure that something happens following a discussion?
- What barriers get in the way of the processes outlined in the chapter? What can you do about them?
- How can you use these processes within your classroom, school or district?
- How can you apply what you learned today?
- Tell how using the “Text Codes” helped you as you were reading.
State My Path
Share your facts.
Tell your story.
Ask for Others’ Paths
Talk Tentatively
Encourage testing
- Discuss how each of these steps helps to create a way to share “risky” meaning.
- How can you maintain safety when honesty could easily offend the other person?
- How can you use stories effectively in this process:
Why don’t you start with your story?
Why share your story at all?
How should you share your story?
- How can you change so that you can be effective?
- How can you apply what you learned today?
- Tell how using the “Text Codes” helped you as you were reading.