Part One - About Your Team

  1. What is your team name?
  1. Team member names and ages (you should provide details for at least three people and one team leader)

Name / Age / What role will this person be doing? (eg event manager, event organiser, communications, finance, administration)
  1. Tell us a bit about your team – for example how did you meet, what do you do together, what have you achieved as a team. You can include photos, videos, link to your website or any other documents. (Max 200 words)
  1. Which local authority area in Scotland are you from?

Choose an item. /
  1. Where are you based (city/town/village)?

Part Two - About Your Project Support

  1. Name
  1. Organisation
  1. Project support organisation type (e.g. school/FE college/university/youth work organisation/uniformed organisation/community organisation/other)
  1. Job title
  1. Email address
  1. Postal address
  1. Telephone number
  1. Mobile number

Part Three - About Your Event

  1. Is your event completely new, or will the Fund be used to enhance an existing event?



  1. Which YoYP 2018 objective(s) does your event address?

☐ Provide a platform for young people to have their views heard and acted upon

☐ Showcase the amazing talents of young people through events and media

☐ Develop better understanding, co-operation and respect between generations

☐ Recognise the impact of teachers, youth workers and other supporting adults on young people’s lives

☐ Provide opportunities for young people to express themselves through culture, sport and other activities

  1. Which YoYP 2018 theme(s) does your event address? The themes are Participation, Education, Health and Wellbeing, Equality and Discrimination, Enterprise and Regeneration and Culture. Find out more at

Health and Wellbeing
Equality and Discrimination
Enterprise and Regeneration
  1. Please give us a brief outline summary of your event and what you propose to use the funding for. You should describe what you want your event to do (event objectives) and how you are going to do it (event plan) (max 500 words)
  1. Will your event be open to the general public to attend? (Note: this is a requirement for Create18 events)

☐ Yes

  1. Who is the target audience for your event? (Maximum 50 words. For example young people, elderly, local community, students, school pupils, families)
  1. How many people do you hope your event will attract? (the audience/spectators and/or participants)

Audience type / Expected numbers
  1. Please complete the table below with information about your event (please see guidance notes for background to this question). If you don’t know the shaded information at this stage, just leave blank

Name of Event
Venue and location
Is the venue accessible?
Anything else you would like mention
  1. How will the skills, talents and diversity of young people be showcased at your event (Max 200 words)?
  1. Are you getting any help from your local community or local organisations to help run your event? If so, please provide details (Max 100 words)?
  1. Please outline how you plan to promote your event to your target audience?

Tell us what you hope to achieve at the end of the project:

  1. Briefly explain what impact you hope your event will have on your target audience and your local community.
  1. How will you know your event was successful and what evidence will you gather to demonstrate the event’s success? (eg interviews with audience members, questionnaires, video diaries etc)

Measure of success / Evidence to be collected
Eg audience satisfaction / Survey of audience members
  1. What impact will the event have for your team members? What skills or abilities will it enable you to learn or develop (Max 100 words)?
  1. What challenges do you think you might have to overcome to make sure the event is a success (Max 300 words)?
  1. What legacy do you think your event will create (what will the longer term, lasting benefits be to your group and the target audience/community)?

Part Four - Event Budget and Financial Information

Please use this template below to outline your proposed budget for your event. Please try to provide as much detail as possible – you can add more lines in the table if you need to and you can also provide your own budget which includes the required information below.

Please note - in the expenditure section, you should remember to include any costs you might have to pay towards any insurances you need to have in place for your event.

Amount of money you are applying for from this Fund: / £
Ticket income (if relevant): / £
Please tell us about additional funding sourced / applied for / raised as funds (where relevant) and where this will come from. Please include an indication of what funding is confirmed/unconfirmed at this stage.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. / £
Expand table if required
Generating a surplus may not be relevant to your event, in which case please present a balanced budget. Please remember, any surplus generated from your event cannot come from your Create18 award and should be raised through ticket income or additional funds. Please provide details below on who will benefit from your fundraising:
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. / £

Is your event free to attend or will you be charging for tickets?

If you are charging for tickets please tell us how much these will be, how many you plan to sell and if you will offer any discounts or free tickets - for example free access to Young Scot card holders?

Ticket type / Free OR cost (discount) / Expected number of tickets sold

If you make any surplus from your event, how will this be used?

Please remember any fundraising monies should not be taken from the Create18 funding you get, but should instead be raised through additional activities.

Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your event idea that may help your application?

Part Five – Signatures

If emailing, typing your name below acts as a signature, or you can use an electronic signature

Lead Team member:

Project Support:


Closing Dates and Submission

Funding Round 1: for events between 1st January – 30th June 2018

  • Application deadline is Monday 21 August 2017 by 5pm
  • Applicants will be informed of the outcome week commencing 25th September 2017.

Please email your completed application to , or post it (no stamp needed) to:

Create2018 Fund

Young Scot

Freepost EH 1077


EH12 0BR

If your nominated Project Support has provided us with an email address, please expect to receive a receipt of your application within three days of it arriving with us. This may take longer if you have only provided a postal address. Keep this receipt safe, it will include a unique reference number which you should use in all future correspondence with us about your application.

We will ensure that successful applications cover a wide range of events throughout the Year all over Scotland and therefore unfortunately not all applications to Create18 will be successful.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the personal data provided on this form will be processed by Young Scot and may be held on computerised database and/or manual files. We will share the personal information we hold about you and the event with EventScotland – part of the VisitScotland Events Directorate - for monitoring and evaluation purposes only.