Explanatory factor analysis for items selection
We identified 8 potential items for the dependent variable and 20 for independent variables. EFA with principal component procedures was used to verify the contribution of each selected item in explaining variances of a given factor and to reduce the selected items into a smaller set of elements. The oblique rotation method was used considering there were weak to moderate correlation among items. The scree test, eigenvalue value >1, and minimum average partials (MAP) approach were used to determine the factors to retain for rotation. We included item with factor loading greater than |0.40|, as it indicates the item has significant contribution in explaining the variance of a given element. Items with factor loading smaller than |0.40| were excluded and analyses were re-run. Cronbach’s alpha was calculated to assess internal consistency for elements with multiple items, and α ≥0.7 was considered to be acceptable. Two items, RCH urbanicity and wellness team self-efficacy, were found to have low factor loading, so they were excluded from the current analysis. We described the study variables, including the items, data source and timing, and psychometric properties, in this Supplementary File 1.
Supplementary file 1
Psychometric properties of items measuring the study variables
Elements / Items descriptions / Scale / Data source / Factor loading / Total variances explained / Mean (SD) / RangeLevel of implementation / 80.4% / 68.35 (14.45) / 38.10-97.60
Characteristics of physical activity opportunities & social environment /
- How would you rate this home in making sure physical activity is appealing to children?
1=need improvement
1=need improvement
3=excellent / evaluator; end of intervention
(item 1-7) / .746
- How would you rate this home in physical activity schedule/conflicts?
- How would you rate this home in promoting physical activity?
Written physical activity policies /
- How would you rate the home in written physical activity policies?
3=excellent / .944
Physical and Media environment /
- How would you rate this home in physical activity equipment?
3=excellent / .816
- How would you rate the home in media?
- Number of newly added media items in the homes.
1=more than baseline
Perceptions of overall implementation /
- Were the Physical Activity objectives in your WT plan carried out this year?
1=yes, partially
2=yes, completely / WT leader; end of intervention
(item 8) / .796
Elements / Items descriptions / Scale / Data source / Factor loading / Total variances explained / Mean (SD) / Range
Organizational capacity / 81.03% / 14.18 (2.85) / 7.00-17.75
Availability of personnel /
- Adults who lead physical activity programs for children are skilled or trained in how to do physical activity programs for children
3= fully in place / RCH rep; baseline / .861
- Presence of a recreation director
1=yes / RCH rep; baseline / .849
Availability of resources /
- The home works with (or uses the services of) one or more community groups (e.g., recreation center, church, business) who support or offer physical activity programs for children in the home
3= fully in place / RCH rep; baseline / .884
- There are indoor facilities where physical activities can take place during bad weather. These places are big enough to fit the children without being too crowded
3=almost always / RCH rep; baseline / .817
Administrative support /
- Administrative head of children’s home lets staff use work hours to plan physical activity programs for the children (e.g., planning summer Olympics or a special sports program).
3= fully in place / RCH rep; baseline / .918
- RCH administrative support for ENRICH implementation
3=very supportive / ENRICH staff, annually / .574
Structural characteristics /
- Complexity
1=yes / RCH rep; baseline / .913
Elements / Items descriptions / Scale / Data source and timing / Factor loading / Total variances explained / Mean (SD) / Range
Quality of prevention support system / 80.86% / 16.95 (1.82) / 6.33-13.17
Efficacy of training and technical support /
- Rate the wellness team’s effectiveness in identifying and utilizing physical activity resources.
3=very effective / Interventionist; end of intervention / .855
- Rate the wellness team’s effectiveness in maintaining administrative support for a healthful environment.
3=very effective / Interventionist; end of intervention / .817
- Relationships between ENRICH staff and RCH
4=outstanding / ENRICH staff; annually / .763
- Overall, how supportive have ENRICH staff been of your team and your children’s home this past year
Overall adequacy of support /
- Did you receive support or assistance from ENRICH staff outside of training
1=yes / WT leader; annually / .911
- Has the ENRICH support you’ve received for your children’s home and staff this past year been adequate to meet the needs of you, your home and your wellness team
3=very supportive and positive / WT leader; annually / .598
Overall quality of support /
- Overall, how did wellness team Plan implementation go for your team (levels of ease)
3=very easy / WT leader; annually / .918
Elements / Items descriptions / Scale / Data source and timing / Factor loading / Total variances explained / Mean (SD) / Range
Provider characteristics / 88.54% / 9.09 (1.86) / 5.00-12.00
Skill proficiency /
- Rate wellness team leaders’ ability to involve the other team members and staff in the environmental change process
3=very effective / Interventionist; end of intervention / .756
- Rate wellness team’s understanding of the process involved in making environmental changes.
3=thorough understanding / Interventionist; end of intervention / .719
Perceived benefit of ENRICH /
- In your opinion, what effects have your physical activity efforts (from the plan) had on the children’s physical activity in the home
2=a big effect on PA / WT leader; annually / .515
Wellness team leadership skills /
- Rate this home in wellness team leadership
4=outstanding / Evaluator; annually / .500
Note: Residential children’s home representative (RCH rep), an individual with best knowledge about characteristics and physical activity practice of the home. Wellness team (WT) leader, a RCH adult staff who led the WT at a given home. Interventionist, an individual who provided the ENRICH training and technical assistance; ENRICH staff refers to a team of individuals, including the interventionist, a measurement staff who collect evaluation data, and a graduate assistance helping with logistics. Evaluator, an independent evaluator who was not involved in the development and implementation of ENRICH. For items assessed on an annual basis, we calculated a mean score for each item averaged across the two intervention years.