David Friedrich, Chairman

Duane Douvier, Supervisor

George Fiedler, Supervisor

Connie Pesta, Town Clerk

Mary Wallenstein, Treasurer


On this 5th day of June, 2012 the Regular Monthly Meeting was called to order. All members were present along with Zoning Administrator Bridget Chard.

A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Supervisor Douvier and seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried.

A motion to approve the May 1st, 2012 Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes was made by Supervisor Douvier and seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried.

A motion to approve the May 9th, 2012 Special Meeting Minutes was made by Supervisor Douvier and seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried.

A motion to approve Election Judge Training was made for the following judges; Mary Wallenstein, Frances Januschka, Margaret Stang, Hattie Kellerman, Irene Schmidt, Chris Bernard and Connie Pesta by Supervisor Douvier and seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried.

Next on the agenda was to appoint a Deputy Clerk. Since we have no one at this time

this will be tabled until the July 2012 Regular Monthly Meeting.

The records Maintenance Plan was next on the agenda. We will table it for the July 2012 Regular Monthly Meeting.

Next on the agenda was the request of a Liquor License for the Upper Deck. A motion to approve the liquor license for the Upper Deck was made by Supervisor Douvier and was seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried.

A motion to approve claim numbers 20078 – 20107 was made by Supervisor Douvier and was seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried.

Old Business was next on the agenda. Zoning Administrator Chard gave an update on the land use requests. The Administrative Subdivision-Section 3/Jendro.Gilbert, Preliminary Plat-One Lot Plat/Section 35/Gerber and Preliminary Plat-Section 33/Perry.Williams. Discussions followed.

A motion to approve the land use request Administrative Subdivision-Section 3/Jendro. Gilbert and send to the county was made by Supervisor Douvier and seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried.

A motion to approve the land use request Preliminary Plat – One Lot Plat/Section 35 Gerber as amended was made by Supervisor Douvier and seconded by Chairman Friedrich; all in favor, motion carried.

A motion to approve the land use request Preliminary Plat – Section 33/Perry.Williamsas amended was made by Supervisor Fiedler and seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried.

Roads were next on the agenda. Ditch mowing was discussed first. A motion to accept Chuck Ertl’s quote to do ditch mowing for 2012 was made by Supervisor Douvier and seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried. A discussion followed as to how much to mow and where to mow. It was agreed that Chuck was to make 2 passes.

Road bids were next on the agenda. Road Boss Smoley was not present to give an update. A discussion followed with Joe’s Countryside as to what roads need to be worked on. Clerk Pesta will forward Joe Paggen a list of which roads need to be worked on.

Road Maps were next on the agenda. Supervisor Douvier stated all 14 miles have been crackfilled.

The sign policy revisions were discussed. Supervisor Fiedler discussed revisions and will table until the July Regular Monthly Meeting.

A motion to have the Weed Inspection Meeting at 5:00 p.m. on June 25th 2012 was made by Supervisor Douvier and seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried. Clerk Pesta will post meeting.

Snow quotes were next on the agenda. A request for quotes will be put together to be approved for the July Regular Monthly Meeting.

911 Signs are all up to date.

Reports were next on the agenda. Planning and Zoning, the MOU/Admin of Controls and Land Use Ordinance was discussed. It was discussed that Chairman Fiedler as of June 1, 2012 will now be signing off on Building Permits.

The Oath Of Office was given for the new Planning Commission Members; Alan Jacobson, Larry Christman and Marvin Skwira.

A discussion followed as to whether the township should get a membership to the Planning Commission Journal. The Board decided that we would not get a membership to the journal at this time.

The Town Hall Rental Agreement was discussed. It will be approved at the July Regular Monthly Meeting.

New business was next on the agenda. There was a discussion about televising a line in Opole. The board decided to table this until the July Regular Monthly Meeting.

The Zoning Administrator Employee Contract was discussed next. A motion was made by Supervisor Fiedler and was seconded by Supervisor Douvier to change the employee contract effective June 1, 2012 to pay $50.00 per hour at maximum of 20 hours per month. All in favor, motion carried.

A motion was made by Supervisor Fiedler to hold a Special Meeting on June 27th at 7:00 pmand was seconded by Chairman Friedrich; all in favor, motion carried.

Public Input- there was none.

The mail was reviewed next.

The keyless entry system was discussed next. The board decided not to do at this time.

The Feedlot Permits for Hartung / Fiedler were discussed next.

The board discussed the lawn mowing in Opole. A motion was made by Supervisor Douvier to approve the lawn mowing claims and was seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried.

There being nothing further to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made by Supervisor Douvier at 10:15 pmand it was seconded by Supervisor Fiedler; all in favor, motion carried.

Connie Pesta, Clerk


David Friedrich, Chairman