Senior Rugby Players (22 + years old)

Off Season Weight Training Plan


1.  All players to reach personal and position specific strength, muscle mass and body fat standards

2.  3 x 4 week training schedule progressing from hypertrophy training to strength

Training Plan

Phase 1 (Week 1-4)

§  Core exercises in bold

·  Do 4 sets of 12 reps

§  Auxiliaries

·  Do 3 sets of 10 reps each

Phase 2 (Week 5-8)

§  Core exercises in bold

·  Do 4 sets with the following reps 12,10,8,6

§  Auxiliaries

·  Do 3 sets of 8 reps each

Phase 3 (Week 9-12)

§  Core exercises in bold

·  Do 4 sets with the following reps 6,4,4,2

§  Auxiliaries

·  Do 3 sets of 6 reps each


Warm Up

o  Medicine Ball Alternate Push Up - 3 x 6

Flat BB Bench Press
Incline DB Bench Press
Decline DB Bench Press
Standing DB Curls
Bar Dips
DB Shrugs


Warm up

o  Internal/External Shoulder Rotation – 3 x 6

BB Shoulder Press
Upright Row
Prone Lying Bench Pull
One Arm DB Row
Standing DB Shoulder Press
Wide Grip Pull Ups


Warm up

o  Heel/Toe Lifts - 3 x 5m walk

Leg Press
Overhead DB Lunges
Single Leg Calf Raises
Front Squat
DB Empty Can
Seated Swiss Ball Rotations


Warm up

o  Swiss Ball Push Up – 3 x 6

Flat BB Bench Press
Single Arm Cable Crossover
EZ Pullovers & Press
DB Shoulder Press
Lat/Front Raises
Single Arm Dips


Warm up

o  Swiss Ball Hamstring Pull - 3 x 5

o  Toe jumps – 3 x 15 jumps

Back Squat
Overhead DB Split Squat
Cable Hamstring Pull
Calf Press
Wall Squat and squeeze


Exercise / Phase 1
Rest between sets: 60s
Rest between ex’s: 60s
Choose your weights / Phase 2
Rest between sets: 75s
Rest between ex’s: 120s
Choose your weights if no guidelines / Phase 3
Rest between sets: 90s
Rest between ex’s: 180s
Choose your weights if no guidelines
Supine (on back) Stability with leg lift (Start with one and continue to 2 if possible) / 3 x 15 per side / 3 x 15 per side / 3 x 15 per side
Elbow bridging / 30sec,30sec,30sec / 60sec,60sec,60sec / 120sec,120sec,120sec
1-leg Balance on pillow or Aerex (Eyes closed if too easy) / 3 x 30sec per side / 3 x 30sec per side / 3 x 30sec per side
Seated alternate toe taps / 3 x 30sec / 3 x 45 sec / 3 x 60sec
Prone Arm-lift / 10,10,10 (hold 3sec) / 10 / 10

Aerobic Conditioning Options

·  Do 2/3 aerobic conditions sessions per week as maintenance training

·  Do 4/5 aerobic sessions per week should you need to loose extra body fat

1.  Aerobic Circuit

o  1500m row (target = 5min)

o  3km run (target = 13min)

o  12km cycle (target = 22min)

o  Total circuit target = 40min

o  Stop watch after each exercise start watch as you start the next exercise

o  Rest for 1min between each exercise

2.  Cycle Fartleks

o  Start cycling on level 8

o  Cycle at a work load of 170 watts for 1min

o  Push max (300 watts+) for 45 sec

o  Recover for 1 min (slow cycle)

o  Complete 10 sets

o  Continue cycling at 180 watts for a further 10 min

3.  Steady Cycle

o  45 min steady cycle

o  Keep your Heart rate between 70-80% of age predicted maximal heart rate (220-age)

4.  Treadmill Fartleks

o  Run 90sec at 16km/hr (tight fwds)

o  Run 90sec at 18km/hr (backs & loosies)

o  90sec recovery

o  Complete 6 reps

o  Continue with a 1km steady row

5.  Fast Cycle

o  25 min fast cycle

o  Heart rate at between 85-90% of age predicted maximal heart rate (220-age)

o  Total distance target = 15km

6.  Rowing Sprints

o  Perform 10x30sec max rowing efforts with a 30 sec slow row recovery between each rep

o  Then perform 5x45sec max rowing efforts with 30 sec slow recovery between each rep

o  Slow 2 min walk recovery

o  Repeat x 2

Prepared by

WP Rugby Conditioning Department